Hi everyone,
I am not sure that I am posting in the correct spot. I am new to this site and am stumbling around trying to figure out where I should post to introduce myself. This is my first attempt at posting,so please forgive my bumbling.
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Hi everyone,
I am not sure that I am posting in the correct spot. I am new to this site and am stumbling around trying to figure out where I should post to introduce myself. This is my first attempt at posting,so please forgive my bumbling.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Abhimanyu, am a engineer by profession. I am just learning the basics of photography and trying out some of the tricks and lessons that read in the sites. Vast natural landscapes attract me the most.
Hello Abhi and welcome to the CiC forum.
I hope that you find being involved in the forum both informative and enjoyable.
If you wish to be addressed as Abhi, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
hello everyone, and thanks a lot for such a warm welcome. I am from Kolkata, India. My experience in photography is less than a year old! So, I am seeking lots of guidance from you all. I have started mainly with street photography, but my target are wildlife and landscape. My primary intention of joining here is to get a expert's criticism about my photos, so I can rectify and thus to become someone whom you can consider a 'photographer'. So, I hope I will get enriched technically and also my ideas get more matured as I come closer with you all...
Hi,had this site on my machine for over a year...I've been waiting for the right time to join.I have been getting bored with photography lately(that happens from time to time) So here I am willing to learn more and photograph more.
I'm very glad that the right time has arrived. Welcome. I hope you enjoy being involved.
You'll have a good idea as to the sort of forum this is, so please do jump rigth in.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello! Je me présente rapidement, je m'appelle Aurélien, je suis originaire de Bretagne en France et j'ai commencé la photographie l'été dernier: c'est devenu une réelle passion! Je suis tombé sur Cambridge of Colour par hasard en voulant comprendre précisément comment fonctionnait un objectif grand angle et ce site me l'a très bien expliqué. Je m’intéresse surtout à la photo de paysage, nocturne et le time-lapse.
Grace à vous (et à google traduction!) je vais pouvoir évoluer sans difficultés en photographie.
Je suis désolé de ne pas écrire en anglais, je ne suis pas assez doué pour ça ! J'espère que vous comprendrez ce que j'écris.
À bientôt.
Translation (by Bing Translator and Donald)
Hello! My name is Aurelien, I am originally from Brittany in France and I started photography this summer: it's become a real passion! I came across Cambridge of Colour by chance to understand precisely how a wide angle lens works and this site explained it very well. I am interested especially in landscape, night and time-lapse photography.
Thanks to you (and google translate!) I will be able to evolve in photography without difficulty .
I'm sorry for not writing in English, I am not quite good enough at it! I hope you understand what I write.
See you again
Hello Aurélien and welcome to membership of CiC.
I hope that you find the forum both useful and enjoyable. This forum and the tutorials that comprise the website are designed to help people learn so that they can improve their photographic knowledge and skills.
I hope you will post some of your images for comment by other members.
Hi, My name is Duane Stork and I am a full time commercial, event and fine art photgrapher and trainer. I shot my first wedding in high school and wanted to be a photograher then, but I went on to work in engineering, installing,fixing X-ray machines, Nuclear Cameras and cat scanners. I never loved the work and after 29 years I decided to go back to my first love, Photography. That was 12 years ago and can say it was the best thing I have ever done! Just yesterday I taught a workshop to 50 photographers on color managment and large scale printing. I'm in the middle of creating a coffee table book for the PGA and the curator of a charity photography show benifiting the local food bank and homeless shelter.
I was reserching for yesterdays workshop and found Camgridge in Colour and fell in love with the tutorials, and refered my students to come here to dive deeper into color and so many other things. Your site is fantastic!!!
Thank you so much for the great work you do.
Duane - great to have you here. Thanks for signing up and thank you for referring all your students to the site.
You'll have seen that CiC very much aims to be a learning resource and to that end, I hope you will be able to share your own knowledge and skills with others on here in order to help them along the learning curve.
Hello everyone, My name is Michel. I am native French speaker, so be gentle with me. I am a professional photographer for 30 years. My field is scientific photographic documentation for the conservation of works of art. At work, I use a Phase One 645DF with P45+ back and another P45+ without UV / IR filter. I develop the raw files in Capture One Pro 7. CiC is a source of inspiration for me. Thank you.
Hi everyone, I'm Justin and I'm from Phils. Photography had been my interest and hobby when film was still the trend. But it was an expensive one. I stopped for several years but lately the passion got stirred again by a photo shoot I did to my niece. Now that photography is already digital, experimentation can become more extensive or even endless...
Hello Justin. Great to have you here. You are correct - digital has opened up photography for so many more people than was the case in the days of film and it is the enthusiast who is prepared to practice and learn who will rise above the many millions of snapshooters and be able to produce images that people will stop and look at.
Hello to everyone, my name is Arthur (forgive for not literate English), and I from Russia city Saint Petersburg.
Much years rage the photo. As amateur. For itself.
Not long ago use Nikon d800e. The Digital experience no.
I liked the way of the presenting to information on Cambridge in Colour. Friendly atmosphere. The Tolerance to beginner.
Thank you You!
Process nearly not wit. With pleasure to learn. And hope to continue.
Hi everyone
My name s Rob.
I am really glad to join this forum and hope that I will be able to contribute and learn by sharing experiences. I am an enthusiastic amateur photographer and hopefully will improve my skills in all aspects of creating super images.