Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All,
I am Archie and really excited to learn from all of you. I am a bit of an amateur at photography, But truly enjoy this medium to express myself. I love people portraiture, colors and celebrations. I own a Canon rebel T2i with a zoom lens EF-s 18-55mm and Tamron DiII 072. I am currently shy of using the manual function( lack of knowledge of photography) Mostly on Auto mode as my subjects move constantly.
I would love feedback and advise on enhancing my hobby. any advice on Learning tutorials, schools, additional lens , its usage as well a digital software to enhance the quality of my pictures.
This is my first ever forum and would not mind any inputs on my portfolio which I will post . (need advice on where I should start???) Thank You in advance for the encouragement.
cheers, archie
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi All,
I am Archie and really excited to learn from all of you. I am a bit of an amateur at photography, But truly enjoy this medium to express myself. I love people portraiture, colors and celebrations. I own a Canon rebel T2i with a zoom lens EF-s 18-55mm and Tamron DiII 072. I am currently shy of using the manual function( lack of knowledge of photography) Mostly on Auto mode as my subjects move constantly.
I would love feedback and advise on enhancing my hobby. any advice on Learning tutorials, schools, additional lens , its usage as well a digital software to enhance the quality of my pictures.
This is my first ever forum and would not mind any inputs on my portfolio which I will post . (need advice on where I should start???) Thank You in advance for the encouragement.
cheers, archie
Welcome to CiC Archie, it's great to have you with us.
This is a great place to learn and improve your pictures; which I for one look forward to seeing. My advice would be take lots of pictures and post then onto the forum saying what you were trying to achieve and if you felt you had captured what you had in your mind before pressing the button.
Good luck and enjoy being a member.
King regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hai friends
I am a new member in this forum and a budding photographer, I need supports and guidance from you all, specially the comments on the photo's that i posts from now on, I use NIKON D-7000 VR-S camara with Nikkor - 18-55 mm Dx VR S and 55 - 300 mm Dx VR S lenses,
By for now and hava great day
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Sandor. Ilike to shoot events and nature.I saw thi sitee at somabody, i consider great site to change experience and to learn.I will begin to post asap.I shoot with sony and canon.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am a business analyst working from last 3 years. My hobbies are cooking and playing golf. Thank you for letting me a member. I will actively take part here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am from Essex. Looking to learn and enjoy photography now. I have a bridge camera- canon. But still dont use half of the buttons! I will look forward to having comments on my pics. To also make friends with others enjoying photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi. My name is John and I'm from the North West of England. I've had a life long interest in photography both personal and at club level with several breaks due to work. Currently all digital using a Nikon D7000 and a Fuji X Pro. Been looking at Cambridge in Colour for some time and was attracted by how relaxed and unstuffy the group is and by the fact that it has such a broad international following. Looking forward to joining in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Dale. I am not the photographer, my wife is, but she does not do computers. We recently purchased a 75-300 lens and we were asked if it was for a canon film or digital. The cost difference is substantial. She had been using her old film lens on her digital camera with no problems, but the ring broke and a new one had to be obtained. When we went shopping, no one mentioned a difference or even asked whether it was for a film or digital camera. We went ahead and bought the "film" lens on line. Was this a reasonable decision?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Juana. I am new here, I am from Texas. I use a Canon Rebel T3i that I just recently got. Before that a Canon Rebel XS..I love photography and am eager to learn more techniques and tricks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all. I'm fairly new to digital photogaphy, but an old hand with thirty five MM. I'm getting back into photography after a fourty year lay off, working , running a bussiness and raiseing a family . biggest interest for me is outdoor , wildlife and landscape type pictures. Currently, I use a Nikon P510 bridge camera as I don't have the physical capacity to lug a bag full of stuff with . Had a crushed vertebra in my back , so a lot of walking ,or standing doesn't work so well for me . I live in southern MN in a town of 18000 named Albert Lea '
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hi, I am Eugene Ooi from George Town, Penang, Malaysia. Manage to find this site through the web search as I'm just picking up this hobby begining of this year. The tutorials in CIC is very usefull to me. I am using Nikon D5200 with 35mm F1.8 prime, 15-55mm kit lense and Sigma 18-250mm Dc Macro. I hope to get more tips and technics from this forum.....thanks for the great site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome Everyone! :)
We have a lot of new members over the past couple of days, and Donald, our regular greeter, is sunning himself (?) on a remote Scottish island somewhere. So I hope you new members will excuse this group welcome.
We are delighted to have you on board as new members of the CiC community. This site is all about learning and sharing. It's very supportive and constructive, so if any of you have questions or would like feedback on your images, don't hesitate to post in the forums.
If you haven't has a look at the tutorials, you really should. They are generally reckoned to be among the best on the internet.
One more thing. If you have specific questions that you have asked in your introductory message, I strongly urge you to repost them in the appropriate forum. They will get a much wider readership than here, and so you will get a better set of answers.
Enjoy being here, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All!
I have been an avid photographer for about 5 years now. I am a Canon girl through and through; I use a Canon 50D with a standard lens and my new acquisition is my 5D Mark III I wanted a good portrait lens and so purchased the 85mm EF which is quite cool. I work as a teacher and often need to find ways to relax - I do this by doing various projects or whatever to keep me sane. I love macro photography and love flowers as subjects; I also enjoy looking at the world from a slightly different perspective than normal; this sometimes pays off with images sometimes it proves rubbish. I have a telephoto lens that I bought on a whim and as yet haven't mastered taking any good images other than nice blue sky! Have read loads about photography but have a difficult job getting my head around DOF F stops and general technical aspects I tend to like the look of an image rather than knowing what I should be shooting to achieve the best shot. Looking forward to getting lots of help from you all. Love the site too very informative!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Micha, taking pictues for long almost 30 yrs. Still learning. Living in the US. I have a Nikon D300, 35mm,50mm,85mm & 105mm lenses. Love faces and theri expressions. Trying to learn more.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Georgiana, from Bucharest, Romania. I've been fascinated with photography for a long time now, but I've only purchased my first SLR last year, well actually it was a gift from my parents. Marvelous gift, eh? I don't have a specific style right now, or maybe I do have but it's quite undefined. I love black and white photography, it's quite expressive, sometimes even more than colour. I love street photography, old buildings, ruins, portraits, I love nature shots, it's wonderful to trully see and observe the beauty that God has left on this earth.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Gary and I'm an American living in Thailand. Up to now I've only used point and shoot cameras and have a Panasonic Lumix FX36 and a Nikon Coolpix P100. However, I've decided to get more involved in photography so I've ordered, but not yet received, a Samsung NX300 with 18-55mm lens and an additional telephoto lens 50-200mm. I enjoy taking pictures of Thai life, Thai temples, old ruins such as Angkor Wat, and individual and group photos of whatever activities I find myself involved with. I will be returning to the USA in a couple of weeks and hope to breakin my new camera in Washington DC, Baltimore, Ohio, Las Vegas and California.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
For the last 30some odd years, i have been in the photographic world making a living. Thank goodness i have never had to work, and make a good living having fun. Lately i have been fortunate to educate up and comming new photographers everyday. I found your site and use it for a suppliment to our educational training. The images i have viewed from your site have been unique and Imaginative. Thank you for the oppertunity to join you forum. The D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone,
My real name is Howard but I use the alias of Lomax on all internet sites. I have been a photo enthusiast for about 40 years. I shoot mostly wildlife and currently use a Canon SX40 which I love for it's quality and versatility. I have been lucky enough in the past to win a few photo contests and have had a few photos published (with luck being the key element). I joined Cambridge to be in a worldwide community of people who love photography. I hope to learn a great deal, get some good feedback and make some new friends.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone, I am Vee. I have been taking pictures of friends and family for years and finally decided to get serious about it. I am in the "Canon family", and own a Canon Rebel Xsi, Canon Rebel T3i and Canon PowerShot A3300. I love taking photographs and my goal is to get the camera to see what my heart sees.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello. My name is Russell. I've been interested in photography for many years having acquired my first "serious" camera, a totally-manual Canon FTb film camera, in the early 70s. I've stayed with Canon all these years with various AE models up to the ill-fated, dead-end designed EOS-IX APS (Advanced Photo System film camera, not to be confused with an APS sensor). I prefer primes; my favorite lenses were a Canon 17mm f/4 and the 58mm f/1.2 (non-asymmetric version). I also have several Liecas; my favorite is the 1941 IIIc with screw mount Summitar "f=5 cm 1:2" lens. I also have a Contax T2. But this is all from my film days. About 15 years ago I went digital with a Minolta Dimage Xt, a early point-and-shoot with primitive specs compared to today but with its 3x zoom lens incorporated into the body so the lens didn't stick out it was cutting edge at the time. A year and a half ago I returned to Canon with a digital Powershot ELPH 300 HS, a surprisingly capable p&s for its size, but without manual controls. Recently, I decided to get serious about digital. I admire the full-frame DSLRs and all the glass that goes with them, but I'm getting too old to schlepp all that gear around. I was leaning towards either a Fujifilm X-Pro-1 or an X-E1, but I prefer to wait for the next versions, which may be imminent. As a compromise I settled for a Fuji X20, a very capable camera with some issues but an appropriate platform to learn the Fuji way. I'm happy with it so far with the exception that DXO hasn't developed their image software for the Fuji X-Trans sensor yet, something I hope they rectify soon. So, now I'm keeping "my little grey cells" alive with the challenges of digital photography. My interest are far too wide and deep to sustain in the long run, but as I gain more experience I expect I'll settle down regarding equipment, techniques, themes, etc. I look forward to exploring the territory with you all.