Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Fellow members, I recently came across this site, from my visits to, and with having very happy memories of my stays in Cambridge in my very young days (I saw the American Forces celebrating VJ Day on Parkers Piece). I am retired and can to some extent revisit the places that I visited in my working days at a more leisurely pace. I have now given up my Canon EOS 650 and its 2 Reasonable Lens, and have gone Digital, I now happily have a Leica Digilux 2 and a Leica D-Lux4 cameras, both of these cameras have very good lens and carryon the Leica build Quality. I have very recently bought a Canon EOS 550D together with its Kit Lens. With the arrival of digital i find that the computer has become my digital darkroom. and by using Adobe Photoshop CS that I can now undertake more adventurous projects. The problem is that I find that with the wonders of the Internet and the digital world that I spend more tome on updates, security etc., than on my hobby of photography. Having scanned in most of my film and slide negatives together with all of my families shoebox photos, I now have thousands of files which are never seen by anyone including myself. I hope that my joining this forum will allow me to sometimes upload my best shots for my peers to look at. Regards
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I purchased my first SLR camera in January and just completed a class locally. I'm really
excited to be expanding my photography skills. I've loved it for years but have the time
now to develop it. I photograph a wide variety of things.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone! I'm not a newbie, but I have been out of touch with the Photography and Photoshop communities for a few years, and am just getting back into the fray. I'm offering tutorials that present ideas and knowledge I have in my own way at my website. I used to be a Graphic Arts professor at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, NC, but changed my field entirely to something much more fun (I now do sex education and sales at a posh adult emporium in Durham, NC - I love my job!)
Though my work has changed focus pretty radically, my interest in all things Photoshop and in digital photography has not waned, and I have soooo many notes and old handouts that I can share with people, so I erected my home page in order to do just that. Just getting started, but watch out! I now have learned how to do screen casts, and am getting into video how-to's as well (though I still feel very awkward in front of the camera! Similar to how I felt my first couple weeks teaching class!)
At "Forsyth Tech" we taught a very intensive Graphic Arts and Image Manipulation 2-year (5 semester) Associates Degree program that included 3 semesters of Photoshop alone, so I went pretty deep with my students. I'm now going to share everything I know with the world via this fantastic new medium, the Internet! (Or "The Interweb" as some are not calling it in these Web 2.0 days.)
I hope my discussions and sharing on this site contribute to the entire community at large, of course, but I am always very open to helping individuals as well to the best of my ability, so feel free to "pick my brain". (I wish I had done a better job at that!) Often, questions I receive evolve into full-blown articles, so don't be surprised if you get fairly lengthy replies from me!
Terry Leigh Britton
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone! I'm not a newbie, but I have been out of touch with the Photography and Photoshop communities for a few years, and am just getting back into the fray. I'm offering tutorials that present ideas and knowledge I have in my own way at my website. I used to be a Graphic Arts professor at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, NC, but changed my field entirely to something much more fun (I now do sex education and sales at a posh adult emporium in Durham, NC - I love my job!)
Hi Terry, and welcome.
Sex education, eh? That is quite a change. Still, it sounds as much fun as Photoshop (sic). I had a quick look at your site, and as it's freely available, I hope you won't mind me posting the link... You will find everyone very friendly here, I think, and there's always room for more opinions.:) Look forward to seeing your work.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Terry, and welcome.
Sex education, eh? That is quite a change. Still, it sounds as much fun as Photoshop (sic).
Reminds me of a chap who sat his son down and said - Son, it's time we had a little chat about the "birds and the bees". Son answers - "sure dad - what would you like to know"!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi All, This is Kcalpesh from India. I've recently learnt and have been taking photography seriously. Joined this forum to share my views, discuss and learn about photography!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dear friends,
It is a great thing for me to find this forum. My name is miyoshimasato, I am self educated for learn photography. I learn from Internet, friend and mostly from my own process to get knowledge about technical and beyond like sense.
I hope I can learn a lot about photography from this forum.
Hi Miyoshimasato,
I'm sure you can learn a lot from us all here and we'll enjoy helping you.
What sort of subjects are you photographing?
... and what camera do you have?
I have to admit; I had to look up "Ubud Bali" on Google and Wikipedia to find out where you are :)
I bet you have some nice landscapes to shoot there!
I'll sign off for now with the customary; Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Miyoshi, welcome to this forum. we are here to learn photography together. enjoy it and don't be shy !
Hi Kafrawi,
I see you're from the same area as Miyoshimasato, I would say to you both, don't be shy, do return and post again!
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi, all,
Just joined this evening - looks like a good group. I shoot with a Nikon D70S - lusting after a D3X (maybe one day I'll have enough pennies to actually get one!). I live in the USA - in Montana. Looking forward to lots of info and tutorials.
Hi there MsTigger,
Hope you're enjoying the tutorials and forums, but please; don't be the shy and silent, do join in, you'll get much more out of us :)
So, if a Montana girl "lusts after a D3X", I guess you're more into the generally wider angles of landscape or architecture, rather than wildlife and long lenses - am I right?
Do let me know, oh, and Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
My name is Pedro, and i', from Setúbal, Portugal.
I'm just starting to enjoy more and more shooting with my camera. That's why i joined this group.
I have a Nikon D90 with a 18-105
Pedro Sousa
Hi Pedro, great to have you join us.
Tell me, do you know our other illustrious member from Setúbal, Antonio?
Or is it a "small world" and neither of you knows the other exists?
What sort of subjects (victims ;) ) do you shoot? :D
Anyway that's enough 'cheek' from me, I'll ger serious fo a moment and profer the usual: welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Terry, and welcome.
Sex education, eh? That is quite a change. Still, it sounds as much fun as Photoshop (
sic). I had a quick look at your site, and as it's freely available, I hope you won't mind me posting the link... You will find everyone very friendly here, I think, and there's always room for more opinions.:) Look forward to seeing your work.
Thanks for posting my link - I didn't want to get accused of spamming my very first day! :-) (I can wait!)
Yes, this seems like a VERY friendly place, and the tutorials are very clear and informative, so I'll likely be linking to them as suggested further reading often from my site.
All the best!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I just joined this site after having viewed it for weeks and having it stored on my favorites. The site is great.
I took a photography class in high school almost 25 years ago and have always enjoyed photography. Recently through my job I have been able to use my skills and obtain more training. I enjoy landscapes. I currently have a Nikon D300S that I thoroughly enjoy.
I have not done any post processing but would like to learn.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I just joined this site after having viewed it for weeks and having it stored on my favorites. The site is great.
I took a photography class in high school almost 25 years ago and have always enjoyed photography. Recently through my job I have been able to use my skills and obtain more training. I enjoy landscapes. I currently have a Nikon D300S that I thoroughly enjoy.
I have not done any post processing but would like to learn.
Hi Steve,
(I'll resist the temptation to call you "Stinky Steve" :)) - Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi All,
Just when I thought I was beginning to understand photography ... I find there's even more to learn ! I started out nearly 30 years ago with film, had my own mono darkroom for a while, but am now fully digitised. I have read and re-read the three Ansel Adams books, "The Camera", "The Negative", and "The Print", and would thoroughly recommend them to everyone wanting to understand more of the theory of photography ... then come back here and reinforce that knowledge.
My current interests lie in the infrared, currently using an Olympus E-420 converted for IR only. Previous IR cameras include Sigma SD14, Sigma DP1, Canon G7, and a few home-converted experiments.
Keep up this great site !
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome to the group. What region are you from? I visited your country in 2008 and got some great photographs. My one regret was not being able to get a photo of the tigers of Rathambore.
Originally Posted by
Hi All, This is Kcalpesh from India. I've recently learnt and have been taking photography seriously. Joined this forum to share my views, discuss and learn about photography!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi, I have a Canon Rebel Xsi and Canon and Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens. I am very happy with my lens but I do not like night pictures. They come out grainy and poor quality. What am I doing wrong or is it the camera's fault?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi, I have a Canon Rebel Xsi and Canon and Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens. I am very happy with my lens but I do not like night pictures. They come out grainy and poor quality. What am I doing wrong or is it the camera's fault?
Hi "desrtroze",
Firstly welcome to the CiC forums.
I have copied this post here;
where the question will get more and better answers than here in the Intro thread.
you have one reply there from me already ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Fellow members, I recently came across this site, from my visits to, and with having very happy memories of my stays in Cambridge in my very young days (I saw the American Forces celebrating VJ Day on Parkers Piece). I am retired and can to some extent revisit the places that I visited in my working days at a more leisurely pace. I have now given up my Canon EOS 650 and its 2 Reasonable Lens, and have gone Digital, I now happily have a Leica Digilux 2 and a Leica D-Lux4 cameras, both of these cameras have very good lens and carryon the Leica build Quality. I have very recently bought a Canon EOS 550D together with its Kit Lens. With the arrival of digital i find that the computer has become my digital darkroom. and by using Adobe Photoshop CS that I can now undertake more adventurous projects. The problem is that I find that with the wonders of the Internet and the digital world that I spend more tome on updates, security etc., than on my hobby of photography. Having scanned in most of my film and slide negatives together with all of my families shoebox photos, I now have thousands of files which are never seen by anyone including myself. I hope that my joining this forum will allow me to sometimes upload my best shots for my peers to look at. Regards
Hi Fred,
We'd be glad to see some of your images, either in the challenges or Competitions, or for critique and constructive comment, for example on PP with CS if that's you're current weakest area.
Anyway, for now I'll just say "welcome to the CiC forums" and await your next post,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I purchased my first SLR camera in January and just completed a class locally. I'm really
excited to be expanding my photography skills. I've loved it for years but have the time
now to develop it. I photograph a wide variety of things.
Hi Jillian,
So, what did you get?
DSLR and lenses I mean ;)
We look forward to hearing from you again, with some pictures, or a link to an online galery perhaps.
It's time for me to say; welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone! I'm not a newbie, but I have been out of touch with the Photography and Photoshop communities for a few years, and am just getting back into the fray. I'm offering tutorials that present ideas and knowledge I have in my own way at my website. I used to be a Graphic Arts professor at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, NC, but changed my field entirely to something much more fun (I now do sex education and sales at a posh adult emporium in Durham, NC - I love my job!)
Though my work has changed focus pretty radically, my interest in all things Photoshop and in digital photography has not waned, and I have soooo many notes and old handouts that I can share with people, so I erected my home page in order to do just that. Just getting started, but watch out! I now have learned how to do screen casts, and am getting into video how-to's as well (though I still feel very awkward in front of the camera! Similar to how I felt my first couple weeks teaching class!)
At "Forsyth Tech" we taught a very intensive Graphic Arts and Image Manipulation 2-year (5 semester) Associates Degree program that included 3 semesters of Photoshop alone, so I went pretty deep with my students. I'm now going to share everything I know with the world via this fantastic new medium, the Internet! (Or "The Interweb" as some are not calling it in these Web 2.0 days.)
I hope my discussions and sharing on this site contribute to the entire community at large, of course, but I am always very open to helping individuals as well to the best of my ability, so feel free to "pick my brain". (I wish I had done a better job at that!) Often, questions I receive evolve into full-blown articles, so don't be surprised if you get fairly lengthy replies from me!
Terry Leigh Britton
Hi Terry,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I must say; you were very restrained not posting a link to your own site first off, well done. :)
Feel free to dive in with any tips or advice to help people with queries and good luck with the videos.
Best regards,