Well that lot oughta keep you busy! :D
Hi Nik, and welcome to the friendly forum. What camera do you have?
Printable View
hey rob... =)
thanks for the welcome.
i've got a 7d and my trusty rebel.
Welcome to CiC,
It seems as though nobody has gone an answered your question yet, so i'll do so :)
f/5.6 - that is the F-stop value. see f-stop in wikipedia. the lower that number, the wider the aperture blades open up, and the more light enters through the lens. think of f/1.0 being "ultra-bright" and f/5.6 being just bright enough for the camera's focus sensors to function properly in most situations. anything f/2 and below is normally considered "fast" because such an aperture allows for increased shutter speed. hope this helps!
Hi Will,
A big CiC welcome from me!
Apologies for missing your question :( Not sure if you're meaning along the lines of "definition of F-Stops" or after specific Nikon lenses for your camera. To be honest, the Intro thread isn't really the best place to ask questions ... how about just creating a new thread in the general photography discussion forum, and we can get you some good answers from there? (Don't be shy, we don't bite :))
Hello all,
I am from China and i'm happy to join this community.
Now I use Nikon,and i am here to learn and share.
I think you are the first member from China. So, congratulations and welcome. I hope that you have already seen from reading on this site, that everyone is very happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have, and we look forward to seeing your photographs.
have a new nikon D5000 and just learning. the lingo is a little over my head.
Hi Will,
That seems a popular model, I hope you like it.
As Troy has explained; 'faster than f5.6' means for example: f4, or even f2.8.
Assuming you want a prime 300mm lens (i.e. not a zoom that goes to 300mm)
I did a little research out of interest;
There's a 300mm f4 which costs about 900 GBP, or an f2.8 comes in at 4 to 5 thousand :eek:
If you need any more info, just ask the question in the General Photography forum.
Anyways, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi there,
We can certainly help with Lingo, just ask any questions you have in the most appropriate forum.
For every person that overcomes their shyness to ask a question, another half a dozen silently benefit ;)
Also, there's no such thing as a daft question, so go for it! :)
As you may notice below, I have a D5000 too, good camera!
It would be great if you could share a first name with us and let us know where you are - thanks.
Welcome to the CiC fourms from ...
heya dave...
i do try. =)
my approach is more lifestyle and journalistic than 'portrait' so i'm pretty lucky in that regards.
the one i have the hardest time with is my 5 year old son... i usually only get him when he's sleeping
or playing sports these days.
thank you! nicole is ... reminds me of my parents being upset with me as a kid.
only time anyone ever called me that. i try to use it more now that i'm a 'grown-up', but secretly i like 'nik' better.
either way though... i'll know who you're talking to.
galleries, huh?
what would i put there?
I am new to the DSL photography. I have a Nikon D5000 and have 3 lens. I just bought a 85mm micro f-3.5 so I could take photos of my daughter who is a make-up artist. I guess I am moving a little to fast because I really don't understand the f- stops and the iso. I need real help and guidance.
Hi everyone.
For as long as I can remember, I now recall, I have been passionate about images and form. Cartoons was the beginning. When I was 10 I got a camera and took crappy snapshots. I still do. But once in a while, a true perspective of life emerges from the grains.
I bought my first SLR, a Nikon in 1993. It was stolen in 1994. Then I got my all time favourite, an Olympus 4Ti. Which was stolen in july 2002 when my landlord had a viewing of my apartment. I sort of gave up, and have walked around aching ever since, borrowing a camera out of the hands of innocent children if I had the chance.
Then, November past, I got my first D-SLR, a Nikon D90. I bought it after my then girlfriend said to me: "You got to buy yourself a camera. Imagine otherwise all the wonderful images you will not see."
It was one of the best compliments I have ever gotten.
This site is a real find. I hope to get loads of input and advice. When I am 80, hopefully I will have gotten ten images I can be proud of.
Norway is the road I walk.
hello to all, greetings from the fair coast of sunny Port Elizabeth, South Africa.