Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello Jan. And welcome.
As Roger has said immediately above, I think you will find many people on this site willing to offer help and advice. The strength of Cambridge in Colour, in my opinion, is that we all enjoy ourselves and no-one is trying to demonstrate superiority.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone,
My name is Melanie and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I recently received a Nikon D5000 for Christmas from my hubby and have been clicking away ever since. I had been using point and shoot cameras beforehand and never really strayed away much from the auto selection. I was a little overwhelmed at first with this camera but am quickly learning all the amazing features it has to offer!
I am presently taking a photography course to learn how to take better pics with my camera and learn its functions.
I love this site, it offers so much useful info on these cameras. I can't believe how much is out there!
I currently have a 18-55mm, 50mm and 55-200mm lenses.
The only thing I wish I had was a motor for the autofocus for my 50mm which the Nikon D90 has. I find it challenging to focus...a tripod would probably help.
Thanks for all your info!!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Melanie:
Welcome to CiC. Winnipeg.......I grew up in a small town very close to Winnipeg! It's a small world after all.
It's a big step to go from point-and-shoot to dslr but a very exciting and satisfying one as well. You will find plenty of very capable and experienced photographers on this forum always willing to help. Lots are shooting Nikon (although I'm a Canon guy ;) ).
Great to have you with us. Post a few of your shots when you get a chance.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone,
My name is Andrew and I am from Brisbane, Australia. I was given a Minolta XG-1 as a young bloke and, being a young bloke, I dropped it in beer, water, sand and generally abused it until it ceased working. I have always wanted to get back into photography and have just bought a second hand Pentax K100D Super DSLR with a 28-300mm Sigma zoom. I am not sure exactly what type of photography I will get into but am keen to try out some night shots, landscapes and seascapes. We also have a lot of wildlife around here so I will give that a go also. I have read some of your forum entries and you look like a really helpful bunch who might be able to help a person who is starting from a low knowledge base.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi All
I live in Dublin and have being hauling around my cameras for the last 8 years or so. Was bit of a late starter to photographer and am not one of these people who have had a camera in their hand since they could walk. Wish I was though! I do some press work now and then but its not my main income. My main interest to date is music photography and more recently I am trying to develop into studio work. As such I am 'going back to basics' and have found this site very useful in its turorials. Main grips currently I have are with the Canon 1D Mark III which seems to let me down (or maybe its the other way round!!) so often. My Canon 5D Mark I out performs every time. Suggestions here welcome on custome settings, etc. I am trying to learn more about studio work, am looking to get some gear, light meters, heads, stands and will welcome any and all suggetsions.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Everyone
Just joined this site today.I have owned a 20D,still own a 40D and just bought a 7D.I have some areas I need work on like on camera flash on off. I do need to get out more and shoot but living in ND the winters can be tough.Just thought I'd say hi and that I like what I see on this site. Thanks Tom
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi! I'm Jennifer...I love this site and I'm really looking forward to learning more about photography and being able to share with others. I'm still very new to photography, but I love it and have always loved taking pictures. It's been fairly recently that I have decided to try to take it farther than just pics of my kid and vacations! I'm taking classes, but I am trying to immerse myself and learn all that I can!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone
Just joined this site today.I have owned a 20D,still own a 40D and just bought a 7D.I have some areas I need work on like on camera flash on off. I do need to get out more and shoot but living in ND the winters can be tough.Just thought I'd say hi and that I like what I see on this site. Thanks Tom
Welcome to the group. You can always practice your technique photographing still life during those cold ND winters.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi! I'm Jennifer...I love this site and I'm really looking forward to learning more about photography and being able to share with others. I'm still very new to photography, but I love it and have always loved taking pictures. It's been fairly recently that I have decided to try to take it farther than just pics of my kid and vacations! I'm taking classes, but I am trying to immerse myself and learn all that I can!
Welcome Jennifer,
Vacation photography can be very enjoyable.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
........... I'm taking classes, but I am trying to immerse myself and learn all that I can!
Hi Jennifer:
Welcome to CiC. Don't forget to check out the tutorials on this site. They contain a wealth of information!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone. I'm Gary.
I'm just the "old guy" some say. I spent 30 good years as a Graphic Designer in Fort Smith Arkansas. Now I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I'm working for a printer. Not much creative work and I miss it at times. I've almost come full circle I guess. I used to do quite a bit of my own photography back in the day. Since I owned my own small ad agency, it was a money saver if ya could do a lot of things yourself. Those were the days of film cameras and before computers. I was exposed to everything from 35 mm to 8x10. We shot a lot of furniture in full room scenes and needed the large format to get the job done.
One day all of my personal equipment got stolen from my car. I shot Minolta 35mm back then. So I bought a Sony digital that I used for small jobs. When I finally shut down my shop I got out of the habit of shooting for a few years. Then the grand kids came along.
I now have a Canon 50D that I am "learning" how to use. Boy technology has changed over the years. I'm not planning on doing any commercial work but rather for the sake of art. I'd like to maybe sell some prints at a local art show from time to time.
Being in the type of business I am in I use Photoshop daily and considered myself somewhat versed in Photoshop CS4. Of course, every time I read a new tut I realize just how powerful that program is and how little I really know.
Anyway, that's the short story about me. Now I do have a question and I'm sure this isn't the forum to post it and I apologize for that, but I didn't see anywhere else that may be of help so here's my question. I've already seen some remarkable work on this site but some of the user posted photos come up only as a question mark? Would that be a browser problem on my end?
Thanks and I'm looking forward to enjoying your site.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi! I'm Jennifer...I love this site and I'm really looking forward to learning more about photography and being able to share with others. I'm still very new to photography, but I love it and have always loved taking pictures. It's been fairly recently that I have decided to try to take it farther than just pics of my kid and vacations! I'm taking classes, but I am trying to immerse myself and learn all that I can!
Hi Jennifer,
Welcome ... great to have you with us :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hello everyone, i'm happy to found this site. it's very comprehensive on photography. and i'm here to learn from all you guys here, since i'm a beginner. so, please share your experiences.. :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I've already seen some remarkable work on this site but some of the user posted photos come up only as a question mark? Would that be a browser problem on my end?
Welcome to CiC. This site contains a wealth of information and has lots of very capable photographers always willing to help. With all of your experience in this business I'm sure you'll be making a major contribution yourself.
Now, as far as the problem with photos not showing up correctly, you may have to post that question as a new thread. I know there has recentlly been some software changes to the site but things seem to have settled out. There have been instances of photos disappearing as a result of them being linked from another site and the photographer re-arranging that site causing broken links. However I don't think very many were affected that way.
In any event, it's good to have you with us.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hello everyone, i'm happy to found this site. it's very comprehensive on photography. and i'm here to learn from all you guys here, since i'm a beginner. so, please share your experiences.. :)
Hello ismat:
Welcome to our forum. You probably should check out the "Tutorials" section where there is a lot of information applicable to all levels of photographers.
Nice to have you with us.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello All!! Just joined but I have read the tutorials extensively and that pushed me to join. I started photography 40 years ago with B&W in a basement darkroom and have been in and out ever since. I currently own a Sony DSC H5 so I don't carry 2 Nikons, 4 lenses, and 20 lbs of stuff. Living in the Crab Capitol of the World, I took the name Crabbe. I have travelled extensively for work and pleasure, but there is no place like home. Looking forward to learning and sharing and making friends.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello All!! Just joined but I have read the tutorials extensively and that pushed me to join. I started photography 40 years ago with B&W in a basement darkroom and have been in and out ever since. I currently own a Sony DSC H5 so I don't carry 2 Nikons, 4 lenses, and 20 lbs of stuff. Living in the Crab Capitol of the World, I took the name Crabbe. I have travelled extensively for work and pleasure, but there is no place like home. Looking forward to learning and sharing and making friends.
Welcome Crabbe,
Whenever I see a fellow photographer I always have to stop myself from staring at their gear, especially before saying hello. I had to see what equipment you were using, not bad for a bridge camera. That explains why you don't carry more than one camera, although sometimes its good to have another on hand even if its a point and shoot.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone,
This forum is great!!! so much info, i love it. I just picked up a canon xsi, I am learning so much just by reading the ideas and experiances others have posted.
- Joe
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi folks. My name is Brian, from New Hampshire. I recently got back into photography and got my first nice camera in a long time after my sony point and shoot was stolen and my first dslr a canon rebel xs. I love everything photography in general and took a class in it my senior year of h.s 3 years ago and learned alot but it was just the tip of the iceberg am finding out. I love to take pictures of cars, landscape and macro and just picked up my first lens for the camera a sigma telephoto and macro lens. I came across this site while in search of tutorials and techniques on google and was amazed at the quality of them and saw you had a forum and figured I would join and get to learn more and give and receive feedback.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Brian and Joe
Welcome to you both as today's (so far) new entrants. Hope you both enjoy being part of this forum. As I've said many times before, this is primarily, for me, a learning forum. Not only are the tutorials and techniques pages full of useful (and understandable) material, but you'll find people here with an awful lot of knowledge and skill who are happy to share it. This, fortunately, is not a place where people spend time trying to show how clever or knowledgeable they are just for the sake of it.