Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all!
I'm presently living in Bristol, England. I'm attending a sixth form where I'm taking a photography A level. I guess I haven't had too much experience with photography but I seem to be more interested in it than everyone else in my class! I use a Canon 550D with a 18-200 mm lens. I'm interested in photographing natural objects and landscapes as well as structures and cities. I really like the content on this site and find it very informative!
Richard :)
NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, all. I'm from Nashville, TN, USA. I am a nature lover and was drawn to photography as a way to capture the beauty that I see in nature. I enjoy macro photography with flowers and nature related subjects...I am a hiker, so I regularly go on photography treks!
I also love animals and have great fun feeding and befriending the critters who share my backyard with me (e.g., chipmunks, squirrels, hummingbirds, chickadees, etc.) so that I may enjoy their company AND photograph them at very close range. You will see many of my rodent/bird friends in the photos I post!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello all!
I'm presently living in Bristol, England. I'm attending a sixth form where I'm taking a photography A level. I guess I haven't had too much experience with photography but I seem to be more interested in it than everyone else in my class! I use a Canon 550D with a 18-200 mm lens. I'm interested in photographing natural objects and landscapes as well as structures and cities. I really like the content on this site and find it very informative!
Richard :)
It's a pleasure to have another young person join up. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that being so does contribute to your learning and development. There are lots of people on here who are very willing to share their extensive knowledge, skills and experience so that we can all continue our learning.
I look forward to your participation.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
... so that I may enjoy their company AND photograph them at very close range.
Shanna - That captures, beautifully, what it should be about. I feel the same about the landscapes that I try and shoot. I enjoy the landscape ... and then take photographs of it. If, as enthusiastic amateurs, we don't enjoy what we're doing, then we're not going to to make the best images.
Thanks for signing up to CiC. I hope you enjoy being involved.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone,
My name is Rene from Sydney Australia, new to photography. I got a Nikon D5100, and I had more than few shoot and become really hook with macro, and looking forward to learn as much as I can. By surfing the net I found this great site and found the tutorials are terrific. I will start sharing some of my photos soon.
Congratulations for your site!!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Rene from Sydney Australia,
Hello Rene. I'm very glad that you found this site and have decided to join. I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you improve your photographic knowledge and skills.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello every one my name is Craig I'm Welsh but presently living in Scotland I'm ex-RAF medically retired since my disabilities are quite extreme I'm limited to what I am able to do but I have found that with the use of a manfrotto magic clamp and bars I'm able to mount a DSLR to my powerchair also with the use of a remote I'm able to get a picture like so many others I take lots of pictures and there's always the ones that really stand out among the bunch so I'd like to learn how to increase this ratio also I dabble with PSP and I'd like to learn more about post photo skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
... I'm Welsh ....
Oh dear!
Originally Posted by
.... but presently living in Scotland
HURRAH!. That makes it okay.
Hello Craig and a very warm welcome. Where about are you in Scotland?
I hope that you find being part of CiC useful as well as enjoyable and that we'll see some of those images being posted up either for comment or in one of the competition threads.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Donald and thank you for the welcome I'm currently living in the moray area but in roughly 12 weeks I will be moving back down south to my home town as at the moment I live as stated alone and I get no support so I can go for weeks even months with out seeing any body when I'm not well so I'm being moved back home where I'll have the support of friends and family.
I ask that ppl please understand when it comes to my posts that I am extremely dyslexic so my punctuation grammar and such will not be as good as most but I do try my best to communicate. I must admit I do have photos that I'm quite happy to have taken and when looking at them I can see the faults but I still like them and I'm very nervous to post photos to a forum like this in case the pictures get so badly picked apart that I fall out of love with them and get disheartened which in truth has happened once already when I tried taking some photos of water droplets on a vehicle using different filters and focule length and I showed them to a photographer friend who basically said he didn't like them and out of the bunch only one had potential and that I'd missed it. I ended up deleting the whole album and feeling really bummed about it for the whole day.
So as you can see I'm a little be apprehensive of letting others see and judge my pictures and I might just lurk and read the tutorials maybe asking a question or two maybe three about some thing I don't understand. Maybe way in the future I might just post a picture or two.
Sorry about the blurb not my intension. I hope you and every one else has a great day *thumbs up*
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
..........and I'm very nervous to post photos to a forum like this in case the pictures get so badly picked apart that I fall out of love with them and get disheartened
I certainly hope that what you find here on CiC is that everyone tries to be constructive and helpful in any comments that they make. Sure, at times people can pick up points in a picture that we've maybe thought was pretty good. But once you step back and try to see it thought the eyes of someone else, you realise that maybe it's not as good as we first thought it was. I know I've had that lots of times.
Originally Posted by
I showed them to a photographer friend who basically said he didn't like them and out of the bunch only one had potential and that I'd missed it.
I'm sure he's a nice guy, but unless people are able and willing to give constructive help and advice, then they should shut up.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Craig and welcome. It takes a lot of courage (from the dictionary: the ability to do something that frightens us), to speak or write on an open forum. There is also the desire to reach out and communicate with others. At least it is my way to look at it. Being French Canadian, I have to overcome my handicap in writing in English. My new found love for photography brought me here and I feel welcome and at home in this multicultural group that sure has great photographers and mostly great advice to help improove on photography. Sometimes I just read the posts, sometimes I will answer a particularly inspiring subject or show a picture of mine. The first step is the hardest, so you are already here.:D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Donald he is a nice guy that I've no doubt but it was the way he went about it just sort of off handed no explanation as to why he thought they were bad and no thought that as per the description they were not pictures of water droplets as such rather the testing of some new coloured filters and an 8star filter and it was the use of these filters and star effect I was interested in not the actual picture of a water droplet i don't really mind criticism as long as its constructive and not just said with intent to put some person down :/ but hay ho such is life and that is now in the past and would be wrong of me to keep dragging back up so I'll say no more on the matter other than to say I still respect him and the work he does he is very talented. I've started reading the tutorials and I've found them to be of interest I shall read more later on today after my meds have worn off a bit. Cheers Donald.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hello, my name is dell. i am from new orleans but have not been back since K. i am married to a wonderful woman from indonesia and work currently as a business analyst. i currently have a canon rebel XTi and a sigma 75-300mm, canon 18-55mm, canon 35mm and my wife gave me permission ;-) to buy a canon 10-22mm wide. For the most part i shoot flowers and other nature scenes as i am really to shy to ask permission of people, although sometimes i do take a bus ride around the city and sit by an open window. my photography goal is to each day become a better photographer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
.......... and my wife gave me permission ;-) to buy a canon 10-22mm wide.
You very lucky person!
Welcome Dell. Great to have you here.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and find it a useful place for improving your knowledge and skills.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I am Rudi from Belgium. Photography has been a hobby for some years now. Searching for answers I came across the CIC tutorials, which were very helpfull to me. Ever since, I have been lurking, learning around.....
I 'shoot' the usual stuff, and I try some macro photography, nothing special though... I would love to do some birding...but still a lot to learn!!
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I am Rudi from Belgium.
Hello Rudi. Welcome to CiC.
I'm very glad you have found the tutorials helpful. I hope you find that being part of the forum adds to the usefulness of the site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Donald,
I have no doubts about the usefullness off the forum. Now and than I will try sending in pictures for critique, but this is a big step for me. No idea what to expect.
As I am only an amateur, lack off experience....,I often asked myself the question :"What can I add to the forum"....
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello! My name is John, 20y/o, Philippines. I found this forum via google search because I'm looking for someone to help me with. Actually I'm not yet a photographer but I'm planning to be like all of you. But my problem is in choosing my first camera and this month of March, I'm going to buy it. I don't know what to choose whether what brand but I have chosen some models like this Canon EOS 7D, Nikon D7000, and Sony A77. I'm always researching about gears and equipment in photography and I don't what to regret what I will choose because I'm not that rich to easily buy cameras. I'm very interested in photography and I've started to love and appreciate it. Maybe, I can't afford photography too much but I'll do all to become a professional photographer someday. And by the way, thank you for this wonderful website for photographers. This will help me very much when I started to become a photographer. Thank You! :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
As I am only an amateur, lack off experience....,I often asked myself the question :"What can I add to the forum"....
Answer = A great amount.
Most of the people on here, myself included, started off on this forum with very little of no experience and even less knowledge.
Even by asking the questions that other people, who are maybe still lurking, would like to ask but are afraid to, you will be contributing a great deal not only to your own learning, but to that of others also.