Hello Peter and a very warm welcome to CiC.
I'm glad that you like what you've seen so far on the site and I hope that being part of the forum adds to that.
Have you got those pictures scanned? It would be great to see them.
Printable View
Hello CiC members,
I am Andrew in Delaware, USA. I've taken snapshots with a variety of cameras over the past 50 years but have recently decided to try to become a proficient photographer. I hope to learn both the technical and aesthetic components of producing photographs. I've no aspirations to become a professional but rather just to feed that thrill that comes from making a photograph that actually looks like what my brain is seeing. I have recently acquired a Sony NEX-6, the light weight and reasonably small size appealed to me. I can't say I have a particular style or special interest area; there is so much appeal in so many areas of the photographic process.......and all these images that keep forming in my head as I journey through life; I hope to learn to capture them.
Thanks so much for being here,
Andrew - Hello and welcome and thank you for joining CiC.
So many people on here will be able to identify with that, including me. I never fail to get that thrill when I reach the point, in post processing, where what I'm looking at is what I saw in my head as I stood with the camera in hand. I've recently just started printing my own pictures and that adds to that thrill even more.
Hello to everyone. My wife and I are retired and live on the road full time in our RV. We have traveled around the country and some of the mountain regions in Mexico. I have a small blog where I show some of my images and places we have traveled
Hi I am a new member, I am a scientist, I use some 4-5 cameras, have been member of the St Louis Camera Club, which has a major Internet presence, for 50 years and have over 600 points, but am trying to be more creative in spite of my advanced age. My immediate question is a new Lumix FZ200 on which I am a newborn baby, but like v much/ I am married to cameras with what the French call an "orientable" screen. Anyway, I am just pushing buttons for the first time, took some images, recorded some motion pictures whih I can see and play in the camera. However, if I pull the card and read it in 2 computers, there are only jpg files, no mp4, no motion pictures. Yet they are there. BTW: I am in Windows, use Photoshop and PS Elements as a catalog program, and have 30,000 digital pictures. V fond of pure black & white images, no greys.
So what happened to my mp4's ? Where on the camera do you choose the motion picture format? And why can WSindows not find the files???
Hello Edwin and welcome to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being part of this learning community.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
As to your questions, I'd suggest that you copy these from this thread and place them into the 'Digital Cameras and Equipment' section of the forum. Those more likely to be able to offer some suggestions/ideas/answers will see your post there rather than in here.
Hello, my name is Bill Wiley. I began shooting photos in the late '70s while in the navy. All of my equipment was stolen in the '80s while attending my fathers funeral. I lost interest, however, I did buy a Nikon FA camera later. I had it refurbished in 2009 and began again. I now shoot primarily with my Nikon D5000 and D7000, occasionally the FA. I have been doing landscapes and travel, and now I would like to learn more about portrait photography. My gallery address is http://www.billwileyphotography.com and blog http://www.billsphotoimaging.com. I'm looking forward to any feedback on my photos and learn from all of you.
Hello Bill and a very warm welcome to CiC.
That's a very impressive set of images you have as the slideshow on the homepage of your website.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and, in the spirit of what CiC is about as a learning resource, that you will share your very obvious knowledge and skills to help others learn, as well as, hopefully, you benefiting yourself by being a member.
Look forward to seeing more of your images here on the forum and hearing your thoughts and ideas.
Hello, my name is Bob. I live in the south suburbs of Chicago with my wife of thirty plus years, Theresa. It seems almost every where I go, I have a camera nearby. I enjoy nature, macro and most forms of photography. Looking forward to interacting with all here. ....Best wishes, Bob
Bob - Thank you for deciding to join CiC. I hope you find it a useful, informative and educational resource that does help you improve your photographic knowledge and skills. I'm confident that you will find it a friendly environment in which people are willign to share, encourage, support, advise etc..
Hello All. Been using a point and shoot for years. Finally decided to take the leap into DSLR and got a Canon T3i. Great Camera, with a ton more features than I am used to! lots of great advice on here from what I can see. Looking forward to learning lots and sharing along the way.
I certainly hope that being part of CiC will help you enjoy your photography even more and contribute to your learning. Lots of people are always willing to share their knowledge and experience, so please don't hold back from asking all those questions that you've maybe felt you should already know the answers to.
So far as the new camera is concerned - Read the manual: Practice, practice, practice: Read the manual: Practice: Read: Practice. It's all about getting to know that camera so well that you don't even have to think about it when you're using it.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
My name is Jennifer and I am thrilled that I was pointed in the direction of Cambridge in Colour. What a beautifully written and comprehensively useful website it is! For a while I've been feeling that my creative development was ahead of my technical skills, but after a few hours devouring the information here, lots of the questions which books and manuals have failed to answer have been clearly explained.
I've always taken photos, but only in the last five years have I started doing it seriously. I mainly use a Nikon D300 with an 18-200mm, a 10-20mm and a 50mm f1.4 prime, but am considering upgrading to a full frame D600, possibly with a 20mm and a 105mm or 135mm prime to replace the big DX zooms.
I also really enjoy my Panasonic Lumix FZ150, and - for when I want something really small, a Canon S95. I particularly like to shoot abstract or graphic images, and am interested in developing a conceptual approach to my photography. My website is www.lateobsession.co.uk
And I am thrilled that you were pointed here.
Welcome, Jennifer and thank you for joining.
I love the very strong project-based approach you have taken to your photography as demonstrated on your website (which is good).
I hope that being part of the forum will add to both the enjoyment and the value of CiC in helping you increase your knowledge and skills.
Hi my name is Hans Brauer. I live in the south parts of Sweden, a short walk from the sea. I view myself as a photographer, IT/Security Educator and Google Apps Geek that does Simracing. My D90 follows me everywhere. My first computer was a ZX-80 and the second one an Acorn. Started out with 35mm film cameras (F65), lost interest, but now I'm back.
My inspiration is the world around me, I take photos of almost everything, learning new techniques as I go along. Dipping my toes into anything that's interesting, landscape, stars, birds, people, highspeed, macro and the list goes on.
I also firmly believe in sharing knowledge with others. The more you can give the more you will get back.
What made me sign up to CiC? Simple I've used the excellent guides and articles for a long time, both for myself and when I'm teaching other and giving advice. It's time I give something back. :)
I'm also very active on G+ and in the Nikonphotographers group and a few others.
In my camera bag (KATA 3in1 30) you would find, among other stuff:
Nikon D90 (49K on the shutter)
Nikkor AF 35-70mm f/2.8 Macro
Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D
Nikkor AF 28-80mm f/3.3-5.6 (plastic fantastic)
Nikkor AF 85mm f/1.8
Nikkor AF 180mm f/2.8 IF-ED
Sigma EX 10-20mm f/4-5.6
Nikon SB-24
Manfrotto tripod
Want to know more?
Have a short read in this post about my first photo with my new Nikon D90
Hello Hans and valkommen till CiC
It is great that you have signed up. Since you have been following the site for some time you will know that it is all about learning and sharing, and you must have a great deal to offer. Of course, you may learn some things too :)
I think you may be the first member from Skane, so it will be good to see images from your part of the world. (Apologies for mis-spelling of Swedish words - I don't know where to find accents on my tablet :o)
I'll be looking out for your contributions,
Hi all, my name is Karen and I reside in Melbourne Australia with my hubby, dog, cat and cocatoo. Three grown children and an 8 year old grand daughter and imminent arrival of grandchild number two.
I work as a social worker/team manager in a busy child protection intake service and photography is a creative outlet that relieves some of the stresses of work and life. I shoot with a Pentax K511s and various lenses. Love macro and landscape but ten towards more detail shots than grand vista.
Some of the photographers I find inspirational are Joe Cornish, Charlie Waite and David Duchenin (spelt wrong). Some of my work can be seen here on Flicker http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightforceimages/ as well as on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/108082991714018745245/posts
And you've got time for photography ....!?
Wow ... as they say. We've never met at any international conferences, have we?
I'm Lead Officer for child protection for the City of Dundee here in Bonnie Scotland (although Dundee has its share of places that are not too bonnie, unfortunately). I used to be an operational manager, but am now in the backroom working on strategy and planning, especially trying to bring our standards of practice in self-evaluation up to those that I have learned are in place in many locations in Australia, as discussed with Australian colleagues whom I have met at various things.
So, great to have you here. I promise that we won't frighten all our colleagues by discussing child protection issues. As you say, photography is about trying to step out of that world and appreciate all that is positive in life, because child abuse and neglect sure-as-hell is not.