Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Cuban Dane
Hi there from sunny South Australia. Love your site and find the welcoming and non judgmental attitude very refreshing. Also great info in the Tutorials and interesting threads. My reason for joining is simply a thirst for knowledge.
I started off photography with Kodak Slide film when I was a teenager. It remained an absorbing on and off hobby until the mid nineties when I started out professionally doing weddings, children’s portraits, some commercial brochure work and some stock.
I did this until the end of film’s popularity when everyone insisted on digital capture.
Because of Digital SLR camera prices in those days, it was difficult for most photographers to afford to replace their film cameras and so I made a change away from pro photography.
Now I want to do my own thing and Landscapes are my main interest. A year ago I invested in a Nikon D90 to match my lenses. However in all this time I neglected to learn image editing and so I have been playing catch up ever since trying to get to grips with CS2.
I have never posted anything on a site in my life before but I may be taking the plunge here soon asking plenty of questions which don’t seem to be in most books or tutorials.
I look forward to ‘meeting’ everyone soon. Bear with me, I’m new to forums!
P.S. My user name is an anagram of what most people would like to have in life. And when I am not a photographer I am a woodworker as so many woodworkers/photographers are. I wonder why?
Hi Simon,
Fear not, I hadn't belonged to any forums, or posted, before I came here and now I've amassed over 3,000 (gulp), we're very forgiving here and any mis-posts are easily fixed by Colin or myself.
Good to have a fellow Nikon user join, although as you know, we're also not partisan about which brand people use either.
Look forward to seeing something from you soon and it only remains for me to utter the time honoured phrase;
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Why hello,
Surfing on the internet I have found this remarkable and very useful site.
So I just joined your community.
I own 2 Nikon DSLR's (D100 & D2x) and a set of nikor lenses (AFS 80-200/2.8, AFS 24-85/3.5-4, AF 50/1.8, AF macro 105/2.8) combined with my SB-80DX flash (and a Kenko 2x converter).
My main interest is shooting everything that's worth shooting, variing from landscape and animals, to everyday situations from a different point of view.....
At this moment I'm still having trouble to get "the famous super sharp" nikon images out of my D2x (combined with the 25-85). But maybe I'm to precise and not easy satisfied.....
Hpoing to have a lot of fun on this forum.
Greetings, Jeroen
Hi Jeroen,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
I look forward to sharing in your fun here and seeing some work.
If you're having sharpening issues, there are plenty of good members that can help with PP workflow or even, if you provide a sample, cast an eye over one of yours to see if you are being too critical of your own work.
There's at least on link to sharpening from this useful page;
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hi guys,
my name is ukyo, graphic designer by profession and a photography enthusiast by heart. ...i fell in love with photography when i was still in college. since it was one of our minor subject in Fine Arts i developed interest in it when we took an outdoor hiking as i am an outdoor junkie too. and the rest is history. =)
my skills in photography are basic and i took a long hiatus from it since i worked abroad. having found this forum, i decided to get back and be active again. i hope i could learn more from you guys. thank you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome Ukyo,
What format did you use in college and are you using digital today?
Originally Posted by
hi guys,
my name is ukyo, graphic designer by profession and a photography enthusiast by heart. ...i fell in love with photography when i was still in college. since it was one of our minor subject in Fine Arts i developed interest in it when we took an outdoor hiking as i am an outdoor junkie too. and the rest is history. =)
my skills in photography are basic and i took a long hiatus from it since i worked abroad. having found this forum, i decided to get back and be active again. i hope i could learn more from you guys. thank you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Welcome Ukyo,
What format did you use in college and are you using digital today?
i have a Sears Fully Manual SLR 135 format & Yashica 635 Manual 120 format cameras are revealing my age. lol)
it was a second hand vintage camera i bought from my classmate which is from his uncle.
ive only used our company camera the sony DSLR A100k (10 mp) model for a short time then it was broken by one of my colleague so im not yet familiar with digital SLR. i am planning to buy one for my personal use, do you have any suggestions for a mid range priced dslr? (i prefer nikon)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hi guys,
my name is ukyo, graphic designer by profession and a photography enthusiast by heart. ...i fell in love with photography when i was still in college. since it was one of our minor subject in Fine Arts i developed interest in it when we took an outdoor hiking as i am an outdoor junkie too. and the rest is history. =)
my skills in photography are basic and i took a long hiatus from it since i worked abroad. having found this forum, i decided to get back and be active again. i hope i could learn more from you guys. thank you.
Hi Ukyo,
The last sentence above begs two questions; where is home (now)? and which country did you work abroad in?
On the later question of recommendations of mid-range Nikon DSLR models; the D90 has featured in quite a few posts lately as a good compromise, or there's the D5000/D3000 series coming down a little from there, but they do require the newest "AF-S" lenses to get the most from them. Above that a little, I get hazy in my knowledge; D300, or for Full Frame, the D700 and above that you're definitely into topline Pro cameras.
Rather than continue this query here, I'd suggest asking the question in a new thread in the DSLR forum giving an idea whether you have any lenses available for Nikon, plus budget and your targets of shooting; portraits, family, landscape, architectural, etc.
Anyways, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi and welcome to Oz. from me - all the way from Victoria. Australia.
I am looking forward to seeing your takes of our country.
Now as a 70+ Aussie with loads of photo experience, I am a little tired of snow scenes, mountain streams, coloured autumn leaves, churches and dark dark scenes. BTW my wife is from Richmond, B.C. and she misses the cooler weather.
Hi Noel,
I don't think you have had my traditional welcome yet, even though we've exchanged in the forums.
Anyway, now I have a chance to correct this, so; welcome to the CiC forums from a currently rainy Windsor UK, not Windsor Ontario, although I have been to that one once too.
As you having eliminated quite a lot of potential subjects (and no doubt have a drawer full of matching T-shirts), what do you like to shoot theses days?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
A very sunny Hello from Perth, Australia!!!! My name is Liziel and it is nice to be here on this site!
I’m originally from Toronto, Canada and I do miss it at times but currently they are knee deep in winter and I’m not missing it at all!!!! The snow, the shovelling of it, the driving through it, in it and around it, is what I’m not missing whatsoever. I’ve been able to come over here and take up photography. What a better place than to document my experiences through a camera and be able to display them here on this site. The views are breathtaking and the sun is endless. The beaches are spectacular and the wildlife is completely different to North American animals and fauna. I’ve entered a whole new hemisphere complete with it’s own new culture and sub-culture that I’ve had to learn (aussies have this thing with corecting the way I say french fries and ketchup and tomato...its supposed to be chips, tomato sauce and "toe-mat-toe)
I’m surrounded by wineries, sheep, cattle and paddocks upon paddocks. I would have to say this is a photographer’s heaven for creative picture taking.
Looking forward to catching up on this forum and reading all the valuable information everyone has to offer.
Hi Liziel,
It's been nearly a week now, and I have got all behind in my welcomes, so I do hope you come back to share the pictures you mentioned. There's some help on starting an album here available here if you need it.
What sort of kit are you shooting with?
Hope we hear from you again and welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hi every one
just joined been doing digital phots for a while the wife has a fujiflim 5600 me i still use my olympus compact camera but have ordered a nikon d3000
cant afford photoshop but use serif photoplus x3 which get the job done.
david scooby or dave i answer to most things
Hi David,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us. As it happens I was 'up your way' a couple or three of weekends ago with my son at the Wolf Mountain centre.
Has your D3000 arrived yet? How are you getting on with it?
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I live in Brisbane, Queensland.
I have been interested in photography for over 50 yeras and now am tying to come to grips with the finer points of digital photography and post-processing - a challenge!
My main subject area is landscape/streetscape.
Cameras: Sony DSCR1 and an ultra-compact Sony T300 for "having a camera available at all times".
I hope I am posting correctly; this is a fairly new experience,
My name is Ian; the Username I just use in several spots.
I look forward to sharing.
Hi Ian,
I cannot recall :o whether we have exchanged in the forums by now (I see you're on 10 posts), but if not, I really ought to say;
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it's great to have you with us.
I'm sure you're finding your way around here by now, but any questions, just holler.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi and welcome to Oz. from me - all the way from Victoria. Australia.
Just been belatedly looking through the intro's and who is from where, and spotted another Vic countryman. Welcome to CinC from a Melb man now living in Norway at -20C today which your wife apparently loves. Definately rots your socks at these temps :D
This is a great forum to participate in as you will now know ... bit of fun, bit of knowledge gain (at our age helps the grey matter) and they all love to help us new boys.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello All!! Just joined but I have read the tutorials extensively and that pushed me to join. I started photography 40 years ago with B&W in a basement darkroom and have been in and out ever since. I currently own a Sony DSC H5 so I don't carry 2 Nikons, 4 lenses, and 20 lbs of stuff. Living in the Crab Capitol of the World, I took the name Crabbe. I have travelled extensively for work and pleasure, but there is no place like home. Looking forward to learning and sharing and making friends.
Hi Charley,
Now I do remember conversing with you in the forums, but I'm not sure if you got "the welcome", so best do it properly in the right place ;)
For comparison, I started about 35 years ago with an attic darkroom, but that's long gone, been digital myself since 2007.
If I raided all my drawers and cupboards, I could muster "2 Nikons, four lenses and 20 lbs of stuff", but I agree, it is a bit of a drag :) and no I don't take it all everywhere!
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi. I'm John. Photographer and teacher living in Denham, to the north west of London, UK. I've been reading the tutorials and appreciating the images on the site for quite a while, but only just joined the forum. There looks to be a good standard of debate so looking forward to digging in deeper.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Ukyo,
The last sentence above begs two questions; where is home (now)? and which country did you work abroad in?
On the later question of recommendations of mid-range Nikon DSLR models; the D90 has featured in quite a few posts lately as a good compromise, or there's the D5000/D3000 series coming down a little from there, but they do require the newest "AF-S" lenses to get the most from them. Above that a little, I get hazy in my knowledge; D300, or for Full Frame, the D700 and above that you're definitely into topline Pro cameras.
Rather than continue this query here, I'd suggest asking the question in a new thread in the DSLR forum giving an idea whether you have any lenses available for Nikon, plus budget and your targets of shooting; portraits, family, landscape, architectural, etc.
Anyways, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
thanks a bunch for the welcome Dave. i am from the Philippines and currently working here in Dubai.
ooops! sorry for posting questions here ...but i really appreciate answers re: nikon models. i've already enjoyed browsing cic and hope i could learn and contribute some of my work here. again thank you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi. I'm John. Photographer and teacher living in Denham, to the north west of London, UK. I've been reading the tutorials and appreciating the images on the site for quite a while, but only just joined the forum. There looks to be a good standard of debate so looking forward to digging in deeper.
Hi John,
So, we're not too far apart then, especially when I'm at work in Langley!
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
What sort of subjects take your fancy?
How long have you been shooting digital (oh, that was a bit of an assumption)?
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
thanks a bunch for the welcome Dave. i am from the Philippines and currently working here in Dubai.
ooops! sorry for posting questions here ...but i really appreciate answers re: nikon models. i've already enjoyed browsing cic and hope i could learn and contribute some of my work here. again thank you.
Hi Ukyo,
Don't worry, we treat most of our rules more as guidelines. If things get out of hand with replies, I'd just split/move them out anyway - all part of the Mods job and it doesn't need doing often.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Dave and thanks for the message. Not far at all. I actually still enjoy almost any type of commercial work, from photographing freight to dancers (haven't done that for a while though). For relaxation my normal is landscape, but I want to extend myself into more of what I consider "art" photography. What about you? Oh, and by the way, your assumption was quite right apart from the occasional use of a 120 panoramic pinhole camera, so the answer is getting on for 9 years (how time flies).
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
~ What about you? Oh, and by the way, your assumption was quite right apart from the occasional use of a 120 panoramic pinhole camera, so the answer is getting on for 9 years (how time flies).
A bit of everything, whatever takes my fancy, there are links to albums in my signature.
I guess the things that re-appear most commonly are; wildlife, usually birds and recently some macro work.
I was a fairly late adopter and only got my 6MP bridge camera in 2007, after a couple of years using a 3MP P&S, then in May last year I graduated to a 12MP Nikon, so I'm due for a 24MP DSLR in 2011 by my reckoning ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
A bit of everything, whatever takes my fancy, there are links to albums in my signature.
I guess the things that re-appear most commonly are; wildlife, usually birds and recently some macro work.
I was a fairly late adopter and only got my 6MP bridge camera in 2007, after a couple of years using a 3MP P&S, then in May last year I graduated to a 12MP Nikon, so I'm due for a 24MP DSLR in 2011 by my reckoning ;)
Just had a look. Very nice. I see you are into cycle racing. I used to race and was in the Sierra Nevada in Spain and quite coincidentally found that the Vuelta was passing so turned sports photographer for a little while.
By the way, which part of the forum should I use to post a question about the making a physical print portfolio?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
By the way, which part of the forum should I use to post a question about the making a physical print portfolio?
Image Post-Processing & Printing
I would think, or
General Photography Discussion