Originally Posted by
Loose Canon
Greetings esteemed CiC Luminaries!
I have been lurking in the shadows here for a number of months now.
Once upon a time I wanted to get into DSLR Photography and stumbled on to this site in my web surfing. I was trying to research what to do about this unnatural desire I had to get into still photography. Whether to pursue this endeavor or just go ahead and shoot myself in the foot, avoid the rush later, and have done with it! As it turns out, this site has been the number one most helpful thing I could have run into and I am thrilled to have found it early on.
The site has helped me understand where the bar is set, and better still is helping me to find a way to someday maybe get within throwing distance of it.
At first, I never posted simply because I didn’t yet have any gear with which to work. Deciding which way to go with that. Then, a budget breaker or two later, I managed to pick up a tad bit of kit to dive into the big middle of it with. I had hoped that someday, when I could consider my efforts at least up to the category of cr**, I could maybe toss something out there and maybe get some help.
Well, that day has finally arrived! I finally shot something I would definitely consider in the category of cr**! Ironically, I couldn’t be happier about it! Of course, I’m easily amused but it may be a small step in the right direction.
As a new kid on the block, it may take me a time or three to get the hang of posting photos and navigating as a member. So before I completely botch up trying to post a photo out in the “world” (forums) and further embarrass myself, I just wanted to thank everyone here as well as the owners, admin., and mods. Never have I seen a site of this kind with so much useful information, knowledgeable people, and exceptional photographs in one place. Very dynamic and the hits just keep coming. Not to mention an international site where everyone seems to get on so well together. If this is what photography can do for the World, then I would have to say we need more of it!
And I do have a very important Life Question for the Resident Expert on the subject. Been contemplating this for a while now. Guru Rob? Why can we not ascertain the direction the train went by looking at its tracks?
Darn sneaky trains! I gotta get a life!
All the best,