Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Well, because a full frame model like the D700 is too expensive. And the D90 seems to be about half the price of the D300S though the 2 cameras seem to be almost identical otherwise - with the exception of the 300S maybe having better weather sealing; hard to justify for an extra $800. Most of the photos I take are landscape and travel. Many of my photos are low light, one of the major reasons why the P&S is not so good. And almost no artificial light and no portraits. The lens I was considering is the 17-55 f2.8. That would also give me back some of the DOF control - a P&S has essentially none. With my F-1 about 70% of my shots were with a 50mm, 25% with a 24mm and the rest with a 70-210 zoom. What do you suggest?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I am looking at the Nikon D90 but am open to suggestions.
Hi Ben,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us. Just out of curiosity, I'm wondering why you're not including Canon products in your search for a new DSLR?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Ben,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
I am now a Nikon chap, and while I wouldn't want to lose another potential "Nikonite", I have to wonder why you're not looking at Canon models, firstly because I would have thought some/all of your old lenses would be useable on it and secondly because in my experience, everything turns the opposite way with Nikon, so will take that extra bit of getting used to for a former Canon shooter.
With my "moderator" hat on; I may start a new thread and transfer this discussion to the DSLR forum, so if it moves, don't be surprised. (and don't worry either)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
everything turns the opposite way with Nikon, so will take that extra bit of getting used to for a former Canon shooter.
... a funny thing happened at the burger bar (oops, read "open grilled chicken sandwich bar"!) today - there was a couple there who asked me to take a photo of them with their Nikon DSLR - I think I adjusted the focus about 3 times until I found the zoom control!
I wonder who now owns that photo?!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi CIC guys!
I discovered from Antonio that there was a forum here! OMG, I was so surprised. I have liked the photographs of Cambridge so much and never realized there was so much more here. Glad to say hello to you and will post some pictures.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
My understanding is that my old Canon lenses will not fit. If they did the decision would be a no brainer. My lenses are from the 1980's and are "FD" type, manual focus, breech lock mount.
Colin, a Canon camera is not out of the question. The 50D seems to be similar to the Nikon D90. That does bring up a technical aspect which has me perplexed. The Canon is 15 Mp and the Nikon is 12 Mp. Since the sensor sizes are the same does it mean that the Nikon pixels are larger or that they are the same size as the Canon but are spaced further apart? I assume that there is no difference when comparing photos.
Are there advantages to the Canon? Or any other model with similar specs?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I live in Brisbane, Queensland.
I have been interested in photography for over 50 yeras and now am tying to come to grips with the finer points of digital photography and post-processing - a challenge!
My main subject area is landscape/streetscape.
Cameras: Sony DSCR1 and an ultra-compact Sony T300 for "having a camera available at all times".
I hope I am posting correctly; this is a fairly new experience,
My name is Ian; the Username I just use in several spots.
I look forward to sharing.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
My understanding is that my old Canon lenses will not fit. If they did the decision would be a no brainer. My lenses are from the 1980's and are "FD" type, manual focus, breech lock mount.
Correct. I've heard of people using adaptors etc, but in my opinion it's just a waste of time.
Colin, a Canon camera is not out of the question. The 50D seems to be similar to the Nikon D90. That does bring up a technical aspect which has me perplexed. The Canon is 15 Mp and the Nikon is 12 Mp. Since the sensor sizes are the same does it mean that the Nikon pixels are larger or that they are the same size as the Canon but are spaced further apart? I assume that there is no difference when comparing photos.
I'm not sure what technology Nikon are using, but the last few generation of Canon sensors use microlenses that (according to them) "practically eliminate any gap between the pixels". Because photos are two dimensional if you want to double the print resolution then you need to quadruple the pixel count - or put another way, the difference between 12MP and 15MP is approx "nothing". Nikon also use slightly larger sensors than Canon (1.5x crop-factor compared to Canon's 1.6x format).
Are there advantages to the Canon? Or any other model with similar specs?
Canon have a better lens selection and I believe that their higher quality lenses are cheaper than Nikon, but to be honest, all manufactures tend to have more or less identical products for a given price bracket. A lot of people agonise over specs, but the reality is that most models have a BIG overlap, so you really can't go too far wrong. Personally, I shoot Canon because I have a big investment in lenses and accessories - I personally don't like Nikon ergonomics, but I'm sure that just as with cars, it's just a case of watever you get used to. Only reason I brought it up is that you mentioned Nikon, and I thought you might have more options if you included Canon onto the list of possibilities.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I live in Brisbane, Queensland.
I have been interested in photography for over 50 yeras and now am tying to come to grips with the finer points of digital photography and post-processing - a challenge!
My main subject area is landscape/streetscape.
Cameras: Sony DSCR1 and an ultra-compact Sony T300 for "having a camera available at all times".
I hope I am posting correctly; this is a fairly new experience,
My name is Ian; the Username I just use in several spots.
I look forward to sharing.
Hi Ian,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us. The only place in the world that I've ever been outside of New Zealand is Brisbane ... I found it to be a wonderful place :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hi every one
just joined been doing digital phots for a while the wife has a fujiflim 5600 me i still use my olympus compact camera but have ordered a nikon d3000
cant afford photoshop but use serif photoplus x3 which get the job done.
david scooby or dave i answer to most things
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hi every one
just joined been doing digital phots for a while the wife has a fujiflim 5600 me i still use my olympus compact camera but have ordered a nikon d3000
cant afford photoshop but use serif photoplus x3 which get the job done.
david scooby or dave i answer to most things
There is a free online photoshop available but they have access to your photos so don't upload anything you want to retain ownership rights to.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
just join the forum.hope can make a lot friends with the same interest :)
had a nikon slr and few lens in the bag.
best regards,
Hi there Syaif,
Good to have you join us and a fellow Nikon shooter as well :)
What sort of subjects do you like shooting?
- Apart from the kids if they drop your lens (ouch!)
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone,
I am himangshu I am a Data Upload Engineer.
I love photography.
This is a good place to learn and in my opinion.
I own a Panasonic( FZ18) so you people help me about photography .
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Himangshu,
I used to shoot with a similar sort of camera to the FZ18, although it doesn't/didn't have the 8MP or 18x zoom of the FZ18.
Those sort of cameras can certainly tackle a wide range subjects reasonably well, I look forward to seeing some images.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Jan Matatko
Hi, my name is Jan, I am from Czech republic. I am working in hospitality and photography is my love :) my first camera was Canon powershot A70 and then 350D.. with Sigma 18-50mm f3,5-5,6 all second hand :(
been posting my photos on Czech sites but was not happy with non-constructive criticism :)
Hopefully here I'll get some good advise and maybe the direction in my Photography :)
Hi Jan,
I see you're just a little way down the M4 from me :)
I also see you were unsuccessful at uploading a picture in your first post, I hope that doesn't discourage you from returning.
Following a recent forum software upgrade, I am re-writing:, you may find it helpful.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone,
My name is Melanie and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I recently received a Nikon D5000 for Christmas from my hubby and have been clicking away ever since. I had been using point and shoot cameras beforehand and never really strayed away much from the auto selection. I was a little overwhelmed at first with this camera but am quickly learning all the amazing features it has to offer!
I am presently taking a photography course to learn how to take better pics with my camera and learn its functions.
I love this site, it offers so much useful info on these cameras. I can't believe how much is out there!
I currently have a 18-55mm, 50mm and 55-200mm lenses.
The only thing I wish I had was a motor for the autofocus for my 50mm which the Nikon D90 has. I find it challenging to focus...a tripod would probably help.
Thanks for all your info!!
Hi Melanie,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have yet another D5000 owner along for the ride.
I got mine back in May, with just a single 18-200 lens, although I do have a manual 50mm, non-chipped lens from my film days too, I haven't used it much so far. I have recently been taking some table top pics with a tripod using an old 55mm f2.8 Micro-Nikkor donated by a friend and I'm finding it quite instructive. To ease focusing I am using Live View, the thing to do is remember is to open it wide, focus, then stop it down again (but you probably knew that). If necessary, you can also magnify the Live View to achieve a better focus, although with good light and a suitable subject, I am finding I don't need to.
Anyways, I hope that helps and look forward to seeing some shots from you soon.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone,
My name is Andrew and I am from Brisbane, Australia. I was given a Minolta XG-1 as a young bloke and, being a young bloke, I dropped it in beer, water, sand and generally abused it until it ceased working. I have always wanted to get back into photography and have just bought a second hand Pentax K100D Super DSLR with a 28-300mm Sigma zoom. I am not sure exactly what type of photography I will get into but am keen to try out some night shots, landscapes and seascapes. We also have a lot of wildlife around here so I will give that a go also. I have read some of your forum entries and you look like a really helpful bunch who might be able to help a person who is starting from a low knowledge base.
Hi Andrew,
Glad to have you join us and I see you've already added a helpful reply elsewhere, so I reckon we owe you one in return.
Hope you pop back again and post an image or two for constructive critique, or ask any lingering questions you may have, we'd be happy to help.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi All
I live in Dublin and have being hauling around my cameras for the last 8 years or so. Was bit of a late starter to photographer and am not one of these people who have had a camera in their hand since they could walk. Wish I was though! I do some press work now and then but its not my main income. My main interest to date is music photography and more recently I am trying to develop into studio work. As such I am 'going back to basics' and have found this site very useful in its turorials. Main grips currently I have are with the Canon 1D Mark III which seems to let me down (or maybe its the other way round!!) so often. My Canon 5D Mark I out performs every time. Suggestions here welcome on custome settings, etc. I am trying to learn more about studio work, am looking to get some gear, light meters, heads, stands and will welcome any and all suggetsions.
Hi Rob,
Just wanted to say welcome to the CiC forums from me, with my apologies for being somewhat tardy with these 'welcome' posts,
I see you have an active discussion going on with cameras, so I won't go into that here, especially as I am not a "Canonite". Regarding the other things you mention (light meters, heads, stands), I'd suggest the best way is to post in the General Photography Discussion forum with a specific question, as you'll have seen, sometimes a spirited debate ensues ;)
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone
Just joined this site today.I have owned a 20D,still own a 40D and just bought a 7D.I have some areas I need work on like on camera flash on off. I do need to get out more and shoot but living in ND the winters can be tough.Just thought I'd say hi and that I like what I see on this site. Thanks Tom
Hi Tom,
Welcome to the CiC forums from a somewhat warmer southern England, not that it stops us 'Brits' moaning about the weather :o
Did I mention we've quite a cold one this year? ;) yes, it's the coldest many can remember, although I am old enough to remember 1963 ....
I'm sure you get the idea :)
The 7D sounds good from the spec., and although a Nikon bloke myself, I can appreciate a good Canon :)
So, I won't be able to help much with Canon or Flash, but I'm up for most other things.
Best regards 9and hope to see you back soon),
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi! I'm Jennifer...I love this site and I'm really looking forward to learning more about photography and being able to share with others. I'm still very new to photography, but I love it and have always loved taking pictures. It's been fairly recently that I have decided to try to take it farther than just pics of my kid and vacations! I'm taking classes, but I am trying to immerse myself and learn all that I can!
Hi Jennifer,
I hope the classes are going well, it's great to have you join us too.
What camera and lens(es) do you have?
I am guessing (from "vacation") you are living in Canada or the US, am I right?
If we can help you out, just ask a question, don't be shy.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone. I'm Gary.
I'm just the "old guy" some say. I spent 30 good years as a Graphic Designer in Fort Smith Arkansas. Now I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I'm working for a printer. Not much creative work and I miss it at times. I've almost come full circle I guess. I used to do quite a bit of my own photography back in the day. Since I owned my own small ad agency, it was a money saver if ya could do a lot of things yourself. Those were the days of film cameras and before computers. I was exposed to everything from 35 mm to 8x10. We shot a lot of furniture in full room scenes and needed the large format to get the job done.
One day all of my personal equipment got stolen from my car. I shot Minolta 35mm back then. So I bought a Sony digital that I used for small jobs. When I finally shut down my shop I got out of the habit of shooting for a few years. Then the grand kids came along.
I now have a Canon 50D that I am "learning" how to use. Boy technology has changed over the years. I'm not planning on doing any commercial work but rather for the sake of art. I'd like to maybe sell some prints at a local art show from time to time.
Being in the type of business I am in I use Photoshop daily and considered myself somewhat versed in Photoshop CS4. Of course, every time I read a new tut I realize just how powerful that program is and how little I really know.
Anyway, that's the short story about me. Now I do have a question and I'm sure this isn't the forum to post it and I apologize for that, but I didn't see anywhere else that may be of help so here's my question. I've already seen some remarkable work on this site but some of the user posted photos come up only as a question mark? Would that be a browser problem on my end?
Thanks and I'm looking forward to enjoying your site.
Hi Gary,
Great to have you with us.
Welcome to the CiC forums from (probably) an equally 'old guy', I've been working for somewhat over 30 years now too :eek:
But no grand kids yet (phew).
I assume the missing images issue has resolved itself by now, but if not, give me a post url and let me know what browser you're using. Would my guess be correct if I said you are a "Mac" not PC user? ;)