Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi I'm Greg from South Africa. Finding the CIC site very informative.
Question moved
Hi Greg,
Welcome to the CiC forums, great to have you join us.
I have taken the liberty of moving the question part to another forum so the answers don't get muddled with intros and welcomes, and also because it is more likely to be seen and answered there, I hope you don't mind.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi All
Been lurking around the forum and web site for a while now and thought I'd join and say hi. I really do appreciate the effort that's gone into creating this site - the tutorials are superb. I most like the extreme technical detail that is included in them!
Another thing that has struck me after trawling through the old forum threads is just how friendly this place is and how knowledgeable the posters are.
Anyway, I've had a Nikon D40 for a while and have thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures of the family and have decided to try and learn more so I can hopefully develop (excuse the pun) my abilities. And with a fairly major birthday coming up I am currently investigating replacing my beloved D40 with maybe a D300s or a Canon 7D so with the more technical camera I might be asking lots of questions of you guys!
Hi Pete,
Welcome to the CiC forums from a fellow Nikon user, great to have you join the merry band.
If you're considering changing brands, I'm guessing you only have the kit lens on the D40!
So don't forget to specify some decent extra glass for whatever you decide to go with, as (IMHO) the camera is only about 20% of the image quality equation, 60% is the lens and 20% is effective PP. Oh, and another 100% for the photographer ;)
Best to start with any queries on this in the Digital SLR Cameras forum, as I'm sure you know by now if you've been reading up here.
What sort of direction do you see your photography taking?
All the best,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I am Calvin.
Retired and love Photography.
Here to chat and learn.
Thanks all.
Hi Calvin,
What things do you like to shoot?
I guess there is plenty of wildlife in Florida.
You're good to both chat and learn here, so just pitch in with a question, photo(s) or whatever.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Gary Pope
Hi Everyone. My name is Gary Pope, and I am just joining this site. It was introduced to me by reference to some excellent technical information on Histograms. I am a retired Architect and have been getting serious about my old hobby of photography again, now that I have the time.
I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee now but am a 3rd generation Californian by birth. I worked in San Francisco for almost 40 years. My photography experience goes back to the '60's with TLR's and 35 mm cameras. Digital photography and editing are my current passions. I am here to seek and give advice.
Hi Gary,
I think you're the second architect this week :)
(dshawarch on the 5th, above and not forgetting crisscross, of course)
It's a common thing, coming back to the hobby after a break of decades, done it myself ;)
I look forward to you getting involved, so see you in the forums soon I hope.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Gary Pope
Hi Everyone. My name is Gary Pope
Hi Gary,
A big wellcome from me too - it's great to have you here.
Looking forward to your input.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I am Calvin.
Retired and love Photography.
Here to chat and learn.
Thanks all.
Hi Calvin,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you here.
PS: If you'd ever like to change your username to just "Calvin", drop me a note -- only takes a few seconds to change.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everybody. My names Mike, I'm 28. I found this site while looking for a good tutorial to better understand curves and histograms in photoshop. I was blessed to recently receive a hand me down DSLR from my girlfriend's Aunt. It's an Olympus Evolt E300. A few years old but quite a good camera in my opinion. Infinitely better than my iPhone which is all I've had since my dog chewed up my point and shoot. I am blown away by this site. I have always loved photography. My high school actually had a great photography lab and I had taken some classes dealing with B&W film and 35mm SLRs. I feel like the tuts on this site refreshed eveything I had ever learned and expanded on that knowledge in just a few hours. I am super appreciative for this resource and look forward to learning a lot more. :D
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody. My names Mike, I'm 28. I found this site while looking for a good tutorial to better understand curves and histograms in photoshop. I was blessed to recently receive a hand me down DSLR from my girlfriend's Aunt. It's an Olympus Evolt E300. A few years old but quite a good camera in my opinion. Infinitely better than my iPhone which is all I've had since my dog chewed up my point and shoot. I am blown away by this site. I have always loved photography. My high school actually had a great photography lab and I had taken some classes dealing with B&W film and 35mm SLRs. I feel like the tuts on this site refreshed eveything I had ever learned and expanded on that knowledge in just a few hours. I am super appreciative for this resource and look forward to learning a lot more. :D
Hi Mike,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us in the forums after the tutorials.
Incidentally, those tuts are all the work of Sean (McQ) who also built the whole site and set up the forums.
Look forward to seeing your next post.
What lens(es) do you have with the Olympus and what do you like to shoot?
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody. My names Mike, I'm 28.
Hi Mike,
Big welcome from me too - great to have you with us!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
My Name is Art ;) ;) This is my first attempt at any forum of any kind.
Hello to the new members. Mike is hear for the same reason as I. And that is histograms? I got this website from SOAphoto.
Im a lot older than most (68) and began my fascination with photography before high school. I messed with developing film and making contact prints. No Color back then. I saw plans for an enlarger in Popular Mechanics from an old bellows box camera. That was it. 8 by 10 prints b&w but cool. My highschool also had a cool dark room and a teacher Brother Omer, who showed me a lot of what I know today about photography. I discovered that setting up a couple of lights and a white backdrop in a hallway at the Saturday night Recod Hop brought in a lot of couples for love at first sight portraits. $5.00 for 2 5x7 prints in frame folder. $75 to $100 each night plus!!! wow After high School I took up Photography at Franklin Tech in Bosten. Got away from it in the 80's and 90's.
The introduction of Digital Photographn got me cooked again and I bought a D40 and leardned a lot. Now I have a D-60 and hope to get a D90 soon
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Art,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me :) great to have you join us.
What lenses have you acquired for the D40/D60?
What sort of things do you shoot in your digital era?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thought I'd introduce myself to everyone. I've been playing around with cameras and images since 13 and still can't get it right :-))
That said, I'm still having fun and still finding out how to do things. HDR has proved challenging but, I'm starting to get a workflow I'm comfortable with.
I'm in total awe of the images I am seeing from other members so I guess I'll be asking for lots of advice from you all.
This is the first time I've tried joining one of these forums, so I'm looking forward to some interesting chats.
So, on the basis that its a bit of put up or shut up, I've loaded few images for review,
I'll be interested in the feedback.
(oh yes, I'm aCanon eos 450 user)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Arthur Parent
My Name is Art ;) ;) This is my first attempt at any forum of any kind.
Hi Art,
Welcome - it's great to have you here. I feel priviliged that you chose us as your first-ever forum ... I just hope we can live up to expectations :)
I'm not quite as old as you ... but I am catching up fast :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
James G
Thought I'd introduce myself to everyone. I've been playing around with cameras and images since 13 and still can't get it right :-))
That said, I'm still having fun and still finding out how to do things. HDR has proved challenging but, I'm starting to get a workflow I'm comfortable with.
I'm in total awe of the images I am seeing from other members so I guess I'll be asking for lots of advice from you all.
This is the first time I've tried joining one of these forums, so I'm looking forward to some interesting chats.
So, on the basis that its a bit of put up or shut up, I've loaded few images for review,
I'll be interested in the feedback.
(oh yes, I'm aCanon eos 450 user)
Hi James,
Another first time forum person - howdy.
You have some interesting images there, but I think it will be a little more practical to pick say, four or five, from the 25 in your album for review by linking them into the new thread in the most appropriate forum.
If you're not sure how, here's something that will help, although so far you've done fine on your own with the album :)
I look forward to those chats, but for now, I think it only remains for me to say;
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Dave, thanks for the welcome. Took your advice and posted a couple of images into the DT forum.
cheers, James
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Dave
I really like the D40 and Nikon in general as I personally find the controls more intuitive than the Canon but I guess you can get used to either if you've a mind to.
I have a young fast growning/moving family so primarily want to capture family/portrait shots and find the D40 isn't really quick enough to keep up sometimes. I also have a friend who has done some lovely landscape photography and so has got my interest in that as well now.
Up until recently I was dead set on a D300s but I am finding it hard to ignore the Canon 7D - I would probably find it a chore to get used to but all the reviews that I've read have given it the edge over the Nikon. I'm afraid I'm one of these people who likes to go into specs in extreme detail as I love technology - I've probably read just about every review going on the two cameras and as I don't have a lens collection of either make now is the time to switch if I am going to. My camera history doesn't really favour any one make, started with a Practika MTL3 then Minolta 7000 and then the Nikon D40 but I only really started venturing away from the program mode since getting the D40 and so it's the Nikon controls that I have a feel for.
You're absolutely right about the lens I still only have the kit 18-55 so I also intend to get a 50mm f1.8 and hopefully if the budget allows the 18-200 but I'll have to see, I may have to go for the 18-105 instead.
Thanks for taking the time to reply
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I have been taking snapshots for a number of years and I now want to try and create better images. I have a Canon 350D and have recently moved from using the full auto setting to aperture priority and yes, even dabbled with full manual mode on the camera. In essence, I am still experimenting.
The tutorials on this site have already shown me how to enhance images post shutter using Photoshop. The histogram tutorials, particularly on colour and luminance, worked a treat. I couldn't believe the difference.
Here's to learning more techniques.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I have been taking snapshots for a number of years and I now want to try and create better images. I have a Canon 350D and have recently moved from using the full auto setting to aperture priority and yes, even dabbled with full manual mode on the camera. In essence, I am still experimenting.
The tutorials on this site have already shown me how to enhance images post shutter using Photoshop. The histogram tutorials, particularly on colour and luminance, worked a treat. I couldn't believe the difference.
Here's to learning more techniques.
Hi "Brookaneer",
Big welcome from me - great to have you with us :)
What kinds of things are you shooting?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I've just gone digital (4 weeks ago as of Mid December 09) with a Nikon D90 and... well...AAAAAARRRRRRGH! SOOOOOOOOOOO many questions to be answered!!!
Well, if you aren't learning you aren't living and if you aren't're dead.
I am just about to search the posts on processing RAW. I'm using Capture NX2. I'll be very interested in what that is all about since I have about 350 photos of my sister in-law's wedding to work on :eek:
I've already had a look at some of the tutorials and my head hurts :confused:
Look forward to communicating with some forum members and learning as much as I can as I go.
Thanks for this invaluable oportunity...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Hi "Brookaneer",
Big welcome from me - great to have you with us :)
What kinds of things are you shooting?
Hi Colin,
I'm shooting anything from landscapes to close ups of flowers. I seem to produce better images of the latter. This may be due to the lens I use for close ups: Canon EF 24 - 70mm L USM. My other lenses are 'bog standard' that came with the camera.
At the moment, I am experimenting with how different light conditions affect an image e.g. I had an empty wine bottle leaning against a wine glass on top of white paper. The white paper reflected light back through the bottle and glass towards the lens to give a nice green to the bottle but at the same time, washed out most of the wine glass except around the edge of the rim of the glass, the join between the stem and the bowl of the glass and also the base of the glass. I obviously shot from above.
It was difficult to expose for but I got there in the end with a little help from my old friend Photoshop.