Hi Lew,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.
By all means jump right in with any questions of your own (or answers for any newbies).
It'd be good to see some pics too.
Hi Lew,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.
By all means jump right in with any questions of your own (or answers for any newbies).
It'd be good to see some pics too.
Hi Susan,
We have plenty of practising HDRers here, so you should be able to get some good advice.
You've no doubt found that topic has it's own little corner here; if you have any questions, either start a new thread, or join in one already on the go.
What sort of camera are you shooting with at the moment?
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
From your intro post, it looks like we both have some 'ramping up' ahead as far as the digital world.
Looks like you have a natural eye, by the 'chick meets cardinal' shot. BTW, Rufus is adorable.
Thanks Dave;
I think I've pepared myself mentally for some constructive criticism, and am ready to post a couple recent shots. I gather from a snapshot I had just uploaded that I didn't go about it the 'best' way. It looks like there's a per-user size quota, so uploads are probably best reserved for helpful text docs or small utilities. I did read the FAQ (honest!) before I posted, but would apprciate any advice as to how best include some photos. I don't have a Flickr or pbase account, as this is about as 'social' as I prefer to get online. I do have a GMX and (mostly unused) Multply account: am I better to upload the images there, and then paste the URL including the image filename? That's the best I could gather as to an encouraged method.
And for new members, where would you recommend I make those forum posts: my guess would be in either the 'Tips & Techniques' forum for technical queries, and 'Photo Commentary' for composition discussions?
Apologies for asking these questions probably the 300th time, but it wasn't totally apparent to me.
Thanks for the kind welcome too!
- Lew
Hi Lew,
Yes, those forums (fora) sound about right, if you get it wrong, Colin or I can always shift it with a few mouse clicks.And for new members, where would you recommend I make those forum posts: my guess would be in either the 'Tips & Techniques' forum for technical queries, and 'Photo Commentary' for composition discussions?
You're right about the quota for the attachments, so keep 'em small. Here's a post on how to make them big like I did with the Carribean snap; How do I post images here?
Yesam I better to upload the images there, and then paste the URL including the image filename? That's the best I could gather as to an encouraged method.
Trust me, I have not found over-socialising at PBase to be a problem!I don't have a Flickr or pbase account, as this is about as 'social' as I prefer to get onlineI think I've only had one or two comments from people there in six months. It costs about $23 USD to get a 500MB account that allows direct linking of pics to places like here. Money well spent IMHO as it does just what I need, have a look at my galleries from link in my signature.
Don't worry about asking these questions, many others will benefit from the answers too, they were just too shy to ask!
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 28th August 2009 at 07:41 PM.
Hi! My name is Leendro. I am an amateur photographer. As I had only started 3 month ago. I am student and I'm 19 years old this year. I joined this community hoping to get new experirence from all the masters. Hope you all welcome me in this community.
Well I feel inferior here as most of the people here are using a god like dslr. I'm only equipped with a200 sony.
I apologize if my english is not up to standard as I am not a native english speaker.
Hi Leendro,
Your English is just fine, no apology is necessary.
An A200 is fine; I believe we have several other members with that Sony model and when I joined here I didn't even have a DSLR, just my Fuji bridge camera (a non-compact that looked like a DSLR, but wasn't).
Of course we'll share our experience with you (not that I consider myself a "master"), we are all just different distances down our various "experience paths". How quickly we travel depends how much we use our cameras and PP s/w - so if there is one way to gain experience quickly, it is to get out and use the camera, post the results here for critique, absorb the feedback, go out and do it again better.
When out photographing, be a little adventurous and try different settings, but remember which shot used which method. Sometimes you will find you don't even need us, it's obvious when some ideas don't work as soon as you download and analyse the pictures.
I hope that's all understandable, I think it should be if you English reading is as good as your writing.
So, it must be time for me to say "welcome to the CiC forums" from ...
Good evening,
I'm relatively new to photography. I bought, for my daughter, a Nikon F65 about eight years ago. She lost interest and I took it over, a few years ago. Since then I bought for myself a Pentax K100D super. My older brother had used Pentax for over 30 years and had a comprehensive set of lenses. I enjoy landscapes and portraits. My profession is that of musician and perhaps I'll get around to photographing my colleagues at work. I have PS 6.1 on my computer which I find more than enough. I use Rawtherapee for conversions. I took a beginners course of ten weeks duration at an evening college about a year ago. Since then I use my machines in manual mode only. I enjoy the challenge to produce the correct exposure by my own computations... It is a great challenge to me and it is difficult to produce a good exposure every time. The journey is the pleasure, although arrival is too.
I've found a surfeit of information at this site. I have little to contribute by way of knowledge at this stage of my learning, but will if I can. I love to learn.
Regards to all............ Peter.
I'm a commercial photographer in West Palm Beach, FL. I'm new to this forum. I specialize in architectural interiors and would love to hear from other photographers regarding same. I shoot for a local magazine and am always looking for new lightng ideas. Am a graduate of New England School of Photography and was an advertising photographer in Boston for 20 years before moving here. Love to hear from you and looking forward to your forums.
Hi Peter, me too!
Actually, you might be surprised; when I first joined here I knew little (some will say I still don't), but I found that I could re-cycle even recent learning for newbies (not that I mean that to sound derogatory) and explain it in a way that was/is easier for them to understand because I'd only just been there myself.
Just like there's always going to be someone that knows more than you (lots in my case), there's always someone that knows a little less.
Anyway, enough rambling, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Barney,
Glad to have you join us.
It sounds like you can teach us a thing or two, but it's good that you are still looking to learn yourself. We have a few pros, you might want to look up posts by _GUI_, he's into HDR and has some impressive interiors.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
OK, I'm here, shooting with a Canon Rebel XT (earlier model...) and a couple lenses out to 400 mm (~600 mm 35 mm equivalent).
I have 30+ years of experience with film, 35 mm, 2 1/4 sq., 4 x 5 sheet, and even the old, old 122 film (3-1/4 x 5-1/2") roll film, with an early film plane scroll shutter press camera (when that baby fired, you knew it). I even calculated some depth of field tables, and understood (I thought) Ansel Adam's books on the negative and print.
I purchased a grandfather trap (point & shoot) digital camera some 4 years ago, and have not shot a single frame of film since. I have some 3 years experience on the Rebel XT by now, too. Picked up some valuable instruction on composition as well.
Then last June I spent a week in Yellowstone Park going after wildlife. From a pro I learned the benefits of RAW and LightRoom 2. What a vast improvement! I have a whole new realm to discover!
The working mantra: You don't know fuzzy until you've seen sharp.
Now I am trying to photograph my own wildlife -- butterflies, insects, birds and small animals in my front yard. The rules are the same as for the larger critters in Yellowstone -- f/8 and be there. You have to do a stake out, with patience, for them all.
Back on the computer and LightRoom (what an inspired name for a replacement for a darkroom!) I bought Aaland's book, Lightroom 2 Adventure, and absorbed it, but I still have some detail questions, which I will post elsewhere. To find out just what the controls do to the image & the data is why I came to this site. If it fits in, I may also post some samples to find out more from all of you about how to compose better. I also need help understanding (and using) the overwhelming color in our (restored prairie) flowers that are in full swing now.
Last edited by JayWarner; 2nd September 2009 at 06:53 PM. Reason: refine text
Hi again Jay,
I think I have answered a couple of those other questions already, but that's no reason not to formally welcome you here
Best regards,
welcome new people who joined....![]()
Hi everyone! I'm new to the MB and have had my Canon 500D/T1i for a day.
Moved up from the Canon A610 (Point & Shoot) which I absolutely love!
I'm a scrapbooker and got into photography because of it. I'm currently doing a Project 365-taking a photo a day for a year. It has helped with my knowledge of manual settings but have far more to learn!
Hi scrapper',
This is a good place to learn, any questions, just ask.
If you are buiding the 365 thing online, can you share the URL with us?
It would help us to know a first name to address you with though.
Thanks, and welcome to the CiC forums from ..