My name is Paul and I am a student at Eastern Washington University in graphic design amd photography and well that is that
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My name is Paul and I am a student at Eastern Washington University in graphic design amd photography and well that is that
First up, I'm going to pop that question you asked into the 'Digital Cameras and Equipment' section of the forum. More people who can give you an answer will see it there. So, look out for replies.
Second thing - Hello & welcome. Great to have you here and i hope you enjoy being part of the CiC forum.
Hello Paul. Thank you for choosing to sign-up to the CiC forum. I hope you find that it complements your university studies and, indeed, helps you with that.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hello everyone,
My name is Khaled. I am an Architect, new to photography world ( less than 4 months). I was always interested to be a professional photographer. I am using Nikon D7100 with 50mm f1.4 & 70-200 f2.8 lenses with macro extension tubes. I am interested in portrait, macro and long exposure photography and definitely shooting buildings interiors and exteriors.
Welcome Paul, Lyne and Khaled this is a great forum and everybody is nice on here, good people.
Hello everyone, This is Nitin Deshpande. Till now I have clicked photos only on a basic point and shoot. Now I'm planning to take it to the next level by buying a DSLR. You can consider me a newbie and also I would appreciate if someone can help me with selecting a good entry level DSLR in Canon or Nikon and also on what lens to buy. My budget is around 30k Indian rupees(500$).
I am Efiti Filliam from Uganda. I am glad to be part of learning community Cambridge colour
Hello, Nitin. Welcome to the CiC forum. I hope you will find this a useful source of information and support, as well as being able to ask questions and enjoy the advice of people from around the world.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
I recommend that you post your question into the 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' section of the forum. It is likely to attract more response from those who will see it there. When you do so, please give as much information as possible about what reserach you may have done so far.
Hey Kids,
Just found this forum a few days ago. Nice to see this kind of community online and am really excited about the forums.
I'm a photo retoucher/graphic designer/photo graphic artist and have been in the industry for 25 years. Been taking photos since I was a little kid although I put down the camera for a long time in my 20's. I've been shooting again as of 5 years ago and this year got myself a Fujifilm X-E1 which I LOVE! It really suits my style of work for the most part.
I'm expecting to have some great interactions with you all and hopefully teach and learn some great stuff.
Hi, I am Sanjoy from Kolkata(INDIA). I love photography & it is my way of means also. Also I want to upgrade my knowledge to keep in pace with the current changing world of photography. Hope I shall be enriched & advanced with the company of my new flock of friends.
Hi Scott, and a warm welcome to CiC. Teaching and learning is what this community is all about, so looking forward to hearing more from you. I see that you have already pitched into a mini comp in B&W - excellent!Quote:
Just found this forum a few days ago. Nice to see this kind of community online and am really excited about the forums.
It would also be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field. That way, your details will appear alongside all of your posts.
Best regards,
Hello Sanjoy, and a very warm welcome to CiC. We are delighted that you have decided to join us. This is indeed a very friendly place: everyone here wants to learn and to share their experiences. I look forward to hearing more from you.Quote:
Hi, I am Sanjoy from Kolkata
You haven't said what kind of photography most interests you. It would be good to know that.
It is always interesting to know more about our members. It would be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field. That way, your details will appear alongside all of your posts, like mine does here.
Best regards,
I am Murali from Muscat-Oman,into Landscape and Portraits.Started with earlier models of Sony cameras,now planning
for a upgrade to Nikon D800- just fascinated by this beast.
Looking forward to learn a lot from you folks.
Murali - It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CiC forum.
I hope what you find is that many people on here are always very willing to share their knowledge and experience and to offer constructive comments and suggestions so that others can learn and improve their skills. So, please do ask questions and invite comments on your pictures.
I look forward to seeing your images.
Hi, my name is John and I live just outside Edinburgh, Scotland.
I took up photography about 6 years ago and still have much to learn. I was attracted to CiC by the attractive web site which I will now explore. My tools are a Nikon D300 and as Fuji X10. I have a number of lenses for the 300 which I have has since it first came out and superseded my old D70!
Hi John welcome to the forum.
Hello, my name is Hope. I am new to the forum and new to *everything* about photography! Right now I use a cheapy 8MP point and shoot amd my camera on my Galaxy S 3. Delving deeper into photography is something I've always wanted to pursue. What I do isn't really "photography", I just love taking pictures and I'm hoping to sharpen this love into a full fledged hobby. I'm hoping to sometime soon purchase a digital SLR to help me take better photos : ) I'm hoping by joining this forum I can gather lots useful advice and tips from all you seasoned photographers ; )
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am a beginner. Been taking photographs with a Nikon coolpix P90 which I find limiting now.
Hope - It's great to have you here. Thank you for joining CiC.
The one good thing about this forum is that people remember that they were once just beginning and were where you are just now on the learning curve. So, it's okay to ask lots of questions (there is no such thing as a dumb question here on CiC). People on here are always willing to share their knowledge and experience.
And remember, it isn't the camera that makes great pictures. It's the person behind it.