Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
heya dave...
i do try. =)
my approach is more lifestyle and journalistic than 'portrait' so i'm pretty lucky in that regards.
the one i have the hardest time with is my 5 year old son... i usually only get him when he's sleeping
or playing sports these days.
Hi Nik,
Hah, mine are of the age (23, 19 and 17) when taking pics of them sleeping would definitely be frowned upon (or worse :eek: ) so that's not an option!
Enjoy it while it lasts; they grow up so quick. (where do the years go?)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I am new to the DSL photography. I have a Nikon D5000 and have 3 lens. I just bought a 85mm micro f-3.5 so I could take photos of my daughter who is a make-up artist. I guess I am moving a little to fast because I really don't understand the f- stops and the iso. I need real help and guidance.
Hi Evelyn,
In a few sentences {mind you, this really isn't the place to start discussing this - I'll get told off ;) }
Exposure is achieving the desired image result by balancing 3 things; shutter speed, aperture and ISO.
I'm sure some of this you'll know, but briefly;
Shutter speed: Longer times = more motion blur in moving subjects, or even camera shake, if too long.
Aperture: Wider = lower number = less depth of field, e.g. f2.8
ISO: Higher number = more image noise (grain) in image, so keep reasonably low (< 800) if you can.
To get the same exposed image for a given aperture, say f8, Doubling the ISO # (e.g. from 200 to 400) allows a Doubling of the shutter speed (e.g. 1/250 to 1/500)
To get the same exposed image for a given shutter speed, say 1/250, the relationship isn't as numerically obvious, but it does exist, quadrupling the ISO # (e.g. from 200 to 800) allows a doubling of the f-stop number (e.g. f8 to f16). Whereas a doubling of ISO just takes you from f8 to f11.
What lenses do you have apart from the 85mm?
Try asking a specific question in the General Photography forum, there are plenty of member's who'll do a better job of it than this :o
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone.
For as long as I can remember, I now recall, I have been passionate about images and form. Cartoons was the beginning. When I was 10 I got a camera and took crappy snapshots. I still do. But once in a while, a true perspective of life emerges from the grains.
I bought my first SLR, a Nikon in 1993. It was stolen in 1994. Then I got my all time favourite, an Olympus 4Ti. Which was stolen in july 2002 when my landlord had a viewing of my apartment. I sort of gave up, and have walked around aching ever since, borrowing a camera out of the hands of innocent children if I had the chance.
Then, November past, I got my first D-SLR, a Nikon D90. I bought it after my then girlfriend said to me: "You got to buy yourself a camera. Imagine otherwise all the wonderful images you will not see."
It was one of the best compliments I have ever gotten.
This site is a real find. I hope to get loads of input and advice. When I am 80, hopefully I will have gotten ten images I can be proud of.
Norway is the road I walk.
Hi Nanook,
Hopefully 80 is a way off yet awhile ;)
Unlucky history there, better get the D90 is insured !
Welcome to the CiC fourms from me, it's great to have you join us.
I look forward to seeing some pictures from you. Any questions; just ask, and/or dive in with pictures for critique or challenge/competition entry. Oh look, I'm late with that advice, you already have :) Good luck.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hello to all, greetings from the fair coast of sunny Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Hi Paul,
I see you too have already posted an image for critique, so I won't dilly-dally, I'll just utter the customary;
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Hi "Delboy",
Great to have another kiwi with us, even if your not from the mainland :D
Hi Colin
Thanks for the welcome We all have our cross to bear and mine is not living in the mainland. Like to though 1st choice Oamaru, My wife has taken some excellent photo,s of all the old buildings there. Is that the jetty at Nelson lakes on your header I have tried to take photo's there but the Sand Flies carry off my Camera when I try, :D You live in a great area Colin
What I have seen so far the web site is excellent with lots of good advice and idea's and magnificent photo's
Sorry for delay in answering your post only just seen it
From the winterless north
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
... Norway is the road I walk.
Greetings Nanook ... from another living in Norway and welcome to the club. I think you are the first 'local' that I have come across in CinC.
I am a fairly new member myself, just into DSLR and post processing and also using Nikon, though the smaller D3000 model. Seems that Nikon is popular here in Norway, what with your stolen models.
Aere you a local or an import to Norway like myself? I came from Australia some 10 years ago when I retired ... my lady is Norwegian and travel was getting just a bit expensive.
Great bunch of guys here so enjoy :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Aere you a local or an import to Norway like myself? I came from Australia some 10 years ago when I retired ... my lady is Norwegian and travel was getting just a bit expensive.
Great bunch of guys here so enjoy :)
Oh, I'm local all right. What I miss here though are kangaroos. You should have seen the faces when I told some villagers in Tanzania what it was and jumped around like a mad one.
I see you have got your chain saw, so you can be regarded as local as well in my opinion.
I agree, it is an agreeable bunch here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
kemmi, Hi! :)
Thank you DrJeans.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Yu,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
Which Nikon do you have?
.. and lens(es)?
What do you like to photograph?
Best regards,
Originally Posted by
I think you are the first member from China. So, congratulations and welcome. I hope that you have already seen from reading on this site, that everyone is very happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have, and we look forward to seeing your photographs.
Thank you, Donald and Dave.
I am so glad to hear your kind words.
I have D3, D300, and D80, and lots of nikon fine lenses, include 14-24,24-70;70-200VRII, and primes of nikkor and ZF.
and I mainly like to shot birds, of course with camera, not a gun. :)
I am happy to here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi...very new to photography. Basically, I am just a point and shoot photographer. Finally invested in a Nikon D40 and am extremely pleased with it. My question is that I take alot of outside sports photos and I know that I can get a better quality photo than I am getting, by looking at other photos by parents with similar cameras. I have the the standard lens and the the 55-200 also. From what I have researched, the settings need to be tweaked, but the manual does not explain in enough detail. Would like to shoot with some distance, but still have subject be close-up in the finished product. Using the zoom just does not seem to be enough? Could just be my inexperience with photography period. Thinking of taking a photography 101 class. But wondered if there was an easy setting(s) to try to really capture the subject. Have used the sports function for action shots and that works okay. It is just set on the default settings now and usually switch to sports mode for action. I realize this post is very rookie-like, but did not really know where to start.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi...very new to photography. Basically, I am just a point and shoot photographer. Finally invested in a Nikon D40 and am extremely pleased with it. My question is that I take alot of outside sports photos and I know that I can get a better quality photo than I am getting, by looking at other photos by parents with similar cameras. I have the the standard lens and the the 55-200 also. From what I have researched, the settings need to be tweaked, but the manual does not explain in enough detail. Would like to shoot with some distance, but still have subject be close-up in the finished product. Using the zoom just does not seem to be enough? Could just be my inexperience with photography period. Thinking of taking a photography 101 class. But wondered if there was an easy setting(s) to try to really capture the subject. Have used the sports function for action shots and that works okay. It is just set on the default settings now and usually switch to sports mode for action. I realize this post is very rookie-like, but did not really know where to start.
Hi Mrs Rich
Welcome to here. Regards your question, why don't you post one of your sports shots that you are not happy with and get some feedback? We don't bite until your third post.:)
Mr Poor
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Mr Poor
I'm surprised at this, with a name like Rob ;)
You should be rolling in it :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi...very new to photography. Basically, I am just a point and shoot photographer. Finally invested in a Nikon D40 and am extremely pleased with it. My question is that I take alot of outside sports photos and I know that I can get a better quality photo than I am getting, by looking at other photos by parents with similar cameras.
I have the the standard lens and the the 55-200 also. From what I have researched, the settings need to be tweaked, but the manual does not explain in enough detail. Would like to shoot with some distance, but still have subject be close-up in the finished product. Using the zoom just does not seem to be enough? Could just be my inexperience with photography period.
Thinking of taking a photography 101 class. But wondered if there was an easy setting(s) to try to really capture the subject. Have used the sports function for action shots and that works okay. It is just set on the default settings now and usually switch to sports mode for action. I realize this post is very rookie-like, but did not really know where to start.
Hi "MrsRich",
Knowing your first name would be nice, we're none to formal here, as you may have noticed :)
Don't worry about being a rookie, we all were once.
It sounds to me like you might be missing the second half of the digital photography equation; post processing.
If your 200mm isn't getting your shots close enough to the action, you could buy a longer lens, but the quick and probably cheaper answer is to crop the shot further in post processing (PP). This works like "digital zoom" on a point and shoot camera, something I expect you're missing having moved to a DSLR. The advantage of doing it in PP is that you can take your time and get a better composition while you are cropping. Unfortunately, the D40 isn't, how shall I say, 'over-endowed' with pixels, so how much you can crop before it starts to look blocky, especially in a print, is limited. If you're only 'internet publishing', things aren't so bad, I survived with a 6MP camera for nearly two years.
I have gone into far too much detail for the intro thread, so I'll stop now and wish you the customary; welcome to the CiC forums from me, message and if you need to know more, just ask a question in whatever seems the most appropriate forum.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello My name is Rob. I am shooting with a canon 40D, 50mm 28-135mm lens. I am looking to imporve my photography, I found your site thought a flickr group
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello My name is Rob. I am shooting with a canon 40D, 50mm 28-135mm lens. I am looking to imporve my photography, I found your site thought a flickr group
Hi Rob,
Welcome to the CiC forums, you've come to a good place to learn :)
Hmmm, PEO, that's "Photographic Editing Offences", are we one of the offences there ;)
What sort of photography do you like to tackle?
EDIT: Rob, I had a quick look at your post 'over there', and the reference to us (I wonder who Clare Bear is this end?), then I had a quick look at a couple of pages of your pictures. One trick you may be missing in PP for popping images is called Local Contrast Enhancement (LCE), there's a good tutorial technique here. I see you do shoot RAW (good), but note (from EXIF) the Photoshop you have is CS, so may not have the latest ACR benefits of a Vibrance slider (sorta similar to LCE).
We're in danger of getting too deep for the intro thread, so why not post a couple of examples in the most appropriate forum at CiC for critique?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thanks Dave, I will start a new thread later tonight when I get home.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I found your site thought a flickr group
Sounds like a group conversation in a job centre. I think the term for a group of angry people is a 'Mob'. I am sick and tired of being told what I can and cannot do by the British government. I find it highly disturbing that the puritanical agents are infiltrating something as subjective as photography. Why would anyone be so smug as to believe that we all want to produce images based on their view of the world. I agree with Dave lets see have some examples of how it should be done and we can decide for ourselves. And don't start me on that blog....does he or she write a column for the Telegraph. Why would anybody waste there precious life in supposing that we want to hear rabid rantings dressed up in internet style officialdom. And people ask where all the football hooligans went!:rolleyes:
Ok that wound me up for 2 back to what a love to do....without black borders:D
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I am sick and tired of being told what I can and cannot do by the British government.
Reminds me of an old saying: "It's OK to question authority, but raise your hand first"!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Mrs. Rich,
Would it be possible to see some of the photos you have issues with?
Originally Posted by
Hi...very new to photography. Basically, I am just a point and shoot photographer. Finally invested in a Nikon D40 and am extremely pleased with it. My question is that I take alot of outside sports photos and I know that I can get a better quality photo than I am getting, by looking at other photos by parents with similar cameras. I have the the standard lens and the the 55-200 also. From what I have researched, the settings need to be tweaked, but the manual does not explain in enough detail. Would like to shoot with some distance, but still have subject be close-up in the finished product. Using the zoom just does not seem to be enough? Could just be my inexperience with photography period. Thinking of taking a photography 101 class. But wondered if there was an easy setting(s) to try to really capture the subject. Have used the sports function for action shots and that works okay. It is just set on the default settings now and usually switch to sports mode for action. I realize this post is very rookie-like, but did not really know where to start.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I realize this post is very rookie-like, but did not really know where to start.
Hi MrsRich,
Best place to start is to simply create a new thread - show us some examples - and we'll do our best to help from there :)