Hi! Alex I was born on the Isle of Skye 1936, but spent most of my child hood in the north of england ( Durham) then I worked for the Queen at RAF.Kinloss in morayshire 1956-1966, then moved to Aberdeen where my wife came from, in 1972 working for BP in Grangemouth fife, 1981 came to Canada, Ontario, Manitoba, ended up in Alberta only about 100 miles from the rockies, near Edmonton. I have just bought a new Cannon Rebel T1i DSLR a month ago, beets my old Kodak brownie? I just happened on this sight by accident, and it is just what I need a lot of people who love what they do "photography" well go to go now thanks for you very fast reply. Don.
Last edited by chaplaindee; 21st April 2011 at 09:08 PM.
G'day. I'm Trace and have been getting the newsletters and using the resources from Cabridge in Colour for a while and decided that it was time to join a forum that had an emphasis on learning. I live in North Queensland, Australia. I'm new to photography; started out with a Canon S90 that I got early in 2010. I then bought a Nikon D90 in September 2010. Feel as if I'm slowly improving; mostly I take landscapes and nature. Have yet to learn so much... but am addicted and loving it.
Welcome to CiC, Trace. Hope you feel at home here. Glad to have you with us.![]()
Thanks Jiro!
Hello everyone! I have been looking around the CiC site and find it very useful/helpful. I am from Vermont (northern New England) and I am a photography enthusiast. I enjoy landscape and wildlife photography. Recently upgraded to a Nikon D700 and am trying to work out the bugs. I own an environmental consulting company; which has me on the road a majority of the time. I make a point to bring my cameras everywhere I go and I take photographs daily. Looking forward to interacting with this group of photographers! Thanks Chris![]()
Hello everyone, My name is Ravjeet and i am new to Photography, just acquired Lumix FZ100 and interested in all kind of photography.. (may be confused to decide my style). But seems that I love Landscape and mountains... try to figure out over the time. please advice me on all aspects looking forward to constructive critique.
this photograph is 3rd highest mountain Kanchandzongha clicked in india.
warm regards
Last edited by Topchi; 22nd April 2011 at 05:25 AM. Reason: photo not displaying
Hi Chris!
A warm welcome to CiC. Well we members do try to make this forum as helpful as possible. Lucky you, that you can carry your camera everywhere with you!
Hope to see some of your shots soon.
And Congrats for your new camera![]()
Topchi! Interesting.
Hi Ravjeet. Welcome to Cic & Congrats for your new camera.
I can understand what you mean by not able to decide what kind of photography you are interested in. It takes some time. Keep exploring.
well the picture you tried posting isn't showing up here. Go through this thread to see how you can successfully post images here.
My name is Peter, my interests are photography, kayaking and life.
Been in an ideal area on the North Coast of Queensland I have the Australian country side, the ocean and rain forests to photograph.
I am looking forward to your community.
Hi Everyone.
My name is Peter and I use the name 'conkerwood' on all my posts both here and on Flickr. (Why conkerwood I hear you ask. Well its my favourite home brew beer and even though I don't have time to make beer anymore the name has stuck.) My earliest memories related to photography are the hours I spent watching my father in his darkroom developing pics, or hiding under the blanket as he removed film from the camera and put it into a developing tank. He lent me a box brownie about 50 years ago which I used on a school trip to York in the UK. I remember taking a pic of a tower on a hill (I have since learned it is called Cliffords Tower) in fact in my mind's eye I can clearly see the image in the top of the camera.... crystal clear. And thats it. No interest in photography for the next 40 years. Moved to Australia, grew up married, became a teacher, then a principal. Occasional pic, wedding, kids, fish I caught but only snaps not photography. Then a couple of years ago my second wife, (had gone back to UK to work for a couple of years and met my soulmate.... love her to bits) took me off to Cyprus. Eye opener, the light the landscape amazing.... inspiring. With hindsight I can say that Liz (my wife) is a natural photographer with a great eye but happy with point and shoot. But some of the stuff she produced was really good and it was the inspiration for me. Guess I was hooked, bought a Fuji, then a few months later it was a rebel then decided I needed another lens and ended up with two lenses and a 40D. (next step is going to cost me the $20,000 that I don't have) Am a bit of a computer nerd so quickly into PS (which I use too much..... gotta learn to get it right SOOC) HDR (l love it but gently, not over the top) and Topaz. And finally after all the years of blue screens and reboots I bought a Mac. Wow.... liberation. (Liz thinks she has created a monster) Moved back to Australia about 7 years ago. Now I have to say I live in paradise, kilometre after kilometre of golden sands, 15000 humpback whales that swim up and then down the coast every year (just love being on the pointy end of a whale watching boat taking pics) waterfalls, dozens of birds that join us every morning on our breakfast table outside and a pair of sea eagles that have nested for the last 15 years in a tall tree which we can see from our garden. Sorry if this sounds over the top but I love where I am, I love the fact that I have found photography so that I can create (or make a complete stuff up as often happens, thank goodness for critical feedback, keeps you on track) I love retirement, I can walk on the beach every day (even in the middle of winter its around 20degrees C) So why have I joined cambridgeincolour? Easy. I might sound a little flippant in all that precedes but when it comes to photography, I am very serious, I just want to learn and improve as much as I can. I did the 'collect brownie points' on Flickr thing and realised that 150 comments and post '1 vote for 6' stokes the ego but doesn't actually mean anything. So restrict myself to three very strong critical groups on Flickr to which I contribute pics and crits. And through one of those groups I found this place. Good tutorials, good quality pics in competition and opportunity to give and receive critique. Definitely the sort of place I want to be. If this sounds sort of jumbled I must confess that I have had a couple of glasses of wine through the course of typing this, but life is to be enjoyed. So to be very Australian ....... Gooday to all and I hope I can continue to learn from you and perhaps, convey to others at least some of what I have managed to pick up along the way. Ahhhh dinner calls and the glass needs refilling.
dear sahil... check image now...its displaying
my name is Chika and i just joined the thread. i'm in Nigeria and i want to get into architectural and landscaping photography. i believe this forum will help me as i want to do it right.
i hope to grow with all of us in photography.
av a nyc day all
Hi everyone,
my name is Richard and this is the first time I have ever joined a photo group. I found out about this group from the Zerene Stacker site and it looked so good I decided to join you. I'm a retired guy living in Ottawa, Ontario and my photo interests are varied although I tend to prefer Landscape and Architectural subjects. After awhile, living in Ottawa one starts to run out of subject matter so I'm going to try my hand at macro photography. Hence my interest in Zerene Stacker. My photo gear consists of a Nikon D2Xs, that I bought used at a good price, and a few lenses that I've aquired over the years. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you as time goes by. Best wishes, Richard.
Hi there! I'm a portrait/wedding photographer in Seattle, WA. Always loved the articles on here, and am looking forward to being a part of this community!![]()
Hello all. My name is Mark and I'm new (just about 2 months) into the hobby. I'm still working to get some of the more basic photography concepts into my mind but am enjoying every moment of it and am finding out that the only way to get good at this is to do it - and do it often. I've always loved good photography and feel that I have some feel in finding the right picture, with the right light, and the right texture. With all of the knowledge here, I'm sure this will be a win-win. - Cheers, Mark
Last edited by Lumens; 23rd April 2011 at 01:26 AM. Reason: add pic
Hello Everyone. My Name is Doug and I live in Katy, Texas. I bought a Canon A80 at B&H in New York while on a trip in 2006 and that started my interest in photography. The more I took pictures the more I wanted more flexibility in what I wanted to achieve. Finally I bought a Pentax K10D and it's been by my side ever since.
It has been an enjoyable hobby. I've been asked to take pictures at numerous family events, work events, sporting events even a wedding rehearsal dinner. I just want to get better and learn more. I remembered this site from a while back so here I am!
Hi, my name is Tassos and come from Athens, Greece. I found the page after pointed to one of the articles under tutorials.
I like landscape, street and architecture photography. I also like the weird looking and deep contrast of infrared.
I shoot with a Canon EOS 40D, a Lumix FZ100 and an Olympus 2100UZ (for IR).
My main problem is I think I am really bad with composition
Quite happy to join this nice community.![]()
Hi guys, I'm from India and and I'm in the forces. So whatever time i get free i love to shoot. I recently acquired a Nikon D3100 with a kit lens 18-105 mm VR. Well my budget is definitely tight but i'm eyeing the 35mm f \1.8g and a 55-300 mm nikkor for wildlife photography. Would welcome any suggestions for the lenses please
After a long search finally i've found such a nice forum to ineract and i'm happy to join one!
Here's one photograph i clicked with my D3100..![]()
Last edited by ronn13; 23rd April 2011 at 09:16 AM. Reason: Spelling mistake
I'm from Malaysia. I love taking pictures... taking that moment. I just bought a DSLR camera and this website has been a tremendous help.![]()