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Thread: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  1. #961

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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hello Everyone: I hope I get this right the technology has raced ahead of me.

    I've been lurking around for a couple weeks now and am just amazed at the photos I've seen at this site. Very inspirational for a gal who just got back into her photography hobby.
    I've been away from this for awhile, but recently purchased a Nikon D3000 and have decided to give Digital a whirl.

    I'm learning a lot just by reading the posts here and elswhere on the net. I'd really like to get the best out of my shots. I've posted one from today and would like comments on how it could be improved. I hope the shooting information comes up with the picture, I'm not sure how to do all that stuff yet. Actually I'm quite amazed at the way the camera keeps track of everything and records it for you. Plus 1 for Digital, it's a very good learning tool.

    I've tried fooling around with the trial copy of Nikon Caputre NX2 that came witht the camera. Is anyone here familiar with this program. Apparently it is supposed to be intuitive. Hmmmmmm NOT TO ME. Does anyone know how it compares to LightRoom for being user friendly.

    I'd like to do some post processing but I think if my current efforts are any indication, I better make sure I just get a good photo to start with.

    Anyway, I am rambling on. First Post... so many questions, so much to learn, not enough time.

    Anyway greetings to everyone, and I really love your photos.


    ADMIN EDIT: I have moved Scout's picture to the forum where it will be seen by more people, link follows; First shot for critique from a D3000 gal
    I have also copied the NX2 question to here; Capture NX2 - user-friendly compared to Lightroom?, again to give a better chance of answers.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 17th September 2009 at 06:40 AM.

  2. #962
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hi Scout,

    Just quickly (late for work ), I have split your post into two more parts as per the links in your post above.

    This should ensure better exposure to the right people with those interests.

    I'll give some time to your pic later on.
    Oh, and I (with a D5000) could get my head round NX2 either

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ....

  3. #963

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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)


    You Work too? besides helping out everyone here. Amazing, wish I had that kind of energy. Thanks for moving the posts to where I might get the most help. I've had some replies so far and am going to keep working on it till I get the most from this pic.

  4. #964
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hi Scout,

    Oh yes, can't afford the goodies otherwise!
    (pay here is lousy, but job satisfaction is excellent)

  5. #965
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hello everyone, I just joined/registered. Did my first HDR using Photomatix and Picturenaut. I like it! I probably go with Photomatix Pro Bye for now.

  6. #966
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hi porkphoto,

    Welcome to the CiC forums, that's possibly the shortest intro; a first name would be handy.

    Why not post the result of your efforts in the HDR forum?


  7. #967
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hello Dave,

    Thanks for the welcome note. My first name personal is at this and not familiar with the protocols. My apologies. My first attempt at HDR is embarassing so no post just yet. Thanks for the invite anyhow. Regards...

  8. #968
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hi Rodney,

    Thanks for your name and fear not, we don't worry about protocol too much here - it is just nicer to address people by name

    Anyway, if you have any questions, HDR or otherwise, either tack one on to the end of an existing thread, or by all means start a new thread(s) as necessary, there's no charge or minimum period of membership.


  9. #969
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    I have taken to walking a lot due to medical advice, and it is rather boring but I thought I might brighten up the chore by taking a few photo's.

    I used to be interested in photography when at school, although that was in my own time it was compulsory to do something, so I knew a little about film photography in particular portrait photography.

    It was an expensive hobby, and I just drifted away until now; where I find I'm interested in things that were impossible then, High Dynamic Range.

    I like shadows, mainly pointing in my general direction, but also like to see some detail as you would in the carefully controlled studio environment, but now I photograph scenery because although I would like to do portraiture it is still beyond my means.

  10. #970

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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I have taken to walking a lot due to medical advice, and it is rather boring but I thought I might brighten up the chore by taking a few photo's.
    I do a lot of walking too - I don't usually take a camera, but listening to some music helps me quite a lot. (or plan B, I download some podcasts of news or interviews).

  11. #971
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    I'm usually walking with a tripod and all the gear now,and since it is in a bag it is not easily available in a hurry. Not long ago a couple of cars raced past and the one behind rammed the one in front. The drivers got out and started fighting until they saw me with my camera bag and tripod.

    It would take me ages to get the camera out and ready to shoot, I wished I was carrying a compact that day.

  12. #972

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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I'm usually walking with a tripod and all the gear now,and since it is in a bag it is not easily available in a hurry. Not long ago a couple of cars raced past and the one behind rammed the one in front. The drivers got out and started fighting until they saw me with my camera bag and tripod.
    LOL - I've got my usual shooting kit down to only 3 camera bags and a big builders tool bag ... wouldn't want to have to take that with me on my walks! - although I had to lug most of it about 2km (1/2 way around our local airfield) a couple of weeks ago for my "Lone Tree Vista" shot.

    It would take me ages to get the camera out and ready to shoot, I wished I was carrying a compact that day.
    I'm seeing so many idiotic things on the roads these days I'm tempted to mount a video camera in the car for "litigation" purposes!

  13. #973
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Interesting Shot, the colour is wonderful.

  14. #974
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Signed in 20 minutes ago...happily married since 1953..and somewhat embarassed by a collection of 'family slides' and how best to 'digitalize'
    them.. Looking forward to sharing experiences along these lines.
    Appreciate all the welcomes and look forward to suggestions.
    Seeker from

  15. #975
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hi Arith,

    Sorry, it seems I missed you earlier, it's been getting quite busy on the forums - which is good

    I have taken to walking a lot due to medical advice
    I did that a few years ago, but have got out of the habit. Bad boy!

    I find walking fast enough to say, exercise the old ticker isn't conducive to spotting photo opportunities, so my walks these days are more saunters if you know what I mean

    Anyway, belatedly, welcome to the CiC forums from ...

  16. #976
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hi Seeker,

    That seems to be a fairly common problem, there was someone else not that long ago ...
    Ah, a quick search later; Digitalizing old film pictures from Kirk in Wyoming. My geography is rubbish, so I have no idea how close you two are, not that it matters here in cyberspace

    Hope that link helps for starters, by all means add to that, or start a new thread with any specific queries you have.

    May I request your first name?

    Thanks, and of course; welcome to the CiC forums from ...

  17. #977

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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
    Signed in 20 minutes ago...happily married since 1953..and somewhat embarassed by a collection of 'family slides' and how best to 'digitalize'
    them.. Looking forward to sharing experiences along these lines.
    Appreciate all the welcomes and look forward to suggestions.
    Seeker from
    Hi "Seeker",

    Welcome to CiC

    Sometimes the very best way to do something like that is to just pay for someone else to do it - someone who has the gear, and who knows all the tips and traps. May hurt the pocket a little, but the sanity you get to retain often makes it excellent value for money!

  18. #978
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Cheers Dave; I'm glad I've found this forum with people who know about photography; it is wonderful to find somewhere I can learn something.

    Takes me ages to find out how to use the tools and post, but I will get there eventually.

  19. #979
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    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Hello to all.

    This is my first contact.

    I live in Australia, bought my first DSLR last year, Pentax K20D with 18 - 250 zoom. I am still learning as I go along, have been trying to master CS3 with very little success so I am sure this site offers much for people like me and any advice will be most welcome.

    Regards andi

  20. #980

    Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)

    Quote Originally Posted by andi View Post
    Hello to all.

    This is my first contact.

    I live in Australia, bought my first DSLR last year, Pentax K20D with 18 - 250 zoom. I am still learning as I go along, have been trying to master CS3 with very little success so I am sure this site offers much for people like me and any advice will be most welcome.

    Regards andi
    Welcome andi Cool name I'm sure you'll get lots of great advice here.

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