Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Linda,
Great to have another member, Florida seems quite popular, but I guess it's not small!
It'd be good to see some pics, to see what that little person (inside the camera) gets up to :)
This is a good place to learn.
What subjects interest you?
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
My name is Linda and I have been shooting for many years. I have grown twin daughters that tell me I have never taken a good photo in my life until I got my digital camera. They swear that there is someone living inside the camera that actually does everything for me that I should be doing but at least it works. Glad to be here hope to learn more. I have actually been doing ok but you never stop learning.
Hi Linda,
Great to have you with us :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Linda,
Great to have another member, Florida seems quite popular, but I guess it's not small!
It'd be good to see some pics, to see what that little person (inside the camera) gets up to :)
This is a good place to learn.
What subjects interest you?
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hello again,
I am mostly interested in animals because they do some crazy things and it is great to get it in photos. I will upload some images if you tell me how and where to upload them.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Everyone. My name is Barry Doig and I live in Nelson New Zealand, the sunniest place in the country. I've been a passionate photographer for over 35 years. Until 4 years ago I used slide film and scanned them into Photoshop 5. I then bought a Canon G5 camera which I still like even though I now have a Nikon D200. I now use Elements 6 as I can't afford the Big Brother CS. Elements has all I need and I find it an incredible programme. I'm active in the Nelson Camera Club and have been a member of the Photographic Society of New Zealand for the last 27years, having also served on the Council, and I have their Licentiate, Associate, and Fellowship. I love all kinds of photography, particularly landscapes and nature. I look forward to being a part of this group and especially spelling colour the way it should be spelt.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone. My name is Barry Doig and I live in Nelson New Zealand, the sunniest place in the country. I've been a passionate photographer for over 35 years. Until 4 years ago I used slide film and scanned them into Photoshop 5. I then bought a Canon G5 camera which I still like even though I now have a Nikon D200. I now use Elements 6 as I can't afford the Big Brother CS. Elements has all I need and I find it an incredible programme. I'm active in the Nelson Camera Club and have been a member of the Photographic Society of New Zealand for the last 27years, having also served on the Council, and I have their Licentiate, Associate, and Fellowship. I love all kinds of photography, particularly landscapes and nature. I look forward to being a part of this group and especially spelling colour the way it should be spelt.
Hi Barry,
Welcome to CiC - and a special warm welcome from the other side of the city (I'm in Nelson too) :) (you should pop around sometime and say hi!).
If there's anything we can help with, just ask.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I will upload some images if you tell me how and where to upload them.
Hi Linda,
To give us some examples in a post, try this step by step;
The good thing about this is there is no need for any pre-existing web-hosting.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Barry,
A warm welcome from me too.
I'm not quite so local to you though!
Hope to see some colourful images from you soon ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello Everyone
My name is Steve and I am from Northamptonshire, England. I have just upgraded my EOS 10D to the 450D and it has given me a real kick to get out there and use it.
I have always had an interest in daytime long exposure shots but have never actually attempted any. Nevertheless my new bunch of ND filters are on their way and I look forward to having some fun with them. Portraits of my 2 year twins is another direction but this is more out of necessity to keep the wife and grandparents happy.
My first question, of which there will be many, is-I have always used Serif Photoplus for editing, am I stupid and should I be using Adobe?
I look forward to being a regular visitor.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone, just checking out the tutorials on colour spaces having popped over from popped over from my usual haunt
Endeavouring to get to grips with CM before launching into printing for the first time when I buy the Epson 3880:eek:
ps Hmm my avatar image isn't showing up???
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I Simonius
Hi everyone, just checking out the tutorials on colour spaces having popped over from popped over from
my usual haunt
Endeavouring to get to grips with CM before launching into printing for the first time when I buy the Epson 3880:eek:
ps Hmm my avatar image isn't showing up???
Hi "I Simonius",
Great to have you with us :)
I run an Epson 7800 with full colour management - so feel free to fire any questions my way and I'll do my best to help.
Your Avatar should show up when you have a few more posts; we tie things down a bit tighter for new members.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone
My name is Steve and I am from Northamptonshire, England. I have just upgraded my EOS 10D to the 450D and it has given me a real kick to get out there and use it.
I have always had an interest in daytime long exposure shots but have never actually attempted any. Nevertheless my new bunch of ND filters are on their way and I look forward to having some fun with them. Portraits of my 2 year twins is another direction but this is more out of necessity to keep the wife and grandparents happy.
My first question, of which there will be many, is-I have always used Serif Photoplus for editing, am I stupid and should I be using Adobe?
I look forward to being a regular visitor.
Hi Steve,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us :)
Long exposures are difficult during the day, even with ND filters - you'll need something in the region of 13 stops to get exposures down into seconds and that isn't easy to do without vignetting and colour shifts. NDs and GNDs are great for twilight type shots though (I use them almost exclusively in many shots in my gallery) (shameless plug -> You can also get the same effect by taking a series of shorter exposures so that the total time adds up to the long exposure time that you wanted, and then combine them in Photoshop - works like a charm.
With regards to Post Processing software ...
... Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements (and Lightroom) have the most enertia -- most people using them - most books available to help you -- most tutorials -- most usergroups and that offers serious time-saving advantages. There are othe packages out there - some very good - some very good and free - but getting up to speed with them is a lot harder.
I use Adobe products exclusively, and wouldn't have it any other way.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I Simonius
Hi everyone, just checking out the tutorials on colour spaces having popped over from popped over from
my usual haunt
Endeavouring to get to grips with CM before launching into printing for the first time when I buy the Epson 3880:eek:
Hi Simon (a guess),
What Colin doesn't know about CM isn't worth knowing, so he should get you going (and empty your bank account) in fairly short order.
OK, I'm joking about the bank account, (sort of) what I mean is, he will have you buying things you never knew you needed! ;)
I have resisted quite well, but some others around here haven't faired so well :D:D:D
But their pictures are all the better for it, so that's something I guess.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Steve,
If you have read the reply tto Simon above, I could say;
"What Colin doesn't know about ND Filters isn't worth knowing, so he should get you going (and empty your bank account) in fairly short order"
No seriously, if he mentions "Singh-Ray", start running :D:D:D
No, really seriously ...
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.
As you can tell, we keep it light hearted here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Simon (a guess),
What Colin doesn't know about CM isn't worth knowing, so he should get you going (and empty your bank account) in fairly short order.
OK, I'm joking about the bank account, (sort of) what I mean is, he will have you buying things you never knew you needed! ;)
I have resisted quite well, but some others around here haven't faired so well :D:D:D
But their pictures are all the better for it, so that's something I guess.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hmm sounds bit like POTN and 'L' glass fever - I succumbed - so I know what you mean about the bank account!
Thanks for the welcome and offers of help - I'llneed it Im sure - I was once computer terrified but I got over that so Im hoping I'll do as well now Im printer terrified!:D
Thanks everyone
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
No seriously, if he mentions "Singh-Ray", start running :D:D:D
No, really seriously ...
You sounded just like Scott Kelby for a sec there Dave :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I looked at singh ray - yup tempting and expensive;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I Simonius
I looked at singh ray - yup tempting and expensive;)
Filters like the Vari-ND are unmatched though - the classic example of "you get what you pay for". Fame costs -- and is where you start paying:eek:
On a side-note, I've written quite a few articles for their blog, if your interested.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thanks for your comments. I googled singh ray, wow thats an expensive can of worms. I think investing in filters that cost more than around half of my lenses might be a bit extravagant at this stage. It's much easier to justify a small amount on some cheap ones to have a play around with first I think.
My next investment sounds like it will have to be Photoshop and lots of time learning how to use it.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
My next investment sounds like it will have to be Photoshop and lots of time learning how to use it.
I'd suggest learning from a few good books initially - can recommend a few if it helps.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thank you, your recommendation for reading material would be great.
I have now also been reading another thread on the 85mm f1.2 l vs 70-200 IS f2.8 l. I have the 85mm and it is my only professional quality lens. I am now wondering if I should sell it and look to get the 70-200 so that I have a more multi purpose decent lens whilst I don't have the funds to have both.
Any thoughts?