Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello to all at CiC, I have just joined your Forum after browsing the article on Lens filters, I thought the information and advice in the article to be first rate.
I have just recently re-newed my interest in SLR photography after a lapse of some 30 odd years and, oh how the cameras have changed, I used to shoot with a Konica Auto-Reflex T, which back in 1970 was considered to be state of the art.
I have now bought myself a Nikon D700 {I'm now considering taking a degree in engineering to get to understand all it's functions}
I look forward to using the Tutorials to help me with my grappling with the camera and Photoshop Elements.
Hi Dando,
As I was just saying to Bill, we're good for Elements in the forums here.
Not so sure on the D700 itself, but if there's anything that might just come down to understanding the 'lingo' of digital, then many here can help and we're fairly resourceful.
I was in your position two, oh no :eek:, three years ago, where does the time go?
What sort of things are you photographing now?
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
That's a reasonable lens range and at least the subjects are close at hand, who is the gardener of the family?
I am (but I can assure you it's no show stopper)and I love being out there!
I try to grow plants that attract wild life.
Although I much prefer the summer, there is still a lot of interest out there.
When I get the chance and work out how, I'll post some pics.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Like to introduce myself Jim in Cincinnati ohio. I found Cambridge looking for lens info. I love to take automonile pictures I work at a Porsche dealer in Cincinnati, so i get plenty of photo oppurtunities. Look forward in reading your ideas on photography and unerstanding photography better.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Like to introduce myself Jim in Cincinnati ohio. I found Cambridge looking for lens info. I love to take automonile pictures I work at a Porsche dealer in Cincinnati, so i get plenty of photo oppurtunities. Look forward in reading your ideas on photography and unerstanding photography better.
Hi Jim,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
What do you shoot with?
Does the photography at work extend to specialist Post Processing too?
Look forward to seeing some shots and if you have any questions, don't be shy, just ask.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I live in Singaore. I am a retiree. Photography is one of my hobbies. Currently I use Nikon DSLRs. I enjoy reading the tutorials and I really learnt a lot about digital photography in these forums.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi: I'm joining from Canada in Northern Ont.To give you some idea of where, its just outside of Sudbury the famous nickle basin. I'm retired and was in an accident a few years ago and was looking for creative things to do. This area is filled with flora and fauna. Being in the middle of the boreal forest there is no shortage of flora or fauna from bears, wolves, cayotes to smaller animals like rabbits and foxes. The bird population is large from herons to cickadees and changes with the seasons. I bought a Sony cybershot to see if I liked shooting pictures. You've already guessed the answer---I'm hooked.By the way my shooting companion is my Alaskan Malemut who carries lunch and equipment in his saddlebags.
I'm just going to step up to a DSLR and was considering the Sony A550 because its in my price range especially if it comes with the lens kits.
MOD EDIT: Question moved to DSLR forum for a better chance of more answers
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi: I'm joining from Canada in Northern Ont.
Hi, and welcome. I'm a ways south of you and envy the photo ops that you have up there in the North Country. I'm sure you're going to be busy. :)
I'm just going to step up to a DSLR and was considering the Sony A550 because its in my price range especially if it comes with the lens kits. Any advice anyone, and keep it simple,
I can't advise on cameras, but I will say, take your time in the store and get a feel for the controls and make sure that whatever you pick feels comfortable to you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi, Nice fourm.I was running around the net and this looks like a mellow place to stop.
I've been shooting slide flim on and off for a number of years. The digital tech seems to have matured enough so its time to move in.
There is a few questions I'll present later.
thanks Tom
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone, Nikki here from Kuwiat
I came across the CIC while reserching for Wide Angle and Fish Eye lens info. Been shutter bug as hobbie for long years, got that from my father. Moved to DSLR bout two years ago(previous Pentax K1000 35mm & Nikon FM10 35mm) I am currently using a Sony A100 and enjoying it. :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Nikki,
Welcome to the group.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello anyone, found this site looking for info on digital Cameras to buy and D Photo magazine site..... I am looking at having a play with photography again. found the site very usefull and informative. Currently using a Canon S45 point and shoot camera. pretty happy with what it does when purchasing it about 6 years ago mainly for work. Really have alot of fun with it but realise after looking at a colleague at works photo's of a work function and how clear and the quality of photo what I am missing out on. The depth of field in the photos makes them look so much more professional. The constant battery problem with digital can be a pain at times and how you dont see an exact picture of the final result through the view finder is annoying at times..
Have a minolta 7000 that does not get much use anymore..would really like an SLR digital but not sure what to buy or whether to stay with 7000? For the digital SLR a Canon 450D or 400D looks like a good one to have?
As far as the 7000 I have had mixed results with it over the years and obviously dont want to experiment with the cost of film developing....thought about buying an SLR XG-M manual minolta as my old 303 seems to have deterioted in its case....
any help would be appreciated. cheers
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I live in Singaore. I am a retiree. Photography is one of my hobbies. Currently I use Nikon DSLRs. I enjoy reading the tutorials and I really learnt a lot about digital photography in these forums.
Hi Xiaory,
Welcome to the CiC forums, great to have you join us.
You can learn even more by asking (or answering) questions, so I would encourage you to "jump in" and make a splash. :)
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi: I'm joining from Canada in Northern Ont. To give you some idea of where, its just outside of Sudbury the famous nickle basin.
I'm retired and was in an accident a few years ago and was looking for creative things to do. This area is filled with flora and fauna. Being in the middle of the boreal forest there is no shortage of flora or fauna from bears, wolves, cayotes to smaller animals like rabbits and foxes. The bird population is large from herons to cickadees and changes with the seasons. I bought a Sony cybershot to see if I liked shooting pictures. You've already guessed the answer---I'm hooked.By the way my shooting companion is my Alaskan Malemut who carries lunch and equipment in his saddlebags.
Hi Phil,
I know we have conversed regarding the A550 elsewhere, but I'm not sure I did the 'official' welcome there, so here it comes ;)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
BTW, what is an "Alaskan Malemut"?
Are there any Alaskan Femalemuts? :)
No better still, post a picture of him(?), perhaps in an Album.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
tom gagne
Hi, Nice fourm.I was running around the net and this looks like a mellow place to stop.
I've been shooting slide flim on and off for a number of years. The digital tech seems to have matured enough so its time to move in.
There is a few questions I'll present later.
Hi Tom,
Great to have you join us.
Do you have any of your slides online?
Don't forget to ask those questions - there's no such thing as a stupid question here.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone, Nikki here from Kuwiat
I came across the CIC while reserching for Wide Angle and Fish Eye lens info. Been shutter bug as hobbie for long years, got that from my father. Moved to DSLR bout two years ago(previous Pentax K1000 35mm & Nikon FM10 35mm) I am currently using a Sony A100 and enjoying it. :)
Hi Nikki,
Glad to have you join us and I see you already have a picture in the Mini Competition #61, so I don't need to tell you about that :)
If you have any questions, just ask away.
Ah, now I see you've done that too.
I must be really behind here or you're a quick learner, bit of each I reckon, anyway great to have another active member fitting in so well.
It only remains for me (rather belatedly) to say;
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello anyone, found this site looking for info on digital Cameras to buy and D Photo magazine site..... I am looking at having a play with photography again. found the site very usefull and informative. Currently using a Canon S45 point and shoot camera. pretty happy with what it does when purchasing it about 6 years ago mainly for work. Really have alot of fun with it but realise after looking at a colleague at works photo's of a work function and how clear and the quality of photo what I am missing out on. The depth of field in the photos makes them look so much more professional. The constant battery problem with digital can be a pain at times and how you dont see an exact picture of the final result through the view finder is annoying at times..
Have a minolta 7000 that does not get much use anymore..would really like an SLR digital but not sure what to buy or whether to stay with 7000? For the digital SLR a Canon 450D or 400D looks like a good one to have?
As far as the 7000 I have had mixed results with it over the years and obviously dont want to experiment with the cost of film developing....thought about buying an SLR XG-M manual minolta as my old 303 seems to have deterioted in its case....
any help would be appreciated. cheers
Hi Aaron,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
Your situation sounds similar to Tom above, he's just thinking of migrating to digital from film.
Not sure what lenses you have with the Minolta, and I'm no expert, but they may be usable on a Sony DSLR.
I would suggest you start a new thread in the DSLR forum stating what lenses you have and asking for help choosing a DSLR there.
Best regards,
3 Attachment(s)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi: Thanks Dave for the welcome. I'll show you a Malemute. He is about 90 lbs and carries in his saddlebags anything I need. I know that they're in the UK because Boomer is a Favourite of Europeans passing on the transcontinental tour train which runs from east to west thru here on its way to the Rockies. And an English women told me she had seen them at a dog show in Charing Cross.
All dogs are descended from the the wolf but Malemutes are more so in that he inhabits a wolves' body. He's pack rather than territorial, making him and them the worst guard dog in the world. Once you're in the pack he will defend(pack- not territory )and in fact did one night when we ran into a black bear and her cubs. He instantly stepped in front of me. She retreated as we did as" discretion is the better part of valour.."
They, the dogs, were selectively bred to pull the heavy sleds when the Inuit were hunting the large seals on ice flows.They will automatically back of dangerous ice or snow warning the sled drivers.They are dedicated family dogs as long as you can stand the shedding fur.
This is a bit long, but I am quite fond of Boomer. I obviously need to shoot some better pictures. The eye reflection is because his wolf eyes absorb light to improve their night vision (common to most animals according to a vet.)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone
I live in New Zealand in the North Island (or Te Ika a Maui). I love photography - love - love. Once was a Nurse Diabetes Specialist now retired, no diverted (converted?).
I seem to like best the small views of things, such as a rock jutting out into the stream because I love the texture & movement patterns of the water. I like flowers & plants & try to capture the velvety or rough textures. I don't like to pick the flowers, but will get round to studio shots one day. Love reflections.
I shoot Sony, the first DSLR they put out. I didn't know where to look for information & advice at the time, nevertheless I drooled over the Nikon D200, which I should have bought. Ah well.
Look forward to hearing from you.