I am new here and have many thoughts to share..
will be sharing it partly
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I am new here and have many thoughts to share..
will be sharing it partly
Hello Jeff and welcome to CiC. Glad you've decided to join. I know the feeling about how good you think you are!!
But, this forum and website are all about learning and about people supporting each other to improve and develop knowledge and skills. I hope you enjoy being part of it.
Dan - Hello and welcome. I hope you will post up some of your images so that we can enjoy them as, if you ask, comment upon them in a way that provides helpful ideas and suggestions.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
hello iam chakrapani from india
amature, intersted in wildlife photography
Hi, new to this site and really don't know where to start. Help will be gratefully received
Hello Chakrapani and welcome to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being invovled with this foruma nd that you find it informative and helpful.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Well, if your interest is in learning and developing photographic knowledge and skills, I'd say you've made the right start by joining this forum. CiC is very much about learning and about people with knowledge and experience helping colleagues who may be less experienced and/or who have questiosn they need answered.
So, if you have any questions about how to use the forum, please just ask. A couple of things that you might are the following two threads (just click on these links) - HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? and How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Hi My name is Ali, I am new to this site, and really want to try to take good photos, and have fun along the way in learning how to do that. Any advice very welcome x
Sorry, if you got my message twice. I am a bit technophobic, and couldn't figure out the whole "forum" business
Sorry, way too complex for my mind!!! With all the "forums" and "links". I am from an era of people actually talking and teaching me "one to one".
I think I should just go to college to find out how good or bad my photos are!
Thank you anyway.
Hi, I am Jable from Canary Islands,Spain where I live since 25 years ago. My language is spanish, so pardon me for the mistakes that possibly I`ll make writing in english.
I was born in 1957 ( uff!!, so long ago). When I was 15 years old, I discovered photography, thanks to a Nikkormat that my older brother bought. Later we mounted a darkroom at house and I began to develop in BW, later in color, from negatives and also positive-positive (Cibachrome) and so,I ever enjoyed this world till now with the new digital cameras, my first of these was a Olympus Camedia (1,4 Mpixel:rolleyes:), later I bought a Nikon D-200,that still I`m using, and one year ago I got a D-800.
The only money that I`ve got from photography was, meanwhile i was in the University for Medicine, developing Cibachrome copies for small photography shops.
Well, again hello to everybody ¡¡
Hello Pedro and may I welcome you to CiC. Your written English is very good.
You clearly have a great deal of experience in photography and I hope you will share that with others in order to help them learn and improve both their knowledge and skills. This is a forum where sharing knowledge so that we can all learn is encouraged.
I hope you enjoy being part of this forum.
Hola, Pedro, y bienvenido en CiC.
I will write in English, because I think your English is probably better than my Spanish :)
I hope you enjoy being a part of our community. Please tell us more about what kind of photography you enjoy. This is a very good place to learn, and there are very many excellent photographers here who are always ready to help. If you have questions or images you want to share, please post them.
Thank you very much, Donald, for your wellcome.
I`m sure that I´ll learn a lot being member of this forum and for sure, I will be happy to share my modest knowledge and skills whith the rest
Thank you,Dave.
As a try I am going to post one image from flickr. I dont know if I´ll get it...
Playa del Moro06272007.jpg por Pericomales, en Flickr
This is very close to my home ¡¡
My name is Bill. I am a retired high school teacher who has been taking photos for about 50 years and have recently discovered that I have MUCH to learn. I have been going through the tutorials on PP, and hope to participate fully in CiC in the future.
Hi everyone. I am Sandy. I retired from teaching and found the love of travel and photography. Though I have been at it just 3 years , I feel like I still am learning so much. I have a Nikon D7000 that I love. Been traveling to our beautiful national parks and have posted some photos on my web site, www.skgphoto.com. I am looking forward to learning and possibly helping out here I this forum.
HI ALL My name is Tony I'm from a town called Drogheda in Ireland and I'm interested in table top and hdr as well trying to learn Retouching
I'm looking forward to posting some photos soon for feed back