Hello. My name is Ariyadi Kartosetomo, and I'm from Indonesia. I'm very new to photography and got started
with the Canon 60D. I hope I could learn from this community of photographers.
Hello. My name is Ariyadi Kartosetomo, and I'm from Indonesia. I'm very new to photography and got started
with the Canon 60D. I hope I could learn from this community of photographers.
What a man of impeccably good taste!
Welcome Steve. I know we've exchanged posts in your first thread, but let me also say 'welcome' here. And your post here also allows me to see what camera you have.
Hope you enjoy being involved.
Heelo Dev Dongol and thank you for joining CiC.
That is a very impressive first image that you have posted onto the forum. I hope you find being part of this forum useful and helpful.
I am so, so jealous ......... and full of admiration for you have the guts to do that. Brilliant.
Great to have you here, Pat. Normally I'd suggest to you to go into your profile and insert your location, so that people know where you live. But in your case ..................! You'll probably get folk asking, so you might like to put in soemthing like 'Travelling the world'.
Anyway, hope you enjoy being part of this forum.
Ariyadi - I do hope that being part of this community does help you help you learn and improve your photography. I hope, also, that you find people on here are friendly and that there is always someone with the knowledge to be able to answer any questions you may have in a helpful and constructive way.
If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hello everyone. I am relatively new to photography as a serious hobby. I joined this forum to get some serious information on how to get the best pictures I can. Oh yes, I am from Mississippi.
Howdy all you fellow photographers. My name is Kerry and I am from Warwickshire ( that ...well that little town named after the ball game thrown by big hefty men!
I love photography and self taught myself 5 years ago and now have many weddings , christnings, photoshoots and lots and lots of my children looking extremely bored all clogging up my harddrive as I am too lazy to sort them out,( much better to be out and about ). Sorry, am abit of a rambler too!
Anyway before I bored everyone to tears, it's so good to join a community of lovely like minded people and I look forward to posting on your threads.
Regards to you all x
Hello Fungirl and welcome (it would be good if you could give us a real name in your profile, Fungirl57 is a bit unwieldy).Hello everyone. I am relatively new to photography as a serious hobby. I joined this forum to get some serious information on how to get the best pictures I can. Oh yes, I am from Mississippi.
Anyway, if you want to learn you have come to the right place. Here we all share our expertise (in my case it's a bit limited), and there are lots of very good photographers here who are ready to share.
Can you tell us a bit more about what kind of photography interests and inspires you? There are so many possibilities.
Hoping you will stick around and share some of your images
Hello there Kerry,Howdy all you fellow photographers. My name is Kerry and I am from Warwickshire
I guess that means you are from R****, you could add your name and location to your profile too!
Probably a good idea to sort your hard drive out (I don't suppose that you need me to tell you that). There are quite a few threads here on sorting and cataloguing (is that a word?).
Anyway, I look forward to seeing some of your images, and I hope some C&C on others worlk.
Hello everyone. My name is David. I have had a lifelong interest in photography and I tend to like technology. So I like to investigate the technology behind cameras, digital image files, and image processing. I am semi retired and working as a Realtor. I do a lot of real estate photography. I look forward to discussions with you.
Welcome David. Great to have you here. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that you find it a source of information and inspiration.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top rigth of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello everyone, I'm Reid Ryder from Alberta, Canada and new to digital photography. I have a Olympus OM-D E-M5 camera with a 12-50 mm kit lens.I have ordered a 45mm f1.8 and a 75-300 mm lens. Being an old guy I am very technically challenged as far as computers and camera terms go. I hope to be able to learn from reading posts on here and by posting some of my pics for help & advice. Looking forward to meeting/chatting with members here.
Hi everyone,
I'm Owen from South Wales in the UK, I've been taking photos like forever. I shoot film and digital using a variety of cameras from simple compacts to slr's and also the odd roll film camera, though like me, my cameras are mostly OLD models. My favourite subjects are landscapes, ancient monuments or insudtrial sites and wildflowers.
Owen - Very glad you found us and decided to 'sign-up'. Great to have you here.
This is a forum that's very much about sharing knowledge, skills and experience so that we can all help each other to learn. So I hope all that experience will be put to use on here, with you helping others who are working their way along the learning curve.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Hi, I'm Maninder, a 64 years old male engineer and retired recently. Yes, it's never too old to learn.
My kit consists of D90 and some amateur lens : 18-105 kit lens; 35mm/f1.8; 50mm/f1.8; 105mm/f2.8 macro; 70-300mm VR and Sigma 150-500.
I'm fond of landscape and dable with portraits and cityscapes. Want to develop skills for amateur wild life (that's why the 70-300 & 150-500).
The D90 has been with me for about 3 years and was preceded by a Sony H7, Sony H5 and Olympus point and shoot.
I've purchased LR4 and hope to receive help in this forum for developing basic skills in using this package
How true that last part is. And in welcoming you, Maninder, I hope that this forum will help with your photographic learning and development. That is certainly the aim of the website (forum and tutorials).
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hiya to all Cambridge in Colour members. I'm Tim Ewbank; I've been interested in photography for about ten years and feel I should have learnt more along the way! I own two Olympus cameras - OM E-5 & XZ-1, both excellent in their different ways. I've experimented with a variety of types of photgraphy and am currently interested in learning about taking portraits, specifically how to begin with indoor lighting (so much whizzy, expensive stuff but less clear where a realistic starting point might be) All advice welcome. Tim
Hello Tim, and welcome to CiC. This is a great place to share experiences and learn.Hiya to all Cambridge in Colour members. I'm Tim Ewban
If you haven't already done so, then have a read of Colin Southern's School of Portraiture threads. They are contained in a couple of stickies at the top of the "People and Pets" forum. There have also been a fair number of threads about lighting. A good way to track some of them down is to use "Advanced Search", then click on View Tag Cloud, then click on "Flash and Studio Lighting".
Of course you can ask your own questions in one of the forums, but it makes sense to check out the material that's already here.
It would also be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field.
Hello I am Pete a 59 year old self employed semi retired programmer and rank amateur golfer. I began photography when I was in my early 20's with a Pentax ME and currently have a Pentax D10 that I can use my old lens's on. I usually take nature and family photographs and have tried to incorporate golf with my photography.
I am looking to upgrade to a D30 as soon as the price drops enough. I am located in Texas grew up in west Texas in the middle of oil fields, but from a ranching family who settled in Texas after the Civil War in 1865.