Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone, my name is Tami,
Welcome, Tami. Thank you for deciding to join this forum. I think what you'll find is that there are lots of people on here very willing to share knowledge and experience in a constructive and helpful way. This is not a forum for big egos and those who like to boast about the biggest, best and most expensive gear that they own. So, I hope you enjoy it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone,
This is the first photography forum I have joined. I live in a very scenic part of France and my main interest in photography is Black & White landscapes and skyscapes. I would be interested if there any other forum members in my area (Toulouse).
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
This is the first photography forum I have joined.
I'm delighted you've chosen this one, John. I hope you enjoy being part of it.
Originally Posted by
I live in a very scenic part of France
You do indeed. I was able to have a holiday south of Foix three years ago and enjoyed it tremendously.
Originally Posted by
I would be interested if there any other forum members in my area (Toulouse).
I think you are possibly the only member currently active from that part of the world. There are a couple of other French and French-based members, but they are further north.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone, my full name is Tomás Novoa and i've gotten into photography a few weeks ago, I was in a trip on the south of my country, Chile with my GF and due to so many places to see and to visit, I bought a Canon Rebel T3i (600D) and since then I'm getting more and more into this, I bought the Canon 50 mm 1.4 lens and I0m in the learning process, I'm looking for a photography course to participate in and looking for a wide angle lens, I think I got pretty excited by this hobby.
I'd like to thank and congratulate people that made this website 'cause it's great I'm devouring the articles trying to learn the theory behind photographs.
To summarize things up, I'm pretty excited...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone, my full name is Tomás Novoa
Hola, Tomas, y bienvenido en CiC.
I'm very pleased you have decided to join us. This is a friendly place, where we all try to help each others - if you want support in learning your new hobby, you've come to the right place.
You live in a beautiful country of contrasts (I visited there a few years ago). I hope that you will be sharing some images with us before too long.
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone and greetings from a cold, damp, Norfolk UK.
I started in the photo trade in 1967 with PA Photos in Fleet Street, served my apprenticeship in various studios in central London and Chelsea, had a promising career in photography and then went into the motor trade (Duh-don't ask) for the next 40 years.
I'm back into it again after a steep learning curve with digital and now working with a Nikon D800 and a D7000.
I was delighted to find your site after a strong recommendation and I'll be forwarding CiC details to everyone in a new photo club I've just started - - as you seem particularly helpful to novices as well as the very experienced.
Thanks for all the hard work you all put into this and I hope to be a regular visitor.
Kind regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
steve norris
Hello everyone and greetings from a cold, damp, Norfolk UK.
And greetings, Steve, from an equally 'dreich' (love that word) Perthshire.
Thank you very much for joining the forum. As I think you've seen, it's very much a place for sharing knowledge and helping people learn. So I hope you'll feel able to share your skills as well as you and, hopefully other members of the new club, hopefully gaining in terms of information and ideas.
Very impressive website.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hola, Tomas, y bienvenido en CiC.
I'm very pleased you have decided to join us. This is a friendly place, where we all try to help each others - if you want support in learning your new hobby, you've come to the right place.
You live in a beautiful country of contrasts (I visited there a few years ago). I hope that you will be sharing some images with us before too long.
Best regards,
Thanks for the bienvenida, I'd be pleased to upload pictures to show the beauty of Chile and to receive critics of my work.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Denise. I live in South Australia . I am a retired teacher and took up photography at retirement. I am a volunteer guide at our free range zoo here in SA . I am very interested in animal biology and behaviour but have done very little formal study in the area. I am passionate about animal rights. I have just upgraded to a Nikon 7100 from a D 90. I have also upgraded photoshop from CS 4 top photoshop cc. My husband died unexpectedly when I was 57 and I do not have any close friends interested in photography so I struggle with the technology every step of the way. Which is why I was thrilled to find this site. I must admit though. I am finding the site rather difficult to use and find my way around. . But maybe it's because I am using an ipad right now! I am going to Africa next year and hoping to be able to understand and use the functions on my new camera by then! I am hoping to take my 80-400 lense and my wide angle lens if it's not all too heavy.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Denise. I live in South Australia
Hi Denise, and and a warm welcome to CiC. Sorry you are finding it difficult to get around. I do use a tablet for browsing it, which works OK, but I much prefer my "proper" computer for imputing to the forums.
One of the great things about this community is how helpful everyone is, so if you have a question just pop in the appropriate forum. There are no dumb questions here (you might get the occasional dumb answer :), but the other members will soon sort that out for you).
Interested to hear you are going to Africa. You might guess from my avatar that I am a bit of an Africa nut. Where are you off to?
Look forward to hearing more from you,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Tony just getting my head around this site which looks great. I,m new to photography I have a Nikon D300 cic will help me to understand my camera.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Steve and from the United Kingdom.
I first picked up a camera as a hobby back in 2007 when i was introduced to a Canon Powershot. It only took a few months before I started shooting in earnest and I made my way up to a Canon 300D. I went to shoots and managed to take some decent pictures. However, I got to the stage where I could produce adequate images that people liked, but if you asked me to replicate it or know how to de-construct it, I would be clueless (I would have a vague idea).
I then put down the camera for a long while and only recently have I picked it up and decided to start from the beginning. Really get to know my camera and really look at the world and understand the relationship with light and capture what I see.
My interests range around (or they did back then)
People (Portraits, Glamour and Boudoir (I really do like the look of the arty b/w images)
B/W Images
Now, it's the same interests as above, but this time round, I look at various subjects and wonder how to take the best image with what I have. I've recently got into Food Photography and brought the Plate to Pixel book. I'm also interested in black and white photography. I'm trying to capture the photographers eye :).
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Vyas and I am from Abu Dhabi. I am an Engineer, and as a part of my work I have to click some pictures of our products. I am an absolute beginner in photography, and found this forum when I was searching for the basics of photography. I must really appreciate the tutorials in here. Its really useful and I must congratulate the people responsible for it. Hats off guys!!!
I'm yet to buy my first DSLR, and I'll start a new post asking for suggestions. BTW, I made my first post yesterday, and the response was overwhelming. people here are so good and informative. loving the experience :)
Looking forward to learn a lot and share my experiences..
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
The Soapy Sam name is one I use on a couple of other (non photographic) forums and now seem to be stuck with.
Real name is Alastair.
I'm in East Lothian, a few miles from the sea , but with hills and other bumpy bits nearby.
Lovely, if undramatic scenery. Nice light in Winter, as it doesn't rain as much as it does in the west, but the sun stays low all day from October to March.
Nice place to wander with a camera, which I do.
Not an artistic photographer, just someone with a bad visual memory who uses XD & SD cards as an external memory.
Can't get the Google map to work, but Haddington is the nearest place of any size.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks for the welcome Dave. I'm off to Kruger then Zambia. Only a couple of weeks. I have never been before and it will be a once in a lifetime trip for me. I mainly take photos in the free range zoo here and a couple of easily accessible national parks.
What are your experiences in Africa?
Can you tell me how to ask a question and start a new thread?
I will make my next reply on my PC and send a couple of pics. Many thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Denise,
I'll send you a pm (private message) tomorrow (it's a bit late here now). Just say that Zambia is my favourite destination on the planet!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
A warm welcome to all our new members.
Hi My name is Tony
Hi Tony. This is a great place to learn photography. The tutorials are great, and the members are always ready to lend a hand whenever they are asked. Enjoy your time her!
I'm Steve and from the United Kingdom
Hi Steve and welcome. It certainly sounds like you have a wide range of interests - portraits and sport are about as far apart as you are going to get so far as technique is concerned. I hope that CiC can help you on your journey, and you in turn can help others. You didn't mention what post-processing (pp) software you use. Nowadays that also a really big part of getting the image that you want.
My name is Vyas and I am from Abu Dhabi.
Hello Vyas and a warm welcome to our Community. I'm glad to see that you have already started to post, and found such a good response. That is one thing that you will find here - everyone is ready to share. The other thing is that people are always constructive and polite (there are other forums that aren't), so I hope you will stick around and enjoy it here.
I had a quick look at your post about which camera to buy. Sounds as if you are in an interesting position! Good luck!
The Soapy Sam name is one I use on a couple of other (non photographic) forums and now seem to be stuck with.
Welcome to CiC Alistair. I've found Google Maps a bit temperamental, and never quite worked out why we sometimes seem to have many members sailing in the north Atlantic. Incidentally, you might like to edit your profile so that we can see your real name and whereabouts you live alongside your posts.
Look forward to seeing some Scottish countryside from you before too long, and I'm sure Donald will be pleased to have another Caledonian on board.
Regards to everyone,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi David. Got it! -and have started a new thread. Than you for your help.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Cambridge in Colour people. :o
My wife knows me as Martyn. My "Cubber" name stems from my two wheeled mode of transport.
I am a retired quantity surveyor and live in the beautiful county of Devon, Southwest England.
I have had a Canon EOS 550D since March 2011 having taken nearly 28,000 pictures with it since then. (And still have them all)
Prior to the Canon I had a Fuji S7000 - but that got drowned when I unsuccesfully tried fording a river on my motorbike. :eek:
Here's hoping I can pick up a load of tips and hints on how to take good/better pictures, rather than the rubbish I've been snapping.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone; I am a dyed in the wool former film photographer. I have decided to get with the times and go to digital photography. I really became a serious landscape and nature photographer back in the early eighties. I have a Minolta 202, with a 35-70 zoom and a 70-210 zoom. I quit my hobby when the film started "drying up" and I miss going out looking for good "shots." I am a retired military and retired postal worker, some may laugh at that (double dipping) but when jobs are scarce you take what is available. I presently live in Georgia, a former New York State citizen; the winters got to be too much. I am ready to learn all the ins and outs about Digital cameras and I hope I meet some good friends here.