Hi Bob,
We're looking forward to having you join us too :)
Jump right in whenever your ready!
Big welcome from the team.
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the name is Howard from Auckland (very wet at the moment and forecast for the next few days)
aged 6mumble, A KM/Sony user, Min8000i, 404si, 7D(in the drawer), A700 SAL70-300G, SAL18250, Min50/1.7, 16-80CZ, MIn100,2.8macro. plus numerous accessories.
I have almost exclusively used the Dyxum website (dedicated to the alpha mount).
I came across this site courtesy of Colin Southern. I have just bought CS3 from him and we've exchanged a few emails. A bit weird though -we both do photography obviously but we've also both done Scuba diving to a high level and also flying. My main photo interests are landscape, street/candid and nature.
Howard - Hello from Scotland (where it's blowing a gale at the moment)Quote:
I came across this site courtesy of Colin Southern.
I'm sure the rest of us will be happy to support and advise on all those things that Colin doesn't know about ......... which should make for a pretty brief exchange!!
Hi Donald from Glenfarg. We were up your way a few years back. Stayed overnight not too far away in Crieff. I'm 1/2 Scots, Dad born in Paisley. Think I'd like my ashes scattered somwhere In Scotland. Love to get back one day alive though. Hope the wind is not playing havoc with your troosers. :)
Oh, and I'm just watching Beachcomber Cottage set around Applecross on the W coast.
Colin- when I worked for BP JAFA used to stand for "Just another f'n forecourt attendant" well before the Auckland thing. :D
I'm enjoying reading the tutorials -someone has put a lot of effort in 0thanks very much
Hi Howard,
That would be Sean McHugh (McQ), "the boss" without whom none of us would be here since he also built the whole site; galleries and forums too!
The Tutorials and Techniques are being expanded and 'made-over' at the moment, so lots to read and more on the way :)
Look forward to seeing some pics from you and we're here for any questions you may have.
It just remains for me to say; Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Howard,
I first heard of JAFA on the movie Blue Thunder - Just Another "Flying" Aeroplane. What sort of flying were you in to by the way? (I logged about 350 hours - mostly in Piper Arrow and Grumman Cougar (light twin) (ZK-CGR - may you may have seen it when it was based at Ardmore). The planes I loved; it was just most of the people around them that I couldn't stand (too many precious egos!)
Hi Bob (or is it Dot?),
Good intro post - leaving me struggling to find a follow up question :rolleyes:
I look forward to seeing more from you soon and don't forget to recommend us to the other Caston members, especially if the club doesn't have a web-community like this and some may find it useful.
So; Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Welcome Howard! Glad to have you join us. Dave is being very kind indeed -- although around these parts those "in the know" realize that Dave & Colin wear the pants :). The forums wouldn't be where they are without them...or all the other regulars -- and new members like yourself.
Hi, DSLR newbie here and will most likely get the Nikon D5000 kit from Costco (I'm in the US) later today. I came across this site while searching for more information on sensor sizes, pixel densities and what they all meant and how they mattered. I noticed the forum link at the bottom of the pages there today and signed up.
I have a Nikon F-401 AF (about 20 years old) that has stopped working (something wrong w/ the motor drive) and a used Canon A-1 (more than 20 years old, maybe close to 30), both film cameras. On the digital side, I have an Olympus C700 and a Sony DSC-H5.
Up until a couple of months or so ago I used to wonder what made a DSLR special compared to a P&S which provided a high megapixel count and superb zoom (at least in magnitude). A newfound friend of mine mentioned sensor size, and that got me reading up, leading me to this site. Now I understand, I think, why the P&S have those zooms and why the 1:1 versions of those pictures are quite useless.
I am still not clear on a lot of things but I hope to learn along the way. One of the things I am trying hard to figure out is the [dis]advantage of 15MP in the Canon T1i over 12.3MP in Nikon D5000.
I will shoot anything that gets my attention but I used to mostly do nature, wildlife (when I got lucky), and whatever else came along the way. I haven't done much photography lately but w/ the new D5000 I hope to learn and maybe help/contribute here and there a bit.
Hi rvp,
I wouldn't normally do this here, but since time is of the essence;
I pixel terms, there's going to be no difference between 12 and 15MP.
Well, I have a D5000, would I recommend it, I think so.
My only hesitation is I am bitten by one of those annoying product recalls that happen from time to time. The early D5000 have a faulty component that stops them working if you slap a fully charged battery in or use the optional extra PSU.
1) It hasn't happened to me yet; I don't have the PSU and I do use a spare battery and swap alternately between them. Since a single charge does for a few days of shooting, the most recently charged has already had a few days 'in the bag' and doesn't cause the problem for me :)
2) At some point I will need to send it away for a few days to get it modified, an inconvenience :(
3) Like the camera and tilty screen :)
4) Live View auto-focus is not great :( (e.g. Panasonic GH1 is better)
5) I went for a non-kit lens; eventually the Nikkor 18 - 200mm - I like it :)
So overall D5000 = :)
On the recall problem; just make sure your D5000 isn't old stock (meaning from May/June), recent ones are fine.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hello, my name is Kent. I've had a few forum posts and decided it's time to introduce myself. I come mainly from the visual effects side of video (not special effects), and after having nothing but my Sony HD video cameras for a few years I finally made the plunge and got myself a quality still - The Canon 5D Mark II. I consider myself a 'Technical-Artist' -- as in I strive to get all technical aspects 'correct' so I can focus on the art. I appriciate sound and honest critique so my skills can improve =) I look forward to learning and posting some of my photos -- hopefully I'll show an improvement! :D
Edit: From the capital of California: Sacramento
Hi Kent,
Thanks for dropping by here and posting an intro.
What sort of subjects do you like to shoot?
We look forward to seeing some pics.
Is that Visual Effects as in blowing up models, etc. rather than computer animation, or have I got it the wrong way round?
I think it only remains for me to utter the time-honoured phrase;
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Dave, blowing things up, unfortunatly, is Special Effects. Visual Effects is all computer-based (though I can digitally blow things up). I have two degrees, one in Animation and Visual Effects, and one in Digital Visual media. I do 3d models, texturing, lighting, animation, compositing (greenscreen, 2d+3d, etc.), some color correction, rendering, etc. I've done work for a lot of pilot TV shows (none have been pickedup for more than local broadcast yet, sigh), music videos, and a x-box 360 game a few of my buddies are working on. http://www.digitaleclipsemedia.com for some (rather outdated) samples of my work when I was a student and shortly thereafter. I'm determined to add a quality photography section to my portfolio.
As of right now my subjects are everything and anything (mostly what I can find close to home). I'm trying to get out as much as I can to shoot and learn my equipment. I expect over a few months I'll start to find my niche and be able to start honing my skills.
Hello another newbie here. Have just spent a couple of hours browsing this site and I'm really impressed. Lots of advice, news and chat. Great.
Hi there Red squirrel,
Welcome to the club :)
If you have any questions, don't be shy, just ask (start a new thread or tack on to an oldie).
Look forward to seeing some pics too - what subjects interest you?
What do you shoot with?
.. and being friendly, not nosey, could you share a first name with us?
Thanks, and welcome once again from ...
Hello everybody !
I'm new here.
I am spanish and I hope I'll learn a lot with you.:)
Hello photo makers,
I am new to this forum. I am over 60 and I ENJOY taking photos. I use a Canon SX10is and I also use CHDK. I am thinking of a new camera in the next month. The camera will be a Canon 50D if I buy. I would like the 7D but it is to much money.
I am looking to learn more from all of you.
Thanks Dave. Just a quick note (I will continue on a new thread in a bit): I got the D5000 and this one doesn't seem to need a recall. It does have some spots on the sensor that show up in the pictures, one is reddish/orangish (like a tiny red-eye) and another is green. I will be returning it and getting another one.