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Thread: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  1. #101
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Felipe View Post
    I'm a new guy (are we all guys here?)
    From Santiago, Chile.
    Nikon fan.
    Velvia widow. D90 owner.
    Welcome Felipe; great to have members from parts of the world not yet represented and I know from other folks pics that southern Chile is just dripping with megafantastic landscapes just waiting to be lapped by modern DSLRs & if as I suppose it must be, D90 is even better than D80, get posting.

    An occasional gal shows up

  2. #102
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    Yes Hi Filipe.

    One thing I love about this forum is the world wide appeal. The thing that draws us all together is the love of photography and it is amazing how the hurdles we face are much the same. (except for the weather... see other recent threads).

    Anyway, welcome on board. I hope you find you can freely ask questions and that everyone is friendly and helpful in return.

    I am sure you will.


  3. #103
    Daniel Salazar's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    Bienvenido Felipe!
    Si necesitas ayuda, házmelo saber.

    Willkommen Felipe
    Wenn du Hilfe brauchst frag mich.

    Welcome Felipe
    Ask me if you need help. Even I don't know a lot is good to know that here you will find people who will help you.

    Last edited by Daniel Salazar; 28th January 2009 at 05:35 AM.

  4. #104

    Re: Welcome thread

    Hi, Just found this forum while looking for HDR techniques. Looks like a lot of very helpful information to be found.

    I am looking to learn more about creative photography (and photography in general LOL)

    I got involved with Photography years ago when my dad migrated to Nikon and gave me his old Canon Rebel. I was totally hooked but until the past few years have not had much chance to do much.

    I went to Digital about 3 years ago (or 4?) when my partner asked me what type of camera I wanted for my birthday present. Since I was developing my film and scanning them into the computer anyway - digital seemed the way to go so he bought me my Canon 20D. I LOVE it!!!!

    Four years ago we started our own Photography club and I am starting my own business as a Digital Artist - but still have SOOOOOOOOO much to learn!!!!!! I do not know if I can post links to either site so will wait til I find out.

    Hope to converse, learn and share here.

  5. #105
    Daniel Salazar's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    Welcome Cameo, here you'll be able to learn and share. It's a really helpful community.


  6. #106

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Hi Cameo,

    Welcome to the CiC Forums - nice to have you with us :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cameo View Post
    Hi, Just found this forum while looking for HDR techniques. Looks like a lot of very helpful information to be found.

    Four years ago we started our own Photography club and I am starting my own business as a Digital Artist - but still have SOOOOOOOOO much to learn!!!!!! I do not know if I can post links to either site so will wait til I find out.
    If you'd like to post a link to your work or to your club here that's fine :) - thanks for asking first :) (we often use links to point to things, however, if you'd like to share images in any of the main forums it's nicer if you can post them inline so members don't have to follow a link to see them) (there's an "insert image" button that you can paste a URL to your image in) (we're working on a better tutorial for it).

    Hope this helps - if there's anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask. Looking forward to seeing your work,

  7. #107

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Hi my name is Chris I found your site through the RPS, now in my autumn years I live in Staffordshire UK I own 3 cameras Fuji S9600, Nikon D80 and I have recently bought a Nikon D300 as you can see my interest is growing all the time and I am keen to learn new tecniques

  8. #108
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    Quote Originally Posted by nobby View Post
    Hi my name is Chris I found your site through the RPS, now in my autumn years I live in Staffordshire UK I own 3 cameras Fuji S9600, Nikon D80 and I have recently bought a Nikon D300 as you can see my interest is growing all the time and I am keen to learn new tecniques
    Welcome any way, welcome again as another Chris to keep the David's in order, welcome again as a D80 owner. I tell myself a D300 would be too heavy for me to carry so as to avoid jealousy

  9. #109
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread


    Another Nikon shooter, welcome!.

    No seriously the brand is not important, we all get along very well regardless. There is plenty to learn for all of us, all of the time. When we stop learning that is the time to pack up.

    I am sure you will receive lots of help and encouragement here, from all ages and do post a few of your shots along the way. We only do constructive criticism and praise here.



  10. #110

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Thank you shreds and crisscross

  11. #111

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Quote Originally Posted by nobby View Post
    Hi my name is Chris I found your site through the RPS, now in my autumn years I live in Staffordshire UK I own 3 cameras Fuji S9600, Nikon D80 and I have recently bought a Nikon D300 as you can see my interest is growing all the time and I am keen to learn new tecniques:)
    Hi Chris,

    A big welcome from me too! If there's anything we can help with, you only have to ask.

  12. #112

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Thank you Colin

  13. #113
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread


    I was asked to write a bit about me:

    Standard beginning - My Aunt gave me a camera for my 7th Birthday. I played with chemicals when I was 10 and developed 640 roll film and made contact prints. Rewired my bedroom with 14 loudspeakers when I was 13. Dabbled in (read managed) Theatre Lighting for the School Productions from 15 to 18 - because I could not sing - so the Teachers said - and rewired the School PA as well . . .

    At 18, I bought a second hand (Minolta) SR3 with a 35 / 58 / 135. Then later bought a new 303b with an 85F1.8 that was it . . . the passion hit . . . the 58 F1.4 and the 85 F1.8, and TRI- X rated at 1600ASA . . . I took notes on everything (I still do) I soon found I could push TRI X to 3200ASA . . . sometimes 6400ASA, I still have my development log book with my test results.

    Out of school I did my Certificate of Photography and then Advanced Certificate in Photography and Cinematography, both part time and worked as a stringer for a few papers and sold anything and everything I could. Early on I worked for a W&P studio for a year to get experience and began our first W&P business when I was 22.

    To consolidate income flow I dabbled deeply in Theatre, Broadcast, Telecast, always on the Technical & Production side. Shot a couple of short feature films. I went to business school.

    I have since built and kitted out three studios. I have done about 1500+ Weddings. I have taught Photographic Theory and Practice at Night School (Technical College), and in 1994 I began a four year quest writing a paper on the influences of the still image in advertising from post second WW to the 1990s: looking especially at the portrayal of women as the subjects and the whole dynamic of Photography as a result.

    We sold up the Photography business around 2000, and I did not pick up a camera for a few years. I decided to have a go at the digital media about 4 years ago - after much thought - like about a year of research I began to buy into a Canon DSLR Kit.

    I have quiet definite ideas about my kit and it is predicted upon a dual format (APS-C and 135 format). I place great emphasis on lens speed. I like Prime lenses - at the moment I own only one Canon zoom lens - but that is not out of the ordinary for me, in my all film kits I total only two zoom lenses.

    Around 2005, I went back to work for the Studio I used to own - firstly to cut them over to digital - we bought four kits based on a 30D and a 5D - again my dual format philosophy. That done, I now do about two Weddings a month for the owner of that studio.

    I find that the ability to choose the gig is far less stress and fact that I am paid for performance only with no aftermath of business ownership is quite refreshing and invigorating to my Photographic work - which is a release from my own Business.

    I still have a personal interest in Available Light Photography - mostly informal portraiture - some might designate it a genre of "Street Photography": I regularly push my 20D to ISO3200, hand hold it at 1/15s and use the 50mm wide open at F1.4. My other personal interests is sport, and I am involved with several sporting pursuits - so that has come full circle too, which I used to get paid for my Rugby shots - I now donate my time, mostly for Hockey and Swimming - and some School events.

    I am married to the most stable and calming wife - 32 years. We have two daughters. We both work in our own company, which is not related to Photography.

    I admire everyone who strives for a Personal Best, and then strives to better that, again - no matter what their pursuit might be.

    Last edited by William W; 28th January 2009 at 02:17 AM.

  14. #114

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    Re: Welcome thread

    LOL - OK, so how was I supposed to know that Bill was writing about himself at the same time I was writing glowing things about him in another forum!

    Anyway, again, Bill - great to have you with us - it's both an honour and a pleasure. Now I just hope we can keep you coming back!

    All the best,

  15. #115
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    Re: Welcome thread

    Wonderful intro, Bill. Welcome! The forums started just 9 months ago and have made great progress during this time, thanks to a core set of active members. It would be great to have you be a part of this continued growth. Please feel free to drop me a PM if you have any feedback, questions or issues. Regards, Sean
    Last edited by McQ; 28th January 2009 at 04:05 AM.

  16. #116

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Joined up only minutes ago and already have learned something new. I think I've hit the motherlode. Look forward to learning a lot more.

    Colin O'Regan

  17. #117

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    Re: Welcome thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dirtsurgeon View Post
    Joined up only minutes ago and already have learned something new. I think I've hit the motherlode. Look forward to learning a lot more.

    Colin O'Regan
    Good to have you with us Colin - looking forward to posting with you on the forums. If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

  18. #118
    Daniel Salazar's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    @ Nobby, welcome to the forum. As Ian wrote, here we're people with different brands. even there is space for Sony users like me

    @ WW or Bill, very welcome! at the beginning I was confused who might be Bill if I didn't find any Bill, whom introdused himself, just a William W. Now after some research and reading a post Colin wrote on the SLR lens set on a budget ? thread, I might tell you that even we haven't seen any picture, you "Résumé" is quite impresive.

    I thing we all are honored to have somebody with your string background and knowledge.

    Last edited by Daniel Salazar; 28th January 2009 at 08:39 AM.

  19. #119
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    "It would be great to have you be a part of this continued growth. Please feel free to drop me a PM if you have any feedback, questions or issues. Regards, Sean"

    Thank Colin. He dropped me an email a few days ago.

    I hope I can assist. Periodically at the moment, due to business commitments, but none the less, I will be here.

    And I really like that “Colour": is correctly spelled.


  20. #120
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome thread

    "I might tell you that even we haven't seen any picture, you "Résumé" is quite impresive. I thing we all are honored to have somebody with your string background and knowledge."

    Well, that's a very nice comment. Thanks you. But my resume is only a list of hard work, discipline and passion.

    I have learnt much more from others than I have taught them, I think.

    I've to learn how to post stuff - like pictures - I just can type really quickly so I tend to do that - on another Photo site I was a member for years before I posted a single picture!


    I have to cook dinner.

    Thanks again for the welcome let's make a mark with this site - it has great potential and the "feel" is really GOOD.


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