Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi scrapper',
This is a good place to learn, any questions, just ask.
If you are buiding the 365 thing online, can you share the URL with us?
It would help us to know a first name to address you with though.
Thanks, and welcome to the CiC forums from ..
I'm Laura. I can't find where I'd add a signature-this mb has a different set up than I'm used to, sorry.
I am building my 365 on Blurb BookSmart so I'll have a book when it's done. Now that I have my new camera I may start posting my photos on a blog. If I do I'll add it to my signature (if I can figure out how to add a signature):o
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi my name is Ann Gillon. I am pretty new to slr cameras. Been taking snaps since i was a little girl, so love photography. Love portraits and editing in cs4. Making all my friends have flawless skin. This is a business I would like to get into, glamour shots. About 18 months ago i bought a nikon d 60 when I was in real estate to photograph houses, am now thinking about a second camera, any suggestion? Also, best lenses for close up. Been looking through some of your web sites, fantastic photos, love those ones in India. Don't have a web site yet. I guess you have to be condifent to put your work "out there". I live in a small country town in Queensland and we don't have a camera shop, so any info from you long timers out there would be appreciated.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi my name is Ann Gillon.
Hi Ann,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us :)
You'll probably get better answers to your "which camera / lens" question if you just start a new thread in the Digital SLR or General Photography Discussion forums.
If you have any questions, you only have to ask :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I'm Laura. I can't find where I'd add a signature-this mb has a different set up than I'm used to, sorry.
Hi Laura,
Quickest way to get to your signature is via the Quick Links drop down at top of every page.
Once you have written something and saved it, you also need to got to the Edit Options screen, and in the Thread Display Options block; make sure there is a tick in the Show Signature box.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Ann,
Welcome to CiC from me too, other than that; what Colin said covers it.
Don't be shy, ask questions, and above all, be confident :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everybody,
I am Mit and I am new to this forum. I am new to digital photography as well. Point and shoot cameras have changed my life, making me lazy and gradually I lost my film camera habits. As a Nikonian, I have acquired a number of good full frame Nikon lenses but I cannot afford a good camera body yet. At present I have learnt to be happy with my D90. I enjoy traveling very much, visiting various countries and learning different cultures. And I really like taking landscape photos. As a consequence most of my work are travel-class photos.
I have some knowledge of LightRoom. I guess my next step is to learn Photoshop. I hope you would be able to help me by offering me your straightforward and frank comments on my work, such as my composition, choice of colours. Well, to be honest I have problems with colours to express myself in my photos.
Best regards to all of you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
was google for photography tutorial and been lead into cambridgeincolour, and really learn alot from this site. photography is my hobby, and welcome to visit some of my photos in ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Point and shoot cameras have changed my life, making me lazy and gradually I lost my film camera habits.
I hope you would be able to help me by offering me your straightforward and frank comments on my work, such as my composition, choice of colours.
Hi Mit,
I can appreciate the P&S problem and of course we'll help with your pictures, don't be shy, just start posting in one of the two critique forums.
Only a D90 (!), it's not that bad is it?
True it's not FF, if that's what you are used to.
I have a view, since I'm unlikely to take that step unless the lottery comes up, that using FF lens on a crop camera must give better IQ than when you eventually go back to FF because you aren't suffering vignetting and you're using the better part of the lens in the middle on the DX sensor cameras.
Where abouts are you located, if I may ask ;)
Anyway, here's your official welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
was google for photography tutorial and been lead into cambridgeincolour, and really learn alot from this site. photography is my hobby, and welcome to visit some of my photos in ;)
Hi Jolee,
Yes, my hobby too, good init?
This is a great place to learn, please do join in as much as possible.
You have some nice pictures there, I see (from the one picture I looked into more deeply) that you're a Sony A100 user, we've a few other Sony users, so you're not alone :)
Could I be my usual nosey self and ask where you're located? :)
Thanks, oh, and welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I have a view, since I'm unlikely to take that step unless the lottery comes up, that using FF lens on a crop camera must give better IQ than when you eventually go back to FF because you aren't suffering vignetting and you're using the better part of the lens in the middle on the DX sensor cameras.
Hi Dave,
I am located in Sydney, Australia. When I was young I used to have my own darkroom. I used 'DX enlarger lens' instead of standard lens on my enlarger, I mean I used 80mm Componon lenses instead of 50mm so as to use the best part of the lens. In the mean time I am happy to wait for the time pre-loved FFs are affordable.
I have uploaded a few travel-class albums, under my 'digital pen name' tenfo. Please have a look at them and give me your straightforward comments.
I am looking forward to hearing your comments, particularly those on my colours.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Just joined the forum, i have been taking pics of my son racing motor bikes in the UK and realised that I have a lot to learn have taken some brill shots but sometimes look at the camera and think why does it speak latin and I speak Greek. So to that end I have just enrolled in a beginners course to teach me about my camera. I suppose it would help if I read the book.
Any tips or advice fire away.
Alcohol001 (Bruce)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Bruce,
Knowing which camera you have would help ;)
Any chance of seeing a pic or two, or a link to a web site where you post them?
Good luck with the course, but do join in here as well and you could be top of class :)
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Mit,
Your colours are certainly bold, but, and I hope you don't mind me saying, they need to be to compete with all the ads on the webshots gallery :D
I probably shouldn't say this, but I really would consider moving host if I were you.
Do the colours look bold to you too, or were you interested in my comments because you think they are subdued but others have said they are very bright?
Your picture compositions are good though - what do you post process with?
Hope that helps (and doesn't offend)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Jolee,
Yes, my hobby too, good init?
This is a great place to learn, please do join in as much as possible.
You have some nice pictures there, I see (from the one picture I looked into more deeply) that you're a Sony A100 user, we've a few other Sony users, so you're not alone :)
Could I be my usual nosey self and ask where you're located? :)
Thanks, oh, and welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Dave,
I am Malaysian, currently working in S'pore but soon will relocate to Cambodia, looking forward to shoot more photos from there. :p
i went to college in L'pool and Uni in Salford, total i stayed in UK for 9yrs already, miss UK very much though.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Dave,
Thanks a lot for your straightforward comments. That's exactly what I expected to hear. The photos were taken between late 2007 and early 2008 with a D80, and it was winter in the south western region of China, altitude 10800'. There were no polution at all. The sky was deep blue (no CPL used). Anyhow I PP with LT2. I tended to overdo either the colours or contrast. That was a habit I got from my B&W printing.
The website I use is free, along with ads. If there is a word in your title or comments such as 'Thai' then the website application will display one such as 'Thai Ladies ..'
Hope I will receive more frank comments from you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
I have a view, since I'm unlikely to take that step unless the lottery comes up, that using FF lens on a crop camera must give better IQ than when you eventually go back to FF because you aren't suffering vignetting and you're using the better part of the lens in the middle on the DX sensor cameras.
To be honest Dave, I don't think it's really much of an issue. With pro-grade lenses (L-Series for Canon) vignetting is minimal (if at all) and with lower grade lenses it's usually trivial to fix in PP.
Of course some often ADD vignetting as an effect to help emphasise (sp?) what's in the middle of the frame, so I guess you could even argue that it's a lens "feature" :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
My name is Chris and I am from Brisbane, Australia. I use Canon 400D and I like to take photos of plants and landscapes. I found this site while looking for a good explanation of diffraction problem and what I found here is probably one of the best discussions of the subject.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
My name is Chris and I am from Brisbane, Australia. I use Canon 400D and I like to take photos of plants and landscapes. I found this site while looking for a good explanation of diffraction problem and what I found here is probably one of the best discussions of the subject.
Hi Chris,
Great to have you with us.
Just ask if there's anything we can help with :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
My name is Pops. I have retired several times, now, and decided to get back into photography after the most recent one.
I shoot (pictures) with D40, N80, N60, FG-20 and SD750. I have a Canon A1 waiting for me to refurbish the seals.
When I closed my little photo studio in 1958, I swore I'd never shoot people again. When I closed my consulting firm in 1996 I swore I'd never work for that SOB again. Here I am, working for myself and getting ready to shoot a young lady's Sweet 16 party next weekend. :eek:
I shoot what I like and display it about. If somebody likes one enough to buy it, fine. If not, come back next week and look at the new ones.
I'm looking forward to learning from everybody here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all!
It looks that I have to introduce myself to all the other members, so here it goes:
My name is Gonçalo Lemos and I live in Portugal.
I have been shooting for some years now in the digital era but also in the glorious times of film.
I tried to specialize myself on night photography but I am still learning everyday. Nature photography is also a long dated passion.
Currently I run a photoblog about night photography and a website but this last is to be updated soon.
The photoblog is here:
It is only in Portuguese. The english version will be up and running by the end of this year.
But if you only want to see some of my shoots, Portuguese is fine, I guess...
Nice shooting
Kind regards,
Gonçalo Lemos