Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to All from Texas. I see place names form all over and even down under. Started out with 35mm too long ago. Now I shoot film for fun and shoot Sony DSLR with Sony and Minolta lens. Still use gear from film and I still visualize my shots in a little rectangle as I compose. My grandchildren all think a cellphone IS a camera that takes great pictures. They are always amazed at what I do. Been reading C in C for 2 years and definitely like those tutorials. Never thought? I knew everything but I have to learn new things everyday just to keep up with technology-DSLR, Software, desktop, laptop, internet,,,,,,on and on. Adios
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Steelman In Texas
Hello to All from Texas. I see place names form all over and even down under.
I know, Joe. We do try and keep them under control.
Great to have you in as part of CiC. I hope that now you are in the forum, CiC proves to be even more helpful and useful.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to everybody,
I am Kambiz . I have a canon EOS 7D with EF24-105 mm lens. I am very beginner to photography and I'm determined to improve my photography skills. Please tell me where I MUST start learning ?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone! My name is John. I have arrived here by trawling the web trying to help with my photography. I was forced to retire a couple of years ago and the Doctor advised I get a here I am! Looking forward to any help I can get.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi to everybody,
I am Kambiz . I have a canon EOS 7D with EF24-105 mm lens. I am very beginner to photography and I'm determined to improve my photography skills. Please tell me where I MUST start learning ?
Kambiz - Hello and welcome to CiC. I hope you enjoy being a member of the forum and that you find it helpful.
The very first thing you might like to do, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, is to go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Then, I would recommend that you look at the CiC tutorials and make a plan for how you wish to work through them. They are very helpful, but it would be wrong to try and understand them all at the same time.
And maybe most important of all - Get to know your camera and lens intimately. Practice, practice, practice until you are confident that you fully understand how to get the best from the equipment you now own.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone! My name is John. I have arrived here by trawling the web trying to help with my photography. I was forced to retire a couple of years ago and the Doctor advised I get a here I am!
John - Sorry about the circumstances that have led you to arrive at the CiC forum, but I'm glad that you have. Welcome.
I hope that what you do find is lots of people who are very willing to share knowledge and experience so that we can all continue learning and, hopefully, improving. CiC is that sort of resource. The only way to get answers to questions is to ask them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Kim and I hail from Kentucky. I'm an amateur photographer and enjoy traveling, galleries, museums and any old family photo album you'd like to share. I LOVE photography of all kinds and this site is fantastic! Such beautiful pieces of art. I want to look, listen to your comments, learn and enjoy. Thank you for sharing your work and experience.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Kim and welcome on board.
It's great that you've already been exploring the site and I hope you enjoy being part of our community. So do carry on looking and learning, and if you have any questions ask away - the members here are always happy to share their knowledge and experience. Maybe we'll see some of your own work before too long?
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone, I'm new here! I'm David and I use Canon EOS 350D with 10-22 lens and an EOS 5D MkIII with 17-40. I'm most definitely not a pro, earn my living as an estate agent and aspire to taking better photos of property than my competitors!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi David, and welcome (you might want to update your p[rofile with your real name: most of us do)
You have an interesting pair of cameras there - I imagine the focal lengths are needed to get good property photos.
Do you have an interest in photography outside your profession? Whatever, I hope you enjoy being here and joining in with this friendly and helpful community.
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hi' i'm bernie,i have a nikon d5100/kit lens and 1.8 35mm and sigma 50-200 presently in my arsenal.i'am retired and getting more serious about my photo habit at least as for as i can afford.i guess i would say i have a working knowledge,with must to learn.i live in central n.j.and enjoy taking pictures of everthing,but really enjoy skyscapes and macro/closeups. looking forword to learnig more from all you guys-gals
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everybody, I'm Diego. I live in the south of France where I enjoy taking pictures with my canon 600D. Lately I'm giving a try to a lovely 50mm f/1.4 lens. Thinking of producing some portraits to be displayed soon.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all member, The name is Luc and I am from north of Montreal. I make my picture with a Pentax camera, and my preffered lens is my macro lens.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to everyone @Cambridge in Colour, I'm Anton, i live in Yogyakarta Indonesia and I use a Sony Alpha 230 with manual lens minolta md 50mm f/1,4, minolta mc rokkor pf 50mm f/1,7, minolta auto rokkor pf 53mm f/2. I am so very excited about this adventure into photography and taking brilliant pictures like the ones I have seen on this site. It will take time to learn but the challenge is going to be fun. I don't want to just use Auto Focus, want to learn how use Manual with the different apertures/shutter speeds and all the other settings that comes along with it. Looking forward to the tutorials and just going out and doing it to see what can be achieved.
I am hoping to spend more time out there taking loads more shots, maybe posting some on this site and to get the help I need from you at this forum when I need it.
Anton Wibisono
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome to those (Bernie, Diego, Luc and Anton) who have signed up to CiC since I logged off yesterday.
Thank you for joining and I hope you enjoy it.
Originally Posted by
hi' i'm bernie, ... i'am retired and getting more serious about my photo habit
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody, I'm Diego. I live in the south of France ....
Originally Posted by
Lucky Luc
Hi all member, The name is Luc and I am from north of Montreal. I make my picture with a Pentax camera, and my preffered lens is my macro lens.
Originally Posted by
Anton Wibisono
Hello to everyone @Cambridge in Colour, I'm Anton, i live in Yogyakarta Indonesia
For those who have not done it and so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello. I am Krista. I first became interested in photography in college and then stopped taking pictures for a long time. I hated digital photography when it first came out, but now it has come a long way. So I am just now getting back into photography.
Right now I use a Nikon D-5100 with a 18-55 macro lens and a 55-200 long lens.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All, my name is Roger and have just joined this forum, I'm 60 + my main interests are Classic cars got a 40 year old fun car and do show's most weekends during the summer, my other hobby is golf and I try to play 3 times a week....That's that out of the way no down to photograph I started taking pictures about 40 years ago and was using a Zenith I only stuck with taking pictures for a few years and lost a bit of interest and life took over as it does......... I've always continued taking the holiday snaps with various different cameras, but a couple of years ago I bought a Lumix TZ8 very happy with the pictures it takes but I have know got the bug to do some wildlife pictures and not wanting to carry a lot of lenses around (plus the cost) have bought a Canon SX50 HS mainly for the zoom, have read loads of reviews some good some bad but I guess you cant please everyone.........Ok that's enough about me I hope I can get some help from this forum.........But could I make a comment please, I'm new and don't want to upset anyone......But I've been looking at a lot of photo's posted on here and the main thing that I've noticed is most posters dont put there camera details on, is it asking too much for that to be put on because it gives people like me an insite as to what can be done with a particular camera, obviously I'm looking for those taken with the SX50 so I know what can be achived with my model..............Thanks for reading.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello. I am Krista. I first became interested in photography in college and then stopped taking pictures for a long time. I hated digital photography when it first came out, but now it has come a long way. So I am just now getting back into photography.
Hello Krista and welcome to CiC. That's a pattern of involvement with photography that a lot of us on here have followed.
I hope now that you're part of the CiC forum that your enthusiasm and knowledge can grow and develop so that you can achieve all you want to in photography. Lots of people on here will always be willing to share their knowledge and experience in order to help you learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
... and was using a Zenith
Aahh - The good old days!
Welcome Roger. Great to have you here.I hope you enjoy being involved.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Originally Posted by
... I've noticed is most posters dont put there camera details on, is it asking too much for that to be put on because it gives people like me an insite as to what can be done with a particular camera,
That's one of the things we keep prompting people to do, particularly on images for which they are looking for comment and criticism. Depending on which web browser you are using, you can get plug-ins that will read the EXIF data that is embedded into images. So you get all the shooting details. A right click and 'Show EXIF details' does the job. But not every image has the EXIF embedded in it.
I always put basic details at the bottom of my images and will always encourage others to do the same.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everyone,
I am Kapil Dogra.
I am from India, and my hometown is beautiful world famous "Shimla".
I love photography a lot, I own Nikon D 90 and looking forward for your support and lot to learn from you all out there.
Life is beautiful!!!