Hi, my name is Sam and I've been interested in photography for years but am hoping to turn a hobby into a professional one day. I currently have a Canon 400d with kit lens and a 100mm macro lens but looking to add to my collection soon!
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Hi, my name is Sam and I've been interested in photography for years but am hoping to turn a hobby into a professional one day. I currently have a Canon 400d with kit lens and a 100mm macro lens but looking to add to my collection soon!
Jeanne - I'm very glad you did and it's great to have you here as a member of the CiC forum. Thank you for what you've said about the site.
The tutorials are all the work of the site owner, Sean (McQ). He's a resident of California .... but we don't hold him responsible for that ... who was at Cambridge University in England when he started CiC, hence the name.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and that it does add to the positive experience of the site that you've had up to now.
Go for it, Sam. If you set your goals high and dedicate the time and effort to the learning that is needed, then there is no reason why you can't achieve what you want. But it is tough in the big, bad commercial world.
I'm going to be in your town tomorrow (at the Maritime Museum, Greenwich) at the Ansel Adams exhibition. Now there was somebody who managed to find a way to make a living from photography.
I am Mini. I like photography. I am using Nikon D600 camera. I hope I could learn more from ths group.
Hi everyone thanks for accepting me on to your site. I have my first question, I'm going to be taking photos on a cruise boat at night for an engagement party, I have a canon 600D and would like to know what settings would you guys use for this...thank you for any feed back
Hi, Here is my background. About 3 years ago, I bought my first DSLR a beginner's Canon XS, mainly to familiarize with DSLRs and learn manual photography. Gradually for me it became a hobby to shoot landscapes and night photos. Subsequently I added a Canon 50mm 1.4 and Tamron 17-50 to my collection. I also started taking Post Processing seriously with PSE9. And over last 6 months, I have found Panorama technique to be also fascinating. I am joining this site hoping to read about experiences of other like minded photographers, and also perhaps to help a decision on the next camera body I hope to upgrade to. I am based in Portland, Oregon and am a Software Engineer.
Hi everyone,
I'm Sangyu and I'm from China. I'm new in photography and I hope to learn from evryone at CiC.
hi Iam george a new member I use a canon 600d and a fujifilm hs30exr I enjoy my photography. Icome from Scotland were there are plenty of very good landscapes. Iam looking forward to being involved with the community in CIC.
Hi everyone. My name is Mel,I live in no Nevada and I am very interested in learning photography as a hobby. I have a canont1I with a few lenses- 18-55, 55-250, 28- 135, 50mm prime and a sigma 10-20 wide angle. If I only knew how to use them! Thanks for having me.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Chris, and I am from California. Photography has always been an interest of mine. I am very, very new and want to learn as much as I can, I stumbled upon this site while reseaching various tequniques and ideas. this site has answered so many of my basic questions when it comes to basic techniques. I look foreward to learning from all you memebers. take care.
I am David Egerton a retired teacher living in East London close to the Essex border. My interest in photography has been lifelong, but intermittent, and this is reflected in my level of skill which is in need of work to put it politely.
I have never developed a passion for a particular type of photography and find portraits, lanscapes, architecture equally pleasing. In short I am a happy snapper, with a desire to improve the quality of the images I produce
I am a new member to the site who uses a Canon 600D. I certainly envy the potential for lanscape work you have in Scotland, but not the weather you are having at the minute.
David Egerton
Good grief - I go away for a day (yes, I was at the Ansel Adams exhibition in London yesterday) and all these wonderful people sign up. Brilliant.
So, from Mini 10 posts above this one, welcome everyone. It's great to have you here.
Ans, Sangyu, if that is what you can produce when you have only started in photography, then I look forward to seeing what you produce once you have some experience!
I hope you all enjoy being part of CiC and that it helps you to elarn and to improve your photographic knowledge and skills.
And for those of you who haven't done so and so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
HI: My name is Terencio. I am delighted to have found this site.
I hope some of you will be able to help me with printing enlarged images of an incredible Peruvian Artifact which is gold on top and on edges and quite small, one inch in height and one inch in width. On the bottom is an image of Indian etched in what I believe to be hard amber.
Incredibly on both top and bottom, I have found out by accident that there are well over 100 images etched in both the gold and amber, including Machu Picchu with incredibly clear detail. These images are so micro, they can only be seen by photographing the artifact and then enlarging those photos in computer.
What I hope you will be able to help me with is printing these enlarged images. When I attempt to do it, I get the original image and not the enlarged one.
Also because the artifact is gold, it is very difficult to photograph it. I have had at least six people including a couple of "professionals" try without success. One person was able to do it, but she only photographed one side of the circular artifact.
Maybe I can get some help with this, but first I want to be able to print out the enlarged images I can bring out in my computer.
Hello all,
I'm William (or Will if you prefer). I've been a member for a while, but life being what it is, I haven't been on very much.
I took up photography a couple of years ago after not really touching a camera since I took a photography class in High School more than thirty years ago. I came across this site a while back and have learned a great deal from the tutorials. There was so much I had forgotten and didn't know (especially with digital).
I hope to be around much more often and look forward to learning more about photography as well as meeting others others with like interests.:)
Cheers to all!
Hello Terencio and welcome to CiC.
I hope this will be the beginning of a long involvement with the forum.
Your specific question will be seen by more people if it is posted into the 'Image Post Processing and Printing' section of the forum. I am copying it there and hopefully some members who can help, will see it and respond. Click here to go to that new thread.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hello from Australia. My name is Doug and learning more about photography everyday. I am interested in wildlife and macro photography. I use a Canon 5d Mark 3 body and have 100 mm macro lens , 70-300mm zoom, 35 mm prime and 25-105 mm zoom to play with. Very impressed with tutorials on this site and look forward to learning from contributions of members.
I'm Chris and my camera is a Nikon D90. I've had an interest in photography for years and enjoy taking photography of the sights and scenes around me.