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Hi all. I am Ron, a 78 (soon to be 79) year old ex photographer who worked at the big Yellow K. Spent most of my time there as a photographer/technician in a service darkroom and office. Then it was all Ektachrome and TriX now I am entirely digital, and using a Pentax K10D. (Sadly a pension doesn't stretch to a K3, but I'm saving hard!)
I started to use Photoshop in the early days, so have a fair knowledge of the workflow.
Why Pentax? Because that was the miniature camera I used as a working photographer, and I can still use all my Pentax primes.
Not a landscape or nature/wildlife photographer I have discovered, after trying for some years, I now enjoy illustrative and studio work.
OOOH Quick edit - I love manipulating and transforming images in PS