I reckon that if someone were to write a book on "The Art of Managing SWMBO - Tips, Traps, and Techniques", it would be an overnight bet seller :)
(I'd write it myself, but I fail miserably in this area!).
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Hello, Little late start into photography, I am a beginner, but stumbled across this site and fell in love with the photography. Definitely something to aspire too. I have a Nikon D90 SLR lens 18-200mm I know absolutely nothing which is a shame but have just realized I have an eye for sure. So with that maybe I can post some photos, hear some advice on new lenses and different approaches. I would also like to look into photography of food. Take care and Peace, Angela
Hi Angela,
This is a good place to learn, and fear not, most of us seem to have "started late" - actually that's not entirely true, we do have some younger members.
By all means post some photo's (here's how). I'm sure someone here will have shot food before - although personally I prefer eating it, but that's another story ;)
Is that "E13" in London, or am I completely wrong?
It just remains for me to say; welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Thank you Dave I look forward to learning and sharing. E13 E is the middle initial of my name like queen Elizabeth and #13 why not! E13 in London sounds familiar though! LOL Thanks again I will try and upload some shots. Ang
Hi--just joined. I found this forum yesterday while looking for info about HDR programs. I've been shooting digital for about 10 yrs, mostly just point and shoot. Getting more serious about photography over the last 2 yrs and recently bought a Canon 50D. Look forward to learning and participating.
Hi Kim,
That's quite a while to be digital, think I started in 2002/3 (or maybe I'm just a late 'developer' :)), enough bad humour - what sort of subjects interest you?
Hope to see some pics soon, in the challenge or for critique, and you made a start with a question, so that's fine.
It only remains for me to say; welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hello all, I am Chris and just getting started (again). I've been away from photography for about 18 years and have just recently started taking pictures again. I'm using film, but am looking to get started with digital some time in the very near future. I used to be fairly proficient, but have learned it is a lot harder to attempt to ride the bicycle when the grey out-number the brown hairs in my head. Anyway, nice to meet all of you and thanks for the help that I receive everytime I logg in. I love the information that is being exchanged and will assist in any way that I can.
If any one wants to see how slowly I am improving, some of my photos are posted at:
I am new to this forum. I discovered this site by searching for help with my Nikon p90. I bought this camera 2 months ago and am still learning. Any help would be appreciated. Good day to all.
Hi Chris,
In terms of becoming more proficient in photography, the old axiom "practice makes perfect" is never truer.
Of course the cheapness and speed of review with Digital over film means as soon as you go digital and start posting pics here for critique, you will see yourself improve in leaps and bounds.
By all means also ask questions, as you've made a start, I'll say no more on that.
If I have one important point to make to people transitioning from film to digital, it is this: don't assume you can get by without post processing (PP), or you'll never get the best digital can offer.
I have a theory that this can be a particularly difficult concept for transparency (slide) shooters to get used to; they have spent so long getting everything right 'in camera', they can find it hard to jump in and embrace the PP side. Whereas those used to printing their own negs (or slides) will probably be used to dodging and burning, etc. and have an easier journey and achieve better results quicker. I am not saying anyone with that view is wrong, or that I'm right, it's just my 'pet' theory ;)
Anyway, enough of that, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Kidede,
I'm guessing you stumbled (or googled) across one of Joy's posts, another recent joiner with a P90!
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it's great to have you with us.
If you've got any specific queries, don't be shy, ask the question(s), there's no charge for starting a new thread :) or tag on to an existing one that goes halfway to answering your question but doesn't quite get there for you.
If Kidede isn't your name, it would be really nice to have a first name for future posts.
Good day to you, :) Dave
PS Is "Good day" a clue as to where you are from, or just another of those daft english generalisations about people from Aus(tralia), I wonder? :D
No I am not from Australia. My name is Kathy and I am from Lynchburg,Virginia in the USA. By the way- where are you from? Thanks for the welcome. Have a great day!
Hi Kathy,
Well that just goes to show I shouldn't jump to conclusions ;)
Thanks for the reply, I'm from Windsor, near London, UK.
Have a great day too :)
A Canadian guy.
I'm definitely not new to photography: processing 110 at age 11, on to 35mm semi-auto rangefinders, then my first 'real' camera, a Nikkormat FT2, and then added an FM later, and so on. Did photo classes and freelance work (architecture, budget product shots, 'events') and of course, did lots of 'hobby' work. Which of course, doesn't pay diddly squat, but was fun and gave me some good experience. Sold photo equipment in retail on the side to make ends meet.
Went on to work for a major photography manufacturer, and ended up doing lots of various imaging daily, such that I lost the 'fun' of doing it in my free time. Got pretty good at digital processing of higher-end scans and the earliest digital cameras, and the software (starting with PhotoShop 2 and Corel 2 and progressing from there), but most work was for very rigid (although varied) purposes. Advance several years. Switched employers, and got back into photography, and began to get reasonably 'good' again, then went on a longer, planned trip throughout Bolivia. Dusted off & checked everything , and bought a selection of appropriate professional films, and promptly had all of it destroyed by the Canadian airport security nutbars (who have a nearly unbroken dotted-line reporting relationship to the U.S. Homelands security fanatics) on the way there. Decided it was time to finally go digital!
That was a year and a half ago. I'm still learning the subtleties of digital, which has come an awfully long way. Having been burned with unreliable electronics before, I had always used 100% mechanical bodies and an external light meter - not even any autofocus. This move to digital was a big shift for me. Since my lenses were useless on the new prosumer bodies, I started from scratch with my camera choice, and took a long time deciding. I picked a platform that I believe one of the CiC moderators shares: Sigma/Foveon. It turns out that it's a finicky & peculiar enough platform to make the adjustment to digital just that much more arduous.
But I love it. I'm sooo glad I've rekindled this passion. I purchased some decent glass pieces with an SD-14, and its very much like shooting transparencies, and a perfect camera for a photographer that really likes to plan out their shots. My wife has always had the more 'natural' and spontaneous eye (the perfect 'street shooter'), while I'll take more time to get a decent shot (and my photos still tend to look a speck more staged than hers), but I'm content with just one body right now, and have made some huge strides. I do still need to bring my post processing skills up to par though. Gone are the days when it was impressive enough to clone someone's head onto a an animal, or make duotones. I need to get 'subtle'!
This site has some of the finest tutorials anywhere (since my 'digital' purchase a year & a half ago, I seem to keep ending up here when cruising the web!), and absolutely stunning galleries. I really like the pleasant, but not patronizing, attitude too. I do hope too that all of my past mistakes and recent learnings can be of help to some of the other 'newbies'.
Hi dlj,
Welcome to the forums - great to have you with us :)
Do you have at least a first name that we can use?
Sure. Formally go by 'Lew', but also respond very well to "Breakfast" or "Dinner".
Thanks for the welcome!
Nice to meet you "Lew". And welcome....
I am Susan from the USA - state is Iowa, which is right on the Mississippi River. I have been shooting digitally for about a year and love the possibilities! I am wanting to learn more about pping too. Currently, I am reading all that I can on HDR and am really wanting to get my feet wet with it!
Hi darnleyt!
Here's a photo I took in your homeland in 1990 and scanned back then with a cheap (2.4 OD) scanner, but it always reminds me of the wonderful camaraderie of Soufriere in St. Lucia, when the fishing boats come in.
Aside from the poor image quality, this image is also awfully distracting (foreground subject to background action, and cropping makes it more confusing without the context), but if I didn't grab the shot that second, I never would have preserved that moment at all.
You've probably got some memories of that wonderful island that blow away this tiny snapshot, but maybe this will bring some more back. I'd love to see your influence on some your photos.