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Howdy, howdy, howdy. The cute little box kept chiding me about posting, so even though I have almost no idea what goes on here, I thought I'd better say Howdy!
I found this site through a mention in a blog at the Darktable website, and I wish I had discovered it a long time ago, and expect to learn a great deal from this community. I hope I have something of value to share in return.
I switched my camera to Raw about two years ago would never voluntarily go back, although I still have a lot to learn about what may be done when I have not properly exposed an image. Boring details: Canon T2i(550D), usually set to aperture priority. My old habit from the film days of shooting very sparingly has died a messy death in the digital era. I am starting to find the middle ground after shooting far too much for the last couple of years.
Although I have not properly oriented my self in this site, I did look for the proper place to comment about the site itself, and in particular the sign up process. Not finding one, I will add those comments here. Know that I am certain this is a fabulous site, and I hope that something in what I add below will help improve the experience for users yet to come. My intent is to be constructive.
Although creating an account "is free", it is far from easy. I gave up twice and had to find something else to do while cooling off, before returning to try again. I believe I have a useful suggestion to go with some my simple venting.
I do not know how other folk's screens look, but on my screen, when viewing the sign-up page I can only see one of the following three areas at once: the password boxes, the 'are you human' challenge, and the little check box indicating that I have read and accepted the terms of use. I mention these three areas, as they are the only parts of the page which are always cleared at each failure to correctly transscribe the text in the challenge. Could you PLEASE either 1) put these three items near each other, so as to easily allow human failures to both remember they must be re-entered and to re-enter them, or 2) perhaps only clear the essential box on failure.
I admit that after typing my original, fairly secure password 4 or 5 times, I changed it to something stupid which I could more easily restore every time, but what I really don't understand is why it is assumed that I must re-read and accept the terms again every time I faied to solve the challenge. I admit havign a terrible memory, but I think I can retain the gist of the terms that long. I succeeded in solving the challenge the first time after only about 7 or 8 tries, but had not remembered to commit yet again to the terms, and so failed on the grounds that I had not accepted the terms. My wife was present, and does not appreciate when I begin shouting at the computer. I had to do a small pennance. I did not keep score, but I think I failed the challenge another 20 times before finally demonstrating my humanity a second time.
Please think about at least some improvements to the sign-in page. There may be others as nearly as peculiar as myself who are not relentlessly persistent in the face of certain failure. I think they deserve a chance to join the community as well.