Okay thanks, Colin! Then, if it's not too much fuss for you to change my user name, perhaps I could ask you to do it for me?But if it's a lot of work, you don't have to bother!
So I guess that if I can't log in with "hannibf" the next time I try, that means you've changed my name, and I should log in with my full name instead
Thanks for letting me know either way!
Hi all,
Guess i've lurked here too long and should say g'day.
A very informative and friendly site might i add, well have noticed, as i've hidden in the shadows :-)
I'm a thirty something amateur, but lover of photography living on the Gold Coast Qld.
Own a Canon 400d with consumer lenses[unfortunately-should of done more research at the time of purchase a couple of years ago] hindsight hey.
Also have sigma 10-20mm and bigma 170-500mm, both lenses i don't mind
for my experience level.
Love all types of photography, although focusing on sport and landscape to hone my skills.
Hi Liam,
Welcome to CiC, another Canon shooter.
Looks to me like Canon outgun Nikon 2:1 in general (ducks for cover!).
Hindsight's good (almost always right), Foresight's better but MUCH more difficult to find (and often wrong)
If you've been lurking a while you'll know how it works here; any questions, ask away, and of course we'd be pleased to see any pictures. Anyway, good to have an intro and I look forward to your next post.
Hello everybody,
I live in Aberdeen, Psychiatrist by trade and I am a novice in photography; my gear is Canon 300D, Kit lens (18-55mm) and 50mm f1.8. I am learning (ah, now a tad slow I must say) and I quite liked this forum, very informative.
Looking forward
Hello Everybody,
I'm an amateur photographer who just started to try to study photography a month ago. Originally I studied computer science. Now my passion to photography has lead me to consider a career switch and do something I'm passionate about.
I found the "Cambridge in Colour" tutorial very helpful to learn about many techniques.
However, I started to fail accessing the tutorials lately this month. Is anybody facing the same problem?
Hi Sekhar,
Good to have you join us and you've already posted a picture, so you're off to a good start.
Any questions on the learning side, just ask away and the collective good persons of this forum will come to your aid.
Only remains to say a formal welcome from,
Hi Salma,
I'd also like to welcome you to the forums.
In answer to your specific question; I haven't noticed not being able to access the CiC tutorials at anytime, but then I don't go there every single day (just most!), so it is just possible I've missed an "outage".
What sort of subjects do you most enjoy taking at the moment?
Regards from,
Hello to all the members, My name is Jerel, I'm 38, Married to my wonderful wife Tami. We have been married for 15 years, we have 2 teenage kids. I've been in the Us Army for 20 years and yes i'm about to retire. I'm deployed to iraq until later summer 2009. Since being deployed I've purchased a new Canon Digital Rebel XTI. This is my first DSLR. My goal is to learn everything I can about Photography while i'm over here and i will continue to learn when i get back to Alaska. I'll be asking advise from all of you. I look forward to meeting some of you in person if there is anyone in the Fairbanks Alaska area. Take care all
Hi Jerel,
That climate change is going to take some getting used to!
As Colin says, just start asking questions and do take plenty of pics too, nothing beats first hand experience.
I assume you have facilities to download and process the digital pics from your camera?
Welcome from,
Thanks, Yes i'm able to download and process my photo's. It's getting hot over here. I think we hit 100 yesterday. Summer is going to be a smoker.
Hello All,
To introduce myself, I'm Jan, 50 years old, living in the Netherland. Just picked up Digital Photography after I got a Canon DSLR. Used to work with a old 35mm Minolta XGM.
My gear:Canon EF-S 18-55 IS, Canon EF 28-135 IS, Sigma 55-200, Canon 1000D and Battery Grip BG-E5.
Found your forum after I was looking for more information about "White balance", which was very nicely explained in your tutorial!!
Kind Regards,
Hi Jan,
Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll find that we're a friendly, helpful bunch here at CiC.
I see you only joined today, so I'll explain a little about how we work.
If you have any questions, just ask by starting a new thread and you'll probably find an answer is forthcoming within hours. Do feel free to join straight in with anything that's already running.
Equally, we'll be interested to see any shots you're willing to share and offer constructive comments if desired.
So don't be shy, join in.
Hi Jan,
A big welcome from me too = always great to have another member - and if they're a fellow Canon shooter then so much the better!
I've got a question for you if I may ... I see you're from the Netherlands - I'm just wondering why I sometimes see it written as "Nederland". I assume it's referring to the same parts of the world? ANy idea why the different spelling?
Hi Salma, Jerel and Jan.
A welcome to Cic from me.
Enjoy the good atmosphere on this forum, in my opinion it's unique in it's kind .
HI Colin,
thanks for your nice words, to refer to your question:
Basicly our official name is Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, translated "Kingdom of the Netherlands". This refers still to the old days that there were parts of our kingdom over seas.
For a far more better explenation then i'm able to give you plese refer to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_netherlands.
I had clearly other interests at school
Kind regards,
Last edited by Jandiep; 26th April 2009 at 08:12 AM. Reason: spelling errors