Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hello! my name is myrna from canada, got a canon T4i camera as a gift last christmas, took a lesson in familiarizing my camera but once in a while I still find myself back to auto mode instead of utilizing this camera to the fullest. Canada day is coming up in a couple of days and I live right close to the park that I can just shoot fireworks from the balcony. the problem is i'm actually not sure what mode or program set up to use. I'm hoping to find some answers as i'm making my way around CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, am total newbie and have just joined site, but I want to change my name, before I post anything. can you tell me how to do this. I have clicked all around the site but am totally confused, don't even know if I am addressing the right person now, but hope you can help. Thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everybody
My name is Jennifer and I am from New Zealand. I have been having an all-consuming affair with photography for some 30 years now, having the privilege of beginning with film and processing in a dark room through to completing a Diploma in Digital Photography.
All my gear is Canon (except for one Sigma Lens) and I have a love for nature, flowers and macro photography.
A very BIG thank you to the people who create this amazing site and write all the excellent tutorials :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Esther and I am from Gympie, Queensland, Australia. Very new to photography. Received a Nikon D3200 for my birthday in March. Before that I knew absolutely nothing about photography beyond point and shoot. Since deciding I needed to learn how to use my new camera properly, photography has became an addiction, a passion. I absolutely love it and now all I read is photography articles. I've already noticed an improvement in my photos and am keen to learn what ever you can teach me. I also love editing. Adore lightroom for how it can make my pictures pop. Look forward to learning from this community.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Again, a warm welcome to all those who've signed-up to CiC in the last few hours. I hope you do enjoy it and find it helps your learning, which is what the site is all about.
Originally Posted by
John Steadman
I have had a look at CiC in the past and the articles and images posted together with the website are first class.
Glad you like them John. I hope that you'll contribute your knowledge and experience so that others can learn from you.
Originally Posted by
Hello, my name on this site is Cornwall, (cos' that is where I live.)
That seems reasonable, Tony. I know what you mean about forgetting something once you've learned it!
Originally Posted by
hello! my name is myrna from canada, got a canon T4i camera as a gift last christmas,
You lucky person.
I hope that being part of CiC can help you move on a more permanent basis of the auto settings, so that you feel comfortable and confident about going into the settings where you take charge of what is captured. Once you feel you are doing that, teh enjoyment factor just takes off.
Originally Posted by
Linda Watters
Hi, am total newbie and have just joined site, but I want to change my name,
Linda - I sent you a PM, but Linda is a nice name!
Originally Posted by
I have been having an all-consuming affair with photography for some 30 years now,
Jennifer - I hope you find you've found your online home in which you can continue to develop your passion.
Originally Posted by
Very new to photography. Received a Nikon D3200 for my birthday in March.
Another lucky person. It is great when you see the improvements starting to kick-in, isn't it. Again, I hope that being part of CiC will contribute to your ongoing learning and development.
For those you who haven't done so and so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey : I too prefer the second image. Coz This simple and quick Understandable.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone:
My name is Sandipan. I am from India, currently staying in Chennai. I have been shooting since last 23 years (Strictly still photography). I am more than a point and shoot person, but by no means a professional. For the last four years this hobby has been dormant and I bought some new equipment and trying to start again.
My equipments (in chronological order):
Agfa Snapper 35 (cheapest plastic focus free camera).
Zenit 15M, Zenitar 50/1.9, Pentacon 200/4 (cheapest SLR available in Kolkata at that time).
Nikon N65 with stock lens (loaned from a friend)
Fujifilm S9500
Mobile: Sony Experia Mini Pro, 5 MP, autofocus.
NEW: Canon EOS 600D, Canon 18-55, Canon 55-250
Most of my photos are from my various travels.
I am just uploading a sample photo taken in Dec, 2006:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Sandipan. I am from India, currently staying in Chennai.
Hello Sandipan and thank you for deciding to join CiC. I hope you enjoy being involved and find the site informative and enjoyable.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Genci CICI.I'm from Tirana-ALBANIA.Photography is a hobby to me.I've learned all your tutorials on CiC.I have got a Canon camera-500D and a Sony compact camera 12 MP.I like to take picture to everything,especially landscape.I'm happy to be admittedin in your community.Thank you.With respect Genci.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Genci CICI.I'm from Tirana-ALBANIA.
Hello, Genci. Thank you for deciding to join this forum.
I think you are currently the only active member from Albania, so you are particularly welcome.
I am very pleased that you have found the tutorials helpful. I hope that being part of the forum will add to that and make CiC a useful online resource for you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I'm Tom Royer. I spent 40 years as a software engineer and software test engineer. Now, I"ve returned to my first love: photography and have opened a studio in Dover, New Hampshire, USA.
I specialize in event photography (everything except weddings), portraits, landscapes, and fine are. You can view some of my work at
I use Sony/Minolta equipment almost exclusively: 2 A850s, A550, A55, and A230. I also have assorted medium format film cameras that I use on occasion (Mamiya C33, Koni-Omega Rapid M, and three Russian Hasselblad knock-offs). Of course I have lenses to cover most of the range I'm interested in, but my three favorites (not counting the film cameras) are a Tamron 28-200 f/3.8-5..6, a Sigma 28-70 f/2.8, and a Sigma 18-35 f/3.5-4.5. The top of my capital equipment acquisition list is a Sony A99.
I'm a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA), Professional Photographers Association of New England (PPANE), and New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association (NHPPA).
I'm still learning about photography and, particularly, the use and control of light. I take as many courses and attend as many seminars as I can.
Oh, by the way, I couldn't even think of making it in photography without the support of my wife of 33, going on 34, years, Donna.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I'm Tom Royer.
Tom - It's a pleasure to have you here. As well as, hopefully, you benefiting from the knowledge and experience of colleagues on here, I hope you will share your obvious knowledge and skills so that others may learn from you.
I am impressed by how you've lit interior shots such as those in the Holy week 2013 gallery.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks for the kind words.
To keep this thread limited to introductions, I won't go into great detail except to sat that my technique for those interiors is to avoid the on-camera close-to-the-optical-axis (read pop-up) flash like the plague. Event photography is usually limited to one speedlight and I continually try to keep it soft and powerful. I either bounce the flash, use a soft-box diffuser, or use a Rogue FlashBender. If I have no flash except the camera's pop-up (and the A850s have no built-in flash, but the A550 and A55 do), I'll turn it off and jack up the ISO.
Any further technical discussion will be in the appropriate thread.
And I do enjoy being part of CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all! My name is Ali and I am a budding photographer. I use a Sony A55 with a few different lenses. I look forward to learning and growing with you all!
You can see some of my pictures at
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello all! My name is Ali and I am a budding photographer.
Very impressive sunsets in your 'Vistas' gallery, Ali.
Good to have you here. I hope CiC is the sort of place you want to be a regular part of and that you'll join the discussions/debates that take place.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello members of CiC,
My name is Gus, and am a new member to this forum, I'm currently using a Canon 50D with several different lens 70-300 mm 1:4-5.6 zoom, 35-80 mm 1:4-5.6, 50 mm 1:1.8, 28-135 mm 1:3.5-5.6, I've been taking pictures every since I was about 18 yrs young had many different cameras but I like the Canon the best. I'm no professional when it comes to photography I'm here to learn from all of the people that knows all about taking good quality photos, I will post some of my unedited photos when I can, your help would be very appreciated.