Hello Donald,
Thanks a lot for your kind message.
I`m really liking CiC forum.
I believe that I can lear a lot in this community.
I will try to upload a few pictures in my albuns.
Best wishes,
Printable View
Hello Donald,
Thanks a lot for your kind message.
I`m really liking CiC forum.
I believe that I can lear a lot in this community.
I will try to upload a few pictures in my albuns.
Best wishes,
Hello to all at Cambridge in Colour.
I am Joan and I use a Nikon D40 with kit lens, 55-200mm and Sigma 10-20. This is my first digital SLR which I bought just over two years ago and love taking landscape shots in particular but also want to learn more about my flashgun. A friend recommended me to this site and although I have only just started using it I find the information invaluable. I still have loads to learn and am really looking forward to taking part with everyone.
See you round the forum
Hello Joan, and welcome to CiC. If you have loads to learn, then this is a great place to be, because that is what we are all about.Quote:
I am Joan
This is a friendly place, and it would also be good if you could edit your profile to let everyone know whereabouts you are in world, and how you’d like to be known (in CiC terms your “real name”). To do that, you click Settings (right at top), then Edit Profile (on left) and put your first name in the Real Name field and where you are (roughly) in the Location field. That way, your details will appear alongside all of your posts.
I look forward to hearing more from you in the forums, and hopefully seeing some of your photographs,
Best regards,
Hi to all,
CIC, looks to be a great forum for keeping photography in a daily diet or maybe I should say cocktail.
My biggest drive is constantly to practice and learn the craft, so my pictures are consistently good. If during that journey, I refine it so well, as to grow a reputation and agreement by others for taking a good picture, then I will enjoy that.
I think my Canon 5D is wonderful.
We think so, Alf.
Welcome.Great to have you here and I hope you enjoy it.
CiC is very much about helping each other to learn and improve our skills. So, please join in with pictures for comment, questions, etc.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello guys, i am pretty new here :D
My interest in photography started backwards, from teaching Information Technology through retirement, to digital photo editing and finally to the art and science of photography itself. I am exploring a number of genres and techniques, using a starter Nikon D3100 with extra lenses and filters, a point and shoot Canon and a rather aged but effective tripod. Currently, I'm experimenting with shooting RAW and comparing methods of conversion to jpeg and other formats. Also, exposure bracketing and HDR images. I dislike images which have been over-photoshopped, preferring those which lie on the boundary of realism and high dynamic colour. I have attached one image I like by way of example. I love shareware and freeware - the best response to corporate greed in the industry.
Backwards or forwards, Greg, it doesn't matter. Just good to have you here. A very warm welcome.
I hope you enjoy being part of the CiC online group and find it useful.
You make mention of attaching an image, but I don't see it. Please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to place images in your posts. Click HERE to read the thread.
You don't say where you are. If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hi guys,
I am Richard and live in Sydney, Australia.
Been at it for a while, however still learning.
Hello everyone, I'm Jim Alexander from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. I am joining hoping I will find a lot of guidance! I currently shoot with a Nikon D7100 with 17-50 f2.8 tamron zoom, a 70-200 f2.8 sigma zoom, a few primes, several speedlights and a handful of umbrellas. While I've been snapping since I was 12 (on a pentax SLR then), I recently decided I wanted to go from being a picture taker to a photographer.
My technical skills are O.K. but I really need more guidance in the post-processing area. I have gained a little experience working with photoshop and lightroom, but my biggest deficiency is in the artistic vision area. I have seen so many amazing pictures being produced where the tones and hues are slightly altered to enhance the mood, and strong senses of style that make me jealous. I've spent some time trying to imitate the excellent work I have seen, but without more guidance on how these colors and processes were chosen, I'm just stumbling around in the dark.
With the thousands of tutorials out there on how to use software, I can find the technical stuff pretty easily. There doesn't seem to be much material on the artistic side, or I just don't know where to look. I have had several art classes in college, but at the time I wasn't as interested and now wish I had pursued it far enough to know what I don't know now.
All help, guidance and pointers to artistic elements will be appreciated.
Hi Richard, and welcome to another Aussie. You guys seem to be taking over the world (and no Ashes cracks, please).Quote:
Hi guys,
I am Richard and live in Sydney, Australia.
Yep, that sums it up for most of us - and the learning bit is what CiC is all about.Quote:
Been at it for a while, however still learning.
You might want to update your profile so that your name and where you are appears alongside your posts. As well as being interesting, knowing who is where can help with advice,
Hi Jim, and a warm welcome to CiC. I am sure you will find lots of guidance, that's really what CiC is about, but with your experience I suspect that you may be able to offer some, too.Quote:
Hello everyone, I'm Jim Alexander from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
I'm afraid that I can't help personally with your search for artistic guidance, since I am rather lacking myself, but there some members who make awesome image. The best way to get help is to ask specific questions in one of the forums, maybe try "General Photography Discussion" to start with.
Hope to see you around and hear and see more from you,
P.S. By a coincidence, I am heading your way for a vacation at the end of May (Shenandoah, Blue Ridge, Great Smokies etc). Very much looking forward to it.
Salutations everyone!
My name is Yogi and I am from NYC. I label myself a photographic artist & enthusiast. I am delighted to find another site with photographers from all over the world. My primary application is Paintshop Pro x6, but I'm trying to learn more of Photoshop & Lightroom CC. I am having a blast getting to know my camera, and it has opened me up to more and more ideas. I've read a few posts within the forums and I like the energy here. It's not often you find a photography site were 80% of it's members isn't shoving "what they know you should do" down your cyber face; which doesn't encourage creativity if you ask me. However, I am inspired by the members here, and I hope to share and learn more with you guys.
I'm glad that's how you feel Yogi, because that is exactly what sets CiC apart from many other forums. The good thing about this forum, I think, is that the people who take part in it never forget that they were once (and still are) learning and that nobody knows it all. So, we keep on learning from each other.
So, good to have you involved.
If you want folks to know to address you as Yogi, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Hello All,
My name is Michael. I am 76 years old and recently widowed. I have taken up photography as a way to 'fill the gap'. I find myself increasingly enthusiastic and realise I have a mountain to climb in learning about the intricacies of photography and, in particular, digital photography. The more I learn the more I realise how little I know and understand. I have set myself the objective of achieved the highest possible achievement within my grasp.
Hello, just posted my first picture on CiC, a friend of mine recommended me to get on here. Bit excited about that as I am no professional and the camera I use isn't either... My Name is Brigitte, I am 42 years old and live in northern Germany. Looking forward to the experiences here, sorry for my faulty english :eek:
Hey everyone. I have always loved taking photos and just recently decided to broaden my interests. I started researching how to learn more about being a better photographer. I found this website in my research and fell in love, it has so much informative information. I decided to join to help my skills and to be able to sharpen my interest. Photography is just a hobby and I love doing it. I really don't want to make a career out of it, honestly I just do it for fun. I have quite a few photos and was wondering if there is somewhere that I could start a website to post my photos for others to see but I not sure if I have to have copyrights, or if it would infringe on others rights. I am just an amateur and if someone would like to use one of my photos that would be great and I have not intension to charge them for it. Any kind of help would be great.
Hi everyone,
My name is Sally, I live in Arizona .. I started my hobby in photography in 2012, I use a Canon t3i..My journey has been fulfilling, exciting and so much to learn. This site is packed with an abundance of info that will be a very helpful tool in gaining knowledge for creating great photos.. I enjoy all aspects of photography, but my real passions are wildlife, nature, sports and life changing events. For me every photo outing is an exhilarating adventure to try new techniques and capture that magical moment that totally speaks to you..:)
Hi, my name is Kapil. I am absolutely new to photography, bought my Nikon D5100 around 3 weeks back. I am here to learn and enjoy photography.