Hello, I am from Alabama, USA, I have been taking snapshots/photos for many years. I started out with a small Brownie, then moved through a succession of other cameras until the 70's when I went with a Rolleiflex TRL. For the next 10 years or so, I shot a lot of "stuff" including some portraits and weddings. Got away from that because of a change in my real job, I was a truck/heavy equipment mechanic. About 5 years ago I retired and started part time inspections of heavy equipment, which required getting back into photography. Each piece requires between 50 - 150 shots. I was using a point and shoot Fuji, nice little camera, then moved too Nikon D40 with Tamron 18-250mm lens. This has worked great, got a shutter count a month or so ago, had 37,000! I also have a Nikon D7000, and a Nikon 800 (which I just got). Hope to enjoy my retirement traveling and making photos of whatever strikes my fancy.