Hello Lemix and welcome.
You have some amaizing images on your photoblog!
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Hello Lemix and welcome.
You have some amaizing images on your photoblog!
Hi Chris,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too :)
Good to have you on board.
As Colin says, if you've any questions, just start a thread/post.
Or if you have any pics for critique, there are a couple of fora for that, and if anything you are proud of, there is always the monthly challenge to enter.
Best regards,
Hi Pops,
Well, you must enjoy retirement if you do it so often ;)
It would seem far more likely with all that experience, that you can show us a thing or two, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Similarly, any pics could be submitted as Chris's reply just above, crit or challenge as appropriate.
Anyway, it seems you have already done one other post, so I'd better go find it :)
So, here is your formal Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Gonçalo,
Indeed it is.
As Rodders says, you have some very accomplished photos there. I look forward to seeing some of those here. When home later, I may have to find a translator, because many of the pics intrigue me enough to want to read what you have written :)
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi guys, my name is Agata and I'm hopelessly in love with photography :)
I've had my lovely Canon 40D, my first ever DSLR, for 6 months now, so I'm an absolute beginner.. but the more I learn, the more tricks and techniques I read about, the more I get excited. And now I accidentally found this website.. wow, I love it when photography is explained in technical way, using physics and maths! Being an engineer myself, I prefer digits and equations rather than my doubtful sense of esthetics ;) And this is the best site explaining visually many technical aspects and limitations of photography I've found!
Now about me.. I'm Polish, currently living in Ireland, and moving to the USA within the next 2 months. I love traveling and being on the move - it gives me energy I need to live and to go on. Over the last 8 years I never spent in one place more than 2 years.. so I doubt I will ever be able to settle down in one place/city/country.. ;) I wish I could see the whole wide world, because every place is so unique and beautiful - I could give all I have to someone who invented teleportation :) My big dream is to spend a few months in Africa and to go to Antarctica. My favorite subjects for photography are night/sunset city skylines, natural landscapes, people and wildlife.. well.. with my lens it's rather squirrels than bears and wolves ;)
Here are some of my favorite shots.. sorry for the quality - FB compression, I'm too lazy at the moment to upload the photos elsewhere.. but I will setup a gallery.. one day ;)
[Admin Note: I've moved all of Agata's lovely pics to their own thread so that more people will see them]
Hi Agata,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us. What a great set of pics you have - they'll probably get lost here in the welcome thread, so I've popped them into their own thread here for you.
If we can help with anything, you only have to ask :)
Hi Agata,
Welcome to the CiC forums.
Wow, that's some life travels you have (sorta) planned there, wish I could come, sounds interesting :)
I guess teleportation isn't your field of engineering then?
I know what you mean; the worst part of travelling is getting there ;) (especially these days)
'See' you in the pictures thread for more on those, bye for now,
Hello all,I'm a relative beginner compared to most of you .I'm new to photograph taking, but an old hand at looking at the art of photography.After leaving art school at 17(yes,we left school at 15 when I was a lad)I joined the Royal Marines for the next 26 years and qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist on completion.I retired 2 years ago with a new hip,a new bicycle and a new camera, in that order.It's a pointless exercise looking backwards but I do wish that the immediacy of digital photography was available to me when I was posted to some of the more exotic (and forgotten)parts of the world.So here I am ,a late starter.I first bought a Nikon D40x as an entry level digital camera but got fed-up with carrying a bagfull of lenses to dusty parts of the World and worrying about grinding up the works every time I changed the lens.I looked around and settled for the Leica VLux 1,which ,as you know,is a 'sealed unit' with a zoom range of 35-420mm which satisfies my needs.I also have an Olympus 500E DSLR and a Lumix fx100(my fx 50 is 30 fathoms below the surface of the English Channel-don't ask)I keep the fx100 camera on me constantly.I also have an Olympus OM 1 for that time when all else fails.I only have a very basic computer program to tweak my pictures and at this point in time have no desire to change my photgraphic efforts to much.I prefer Black and White photography( for no explainable reason) but have as much pleasure looking at colour.I came by this site when I was looking for info' on a 3MP Leica D-Lux which I had given to me.So,there you go,my photographic history in a dozen sentences'
Best Regards Arwyn
PS I have'nt ,as yet,collated my pictures into a formal display for viewing.
I live in Santiago, Chile. I am an amateur photographer and am willing to participate in this forum to learn photography. I have a compact camera (Nikon P80).
Best regards,
Hi Arwyn, good intro post!
Thanks for that and, more formally since we're here, welcome to the CiC forums.
We're here for any photographic needs, any questions, just ask and I hope to see some more pics in due course.
Best Regards,
Hi Juan,
This is a good, no wait, THE BEST place to learn about photography, so you have made a good start by joining.
If you have any questions, just ask, start a new thread, or tag onto an open one.
When you have pictures to show from your P80, post them for constructive criticism.
What sort of things do you enjoy photographing?
We have a couple of P90 owners, you may be the first P80 and I did my first whole year here with a similar camera.
I think we had another member from Santiago, possibly last year, but I don't recall seeing anything from them for a while.
Anyway you are here now, so officially; welcome to the CiC forums from ...
welcome you newer new people:):)
Just joined in. I am from the state of WA and have recently purchased a Nikon D-90 with the Signa 18-200 mm optical stabelized. I am presently interested in Hyperfocal distance and Depth of field. Thanks, Thinker
Hi Thinker - welcome :)
Great to have yet another member from Western Australia:eek:
Hi Thinker,
Have you seen these tutorials?;
There are also many threads in the forums, so if you need more, I'd recommend a search on "hyperfocal".
What sort of things do you like to photograph with the D90+Sigma?
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Bought an A300 from Best Buy, I don't know end of March... Couldn't resist dipping my toe into the world of "OH MY GOSH!" pictures, plus the package included the body, 18-70, and you essentially got a 70-300 and an extra battery for free.
I'll most likely go Canon or Nikon when I go big and get the hang of this.
I joined to learn about this whole process, and everything that goes behind it. I've taken a plenty of pictures and learned the obvious: faster the shutter, the darker the picture, less blur from moving objects and high ISO make your pictures look crappy. Now I want to figure out why and how everything works.
Hi Keith,
So, now I can do a proper welcome; "Welcome to the CiC forums".
Whereabouts in the world are you?
I couldn't work it out from the pics, not that I was trying very hard.
EDIT: OK, I tried a bit harder; the lady was photographed in Michigan ;)
The Sony kit should last you a while; unless you've a vast fortune and an apetite for 'serious' lenses, you may not need to go away from Sony.
Good eye Dave! I don't mind a little snooping...it's kinda healthy, isn't it? :)
Yeah, I'm currently an undergraduate student at Kettering University in Flint, MI, USA. Going for an Industrial Engineering degree and I figured while I am here I mind as well get the Applied Statistics major as well, so I got 2 majors to deal with. I'm 3 years in and got about a year and a half to go.
If you want the whole story...this particular school works on a co-op system, so I go to school full time the first and third quarters and during the second and fourth I have a full time job. I currently work for the US Army in Maryland doing some stat work. I'll be there in just a couple weeks. Can't wait to get back to work and ditch this school thing until January.
- Keith
Thanks, I like investigating and diagnosing things; maybe I should have had a different career; detective or doctor maybe, but I went the engineering route, so let that be a warning! :D
I did an apprenticeship on similar lines to yours about 30 years ago, that was more like 9 months/year working and 3 months study, and even that was split into one month chunks - I think you'd have liked that ;)