Thank you, Mike. I hope CiC does 'deliver the goods' for you in terms of being an online resource that helps your learning. You've seen how it works, so please dive right in there and if you have any questions, just shout out.
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Hello; my name is Sameer and I am from India. I like travelling. And I take a lot of photographs! I like beautiful beaches and the morning and evening sky at beaches. I write; and I want to know more about photography so that I can use beautiful photos in my write-up. I am not an expert in photography. I use Kodak Z981 Bridge camera; Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video Camera and Sony Handycam with 60X optical zoom.
I hope that being part of this forum can help you acquire greater knowledge and allow you to improve your skills in photography. There are many very experienced photographers who are on CiC and many of them will be happy to share their experience in order to help you learn.
Seventy four pages of introductions! I'm going to be busy.
My name is Sheldon, I am a semi-pro photographer and have a long and tortuous history with photography. I've been reading and referring to Cambridge in Colour for a number of years, and for some odd reason never really got around to registering. So here I am!
I started doing photography many years ago, then stopped, then re-started, then stopped. You get the idea. My main interest was fine arts, so photography held a slight off-angle position to everything else I was doing. It wasn't until digital photography came along (and Photoshop along with it) that I became truly and thoroughly fascinated with photography. It's still a fickle love, but it's more on than off. I did it as part of my job in the newspaper industry then, as equipment got more affordable, started doing it myself. I love the technical aspects of digital photography far more than I loved film.
I teach digital photography part-time (and sneak in basic photographic methods and history), as well as do the occasional photographic assignment. I've been looking to increase my teaching opportunities as I enjoy them most. Unfortunately, marketing is not part of my long suit, so that's been a struggle. I love to teach, my students love my teaching, I just need to figure out how to get more students. I'd also love to increase my portrait photography opportunities, but that is an issue unto itself.
Presently I have a Canon 5D mkII, one of the most amazing pieces of equipment I have ever owned (my Bronica SQ-A ranks right up there). I have a few lenses, always looking to get more, and have just gotten an FD>EOS converter to play with. I owned Nikon film equipment for years and loved it, but the Canon was a deal I could not refuse. I am very happy with it. I have to resist the urge to buy more and more stuff (more lenses!) but have found renting to be a nice alternative.
Hopefully I haven't bored you to tears. I'll post some photographs to prove that I really am a photographer.
No you haven't, Sheldon and I look forward to seeing some of you pictures.
I'm glad that what you've seen in the past and persuaded you to 'sign-up'. I hope you enjoy it and will be around for a long time.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Helloooo CIC (Cambridge in Colour) members, I just joined and i loved to introduce my self to all of you, My name is Muhammad Abdel Atty and i'm from Alexandria in Egypt :)
I loved Photography from childhood. I was taking photos with an old Kodak film camera, since i was very young. I just loved the shutter sound and how can i record the memories forever by just a click. When i grew up, the first salary i got from my first job i bought my own camera. It was Samsung ES25 Digital camera.
I believed always that photography is a gift, that could be enriched through further knowledge. So i started to educate myself through taking courses and seeking for more online information..till i bought my current professional camera. But it depends on you how to be professional with any camera, not to be good with just a professional camera.
I own Canon 550D with Canon 18-200 lens and 2 other lenses, interested in Landscape & kids & babies photography and also Mood photography, and would appreciated love to hear your feedback on my work to improve my skills.
About the CIC, a friend of me shared the link of the site on FB and said that "if you're looking for a place where people critique more than just "like" or "vote", I'd recommend the below forum." and the below forum was the CIC link. :)
Well, i'm not good at introducing my self, but i think that's fair enough now to start in this wonderful field.
Thank you :cool:
Best Regards
Muhammad Abdel Atty
Greetings Muhammad, and welcome to CiC. I think you have done a fine job in introducing yourself! (And full marks for completing your profile :))Quote:
Helloooo CIC (Cambridge in Colour) members, I just joined and i loved to introduce my self to all of you, My name is Muhammad Abdel Atty and i'm from Alexandria in Egypt
People will certainly critique images posted here, but, very importantly, they always do it in a constructive way. There are some very, very good photographers here covering many different types of photography, and they are always ready to share their expertise.
If you haven't had a look at the tutorials, I suggest you do that, too - they are said to be some of the best on the net.
Seeing images of Alexandria on our television screens at the moment it looks a diffcult place to be. I hope that you and your family are safe.
I look forward to seeing some of your images, and to hearing more from you in the forums,
I'm Barry from Melbourne Australia aka Snowy55. I have been enjoying photography since about 1980 when I obtained my first SLR. I'm still learning and have already had benefit from some of the tutorials and posts here. Thank you for that. I also really enjoyed the hammerforum link I came across in one of the posts.
Currently I'm thinking about off-camera flashes, softboxes, umbrellas and so on for improving the lighting for portraits.
I look forward to meeting you on the forum.
Hi, my name is Mike and I live in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. I have had a love for photography for the past 50 years but have not got too serious about it due to not being able to afford the right equipment, and just when I did, the digital era came into existence and I had to start again. Anyway, I now use a Canon 60D with an 18-135mm lens and have recently acquired a Canon 75-300mm and a Sigma 10-20mm lens. I have a passion for landscape/seascape photography and have recently ventured into night photography and am also trying my hand at HDR photography.
There is so much to learn with regard to digital photography as it has a whole new language of its own. So with the help of others and a lot of reading and experimenting, I hope to get to master the required techniques that will enable me to take many great photographs in the future.
Hi. Shane here. I live in Queensland, Australia. I recently purchased a Canon 600D. Kit lenses are a 50mm prime, 18-55, and 55-250. I have CS 5.5 plus other bits of software.
I like the site and all it has to offer and look forward to contributing in some small way.
Cheers. Shane
Hello Everyone,
I'm Owen and I currently live in Surrey, UK. I've recently re-kindled my interest in photography and and I'm having a lot of fun learning techniques and finding out what I like to photograph. I use Nikon hardware but haven't really settled on one piece of software yet. There is some excellent advice here and I look forward to making contact with like-minded folk.
Hi Shane & Owen,
Welcome to CiC -- great to have you with us!
Feel free to "jump right on in" (muddy boots and all, as we say).
I am Oluwaseun and I am so loving this site. i stumbled here just about a week ago and the love shown to newbies, 'growing-bies' by pros is simply amazing. I just started my photography business with a Nikon d5100 and i am learning fast that different people different scenarios and circumstances surrounding taking of pictures.
I am looking forward to learning as much as possible and then some more. One of the mottos i use before taking photos is to make sure i do so without the thought of a post processing in mind. well it has helped cause now i am learning to see that which matters but i need to be more consistent at shooting the right pictures in the shortest possible time than taking more time shooting pictures that turn out not so nice....
Thank you all in advance. *smiles*
Hi there and a warm welcome to CiC. If you want to learn (and I certainly do!) this is the place to do it. You have already worked out what a supportive forum this is. Don't forget the tutorials either, they are excellent.Quote:
I am Oluwaseun and I am so loving this site
I hope you enjoy your time here, and I look forward to hearing more from you in the forums.
It would also be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field.
Hi everyone! My name is Janet and I live in the southern US. Photography has been a love of mine for years but I have never had much time to spend on it. But now it is "time" !! I have a Nikon D7000 with Nikon 50mm prime, Tamron 90mm macro, Tamron 18-270mm. There is so much to learn and I am sure this site will be so helpful. Looking forward to visiting regularly.
Good morning. My name is Diana and I am from Troy, Idaho. I don't know a whole about cameras or photography. I use and older Fuji FinePix S2000HD with zoom. I have had it since about 2005 and am just now beginning to learn more than just 'point and shoot' with it. I look forward to learning a lot of new stuff and meeting some really great people here.
Seize the moment, Janet!
Great to have you here and I hope that CiC remains your online resource of choice for a long time to come. It is very much about learning and there are lots of people on here willing to share knowledge and experience in order to help you.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hello, Diana. Thank you for deciding to join CiC.
The one good thing about this forum, I think, is that the people on it remember when they didn't know a whole lot about cameras or photography. That's why it's a good place to learn. I hope you never find people telling you that "you should know..." or, "it's so simple ..........". It's only so simple once you know it.
So I hope you enjoy being involved.