Hey everyone, I'm Nicky. Right now I am living in Texas, but it is only temporary.
Hey everyone, I'm Nicky. Right now I am living in Texas, but it is only temporary.
Great to have you here as part of CiC. I think you'll find people here are more than willing to give you advice, guidance and assistance in developing your interest and skills in photography. And where are you? You don't give us your location.
You can go in and edit your profile and put your location in there so that appears in the side bar of all you posts. It would be good if you put your name in there as well, under Real Name. You'll see that most folks use their real names on this forum.
Last edited by Donald; 31st March 2011 at 09:57 PM.
Hi, My name is Ahmed. I am a total "greenie" as far as photography goes, i have only used a "point and shoot camera". I now own a Canon 500D which is a stranger to me. This is the first forum i have joined and hope that you will answer my questions and share your experiences with me. I still have lots of reading to do.
You are very welcome.
The one thing we can guarantee about CiC is that you will get the benefit of the knowledge and experience of the many people on here. If you have been looking at the forum, I hope you've seen that helping people to learn is one the main reasons for the existence of CiC.
Congratulations of the new camera.
If there are two bits of advice that I can offer to set you on your learning pathway they are:
- Don't use the camera on auto. That will never help you learn. Go into the creative modes where your skills have to be applied in capturing the photograph.
- Practice, practice, practice ........ and then practice some more. That is the only way that you will learn how to get the best out of your camera - what it can and can't do. And that is how you will start to feel comfortable with it in your hands and learn all the controls. Once you know all the controls and operate them without even thinking, then you can concentrate on what you are seeing through the viewfinder.
And, finally, there is no such thing as a dumb question. If you have a question, please ask it.
Hello to All,
I have always enjoyed photography but am now just getting started at being serious about it! I am really looking forward to learning from you all. We live about 3.5 hours from Jasper National Park and spend a lot of time there in our RV. We also visit the West Coast a lot as my wife grew up there on the Sunshine Coast. My interests in photography are mostly of all forms of nature, mountains, and the sea and shore. I just upgraded to a Canon T2i and purchased a Sigma 120-400mm 1:4.5-5.6 APO HSM telephoto zoom lens. I'm anxiously awaiting for the snow to finally melt so I can get out and try the new setup. I'll post some shots when I do so you can give me some insightful feed back. Blessings, Gordon
A warm welcome to you Gordon here at CiC. We have lots of nature photographers here, so I believe you will enjoy the company. Hope tp see your pics soon.![]()
My name is Sherry Doran. I'm orginally from Rhode Island, but now live in Summerville, South Carolina. I use a Nikon D80 that I received a couple years ago. I spend almost every other weekend somewhere barrel racing. While I wait my turn to run my horse, I take pictures of everyone running their horses. While I get my horse ready to run my youngest son fills in for me. He has taken some nice shots. I think he has taken a liken to photography as well. He has talked about taken classes when he got to highschool. I'm at the point where I want to learn more. I started using Elements 9, so I'm learning that as well. I've been on here alot reading everything and find everything very helpful. I look forward to posting some of my pictures on here and getting some helpful information. Thanks in advance, Sherry
Welcome to CiC, Sherry. Nice of you to join us.![]()
hello everybody,
i am Philippe from west france and i am a passionnate soft-fanatic-nikon-photographer. I like every kind of photography as long as it is alive.
my page and modest shots are here http://www.phipop.com
thanks a lot!!
Philippe 'phipop'
Welcome to CiC. I'm very pleased that you have decided to join this forum. Your website looks good.
I am sure you will find that members on the forum are very happy to assist and advice colleagues. So, if you have any questions, please just do ask them. And I look forward to you posting some of your images on the forum.
Hello All
My name is Rick and I live in North Linconlshire, UK.
I only purchased my first DSLR around 2 months ago (Pentax K-x with 2 kit lenses) and realy am enjoying my time with it. I would of been totaly lost without what i have learned here on CIC, even though i've only just joined, i've been following the forums for a several months. Also the Tutorials and Techniques on CIC where invaluable, it's taught me a hell of alot.
I will put some photo's in my Gallery soon for you all to take the mick out of hehe!
All the best
Glad that you've stepped out of the shadows and signed up. Hope fully you've already seen that, amongst the more irreverant moments that spring up from time-to-time, what we have here is a forum where people genuinely seek to help each other. I know what you mean about CiC helping through the fog of learning.
Please do post up your shots, not only in your gallery, but in threads for C & C and in competitions. And remember, the only daft question is the one you don't ask.
hello....i'm hariz..i'm new in this photography world..i'm just use 400D,D40X,7D & A480...all borrowed just A480 is mine...i will buy an DSLR camera someday...it would be 50D or 7D..![]()
Hello, and welcome to CiC.
I don't know if you've been viewing the forum of some time , or if you have just discovered it. Either way, I hope you find that it is very supportive and constructive online community and that you will be helped to develop your knowledge and skills as a result of being a member.
Hi everybody, just joined.
I am a keen photographer and a student at the OCA. I have been intrested in photographer since 1997, at the moment studying towards a BA.Hons in photography.I love events photography and studio photography.This site looks like a good site to learn more and be inspired.
Yvonne Webster
Yvonne - Welcome. Delighted to welcome you on board.
Might be worth saying what OCA is, as a lot of folks around the world will not be aware.
Certainly CiC is focused on learning. So I hope you do find it a place that can help you achieve your aims. Look forward to seeing some of your stuff posted up for C & C and/or in the challenge threads.
Hi Donald
Thank you, the OCA is the Open College of the Arts it is a college for distant learning it offers learning for dipolmas' or degrees' in all art based intrests: Art, Photography, poetry,Music. Here is a link if you what to find out more http://www.oca-uk.com/
hi! im new here. i need some help with my tamron 70-300mm tele-macro lens. i find it hard to capture sharp images especially at low light. i understand that i have to compensate with either slowing the shutter speed (which makes images blurry) or by increasing the ISO speed (grainy). any suggestions aside from using tripod? or do i need to purchase flash guns?help pls...![]()