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Thread: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  1. #4301
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello Folks,

    I'm a senior citizen and a newlywed, so my photography has taken a back seat for a while;but i do have a history in photography going back almost 50 years. My first little camera was a 35mm Pentax Spotmatic and I progressed through several 35mm Nikons and many lenses along the way. Discovering Ansel Adams led me to 2 1/4 and into developing my own film and printing myself. Seeking even more control over the process, I ventured into 4x5 sheet film and an old Calumet camera. All of the printing was done be me in every stage of the learning processes for each different type of capture. About 1965 when computers came on the scene for the home user, I migrated in that direction for many years. After my wife died a friend introduced me to digital cameras. I've gone through several of them and currently have a Nikon D300 . Freedom from the darkroom and chemicals and now into the lightroom and inkjet printers has opened photography again to me. All I learned in the early days aided me immensely in this new realm of photography and when the honeymoon slows down I plan to renew my endeavors in photography. Black and white is still my preference for prints.

    Your friend in Photography,

    Johnny aka Grandpa

  2. #4302

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

    Hi my name is Jaime. I am a 12-year-old liveing in MI. I joined on the 19th. I got interested in photography a year ago.
    it is my new goal and I hope this site will help me thanks.
    -Jaimes 12 years-

  3. #4303
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieroo View Post
    G'day from "Downunder".
    Not sure if you accept members from Australia! But here I am anyway.
    My name is Ralph Newman and I have some of my photos on my web page here
    I have had a camera in my hands for at least 50 years of one sort or another.
    I am still only a hobby photographer and do it all for the enjoyment.
    I have shot a few weddings but wouldn't do that for a living. I try my hand at most styles and try to learn and get better with each outing. I do enjoy macro photography in the field. The excitement of finding something new to shoot is half the fun.
    Anyway I best have a good look around and see what goes on. Just wanted to say Hi
    G'day from me (currently in London) Ralph,

    Great to have you join us.

    I see you're up to 5 posts as I type this welcome, so I guess you are finding your way around the place.

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  4. #4304
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Arci View Post
    Hello everybody I am Antonio.

    A middle age passionate of photography since the childhood who lives in Rome but travel around the world a lot.
    Nikon world is my world cause I have invested much money in nikon lenses during the years, today everything goes around a D300.
    I use also a m4/3 GF1 when I travel for job, something light and reliable to have, just in case.

    I love landscape photography but also many others themes, I love all the aspects of photography.

    I am very happy to have discovered this great community, I see here an interesting place to share.

    Ready to go!

    Hi Antonio,

    Good intro post, not leaving me any questions to ask

    OK, I just thought of one, when you've read this, could you Edit your Profile and pop first name into the Real Name field and perhaps based in Rome into Location? - thanks.

    It's so many years since I was in Rome, lovely place though, in fact I have fond memories of many cities in Italy, and that was just from those touristy organised coach trips - you know the ones "If it's Tuesday, it must be ...".

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  5. #4305
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by SibelCatana View Post
    Hello there! I am new here. I found this site through one of the tutorials.
    I am Sibel and I live in London at the moment. My background in the visual arts is painting and working with all sorts of materials (for sculpture). Photography is also a big passion of mine. I am mostly an experimental photographer.

    The cameras I worked with are Minolta Dynax and Canon PowerShot SX130. I am saving at the moment to get a Nikon. Wish me luck with that, lol. I guess I will have to sacrifice my holiday in France this summer to get it.
    Hi Sibel,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.

    Well I hope you make past the first post and share some of your photography with us, if you need any help, just ask (or check out the HELP/Rules page in menu above).

    All the best,

  6. #4306
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Chevi View Post
    Hi all, my name is Tom and I live in Northumberland.
    For a number of years I was a keen landscape photographer but over the last 18 months have been addicted to our feathered friends.
    I'm a founding member of our camera club which is now into its 3rd year.
    I have been a member of Cambridge in Colour this since 2008 but until now have not had the time to act as a full threading member

    The photo attached was taken during a visit to the farne Islands, Northumberland (my 4th visit)
    Hi Tom,

    Sorry the photo posting didn't work first time, it didn't for me either, which is why I wrote chapter and verse on the various options, which are available by following a link in the HELP/Rules link in menu above.

    Normally I'd post a link for you, but I'm on a "kiosk browser" which is 'crippled' in functionality and won't let me do what I want to.

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  7. #4307
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by venkush View Post
    I am new to this site and new to Photography too! Venkush from AL, soon moving to CA. I am here to learn from you all! Saw lots of nice pictures and amazed!
    Hi Venkush,

    Great to have you join us - what are you shooting with, may I ask?

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  8. #4308
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi all, im Allen, and very interestede in photography. Recently i have purchesed a cannon 1000d and loving it. And have taken over 100 photos. Although its my first dslr, i still have a pentax and minolta slr, and its a bit of a challenge going to digital, but with the af setting is remarkable, but i still like manual sides better cause you work harder to get it right(although im learning). I would upload a pic of my kangaroo or a peacock but my computer has malfunctioned so using my parents.

  9. #4309
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello out there-I'm 65 and live in rural Nevada, where the skies are surprisingly dirty in summer. Smoke from wildfires or smog from L.A. drifting up this way makes for only so-so viewing. Best skies I've ever ogled were Montana skies. Became interested in astronomy way back when Comet Hale-Bopp was in the night sky. I was smitten! Checked-out a library book on astronomy and taught myself the sky. Used to stargaze out in the back yard, hidden behind my horse's hay bales so the neighbors wouldn't wonder what I was doing out there (they already thought I was weird enough). Used broken binoculars in which only one eyepiece worked to figure things out. Remember having an awful time finding Cygnus, until one night I dozed off and when I awoke, it was right above-Eureka! Hadn't realized it was such a large constellation. Now the sky is familiar to me. While in Montana,even wrote an astronomy column for our small local newspaper at one time (not now). I love stargazing.
    Anyhow...I wanted to ask if anyone knows where a person can buy a 16" (400mm), synscan (go-to), Skywatcher Dobsonian telescope, here in the USA? I keep looking on the net and can only find a place in Australia that sells them. I need to find out where they live, and how much they are in American dollars so as to budget for one. Anybody know who sells the things and where? Feel free to use my email address as I'm just figuring out how to work this site and am not sure I can find my way back (I'll try). Wow. I might not even be able to post this to the right place! Xena

    Oops-Worst yet-I must be in the wrong world! Just read the posts. Thought this was an ASTRONOMY site! Mass confusion. That being said-quick recovery-I have an 8" X 10" Eastman Kodak View Camera (like Edward Weston's). Once I get the bellows replaced, will try for fabulously-detailed photos (am working on putting together an old-fashioned, totally non-digital, darkroom) out in the garage. Have a manual OM-2 that still works fine after 35 years or so. Hard to find film anymore, though.
    Last edited by xena; 22nd June 2011 at 09:56 PM. Reason: mass confusion

  10. #4310
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Publio View Post
    Hi! I'm Publio and I live in Rio, Brazil. Photography has somehow been a passion for a pretty long time. But, for some reasons, only a few years ago did it start taking over and it has come to a point where I'm becoming more and more fascinated about it. Even obsessed I may say. I bought my first DSLR in mid 2009 (a Nikon D-40) and I've just purchased my wide-angle which is still about to arrive. I'm here to learn. I love photographing just about everything but I do love landscape. Specially when you live in a city like Rio where the possibilities are nearly endless. So... here I am.
    P.S. I make my living as an English teacher at a Language School.
    Hi Publio,

    Great to have another Nikon shooter join the community

    Which wide angle did you go for?
    and has it arrived yet?
    ooops, that's bad English, I know

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  11. #4311
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by gee4time View Post
    Hi! Everyone

    My stats are: Retired, own Canon 7d (Tamron 18-270mm PZD main lens), like to travel and hike, love to shoot nature and landscape photos, interested in HDR photography, 3d, panoramic, macros, geotagging, video, etc.
    Hi "gee4time",

    Good, wide list of interests there, should prevent you getting bored

    I'm sorry to say there's one or two 'stats' you have omitted to advise us of; your first name and location - there are fields for these if you Edit Profile, then we'll all know how to address you.

    Hope you make the most of us by asking questions and posting work for constructive critique.

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  12. #4312
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by wildibis View Post
    Hi all. I'm Kristina. New to everything. Expect to learn a lot. Not sure what I'm interested in yet. I'll figure that out soon enough, I expect. I'm from the Washington, D.C. area (East coast, USA) and have traveled extensively over the years. I work full time. I'm originally from the Rocky Mountain area and miss it terribly.
    Hi Kristina,

    Welcome to the CiC foums from me, great to have you join us and do aks questions - the only daft question is the one you don't ask

    I did visit DC many, many years ago as a waypoint on a touring holiday is US, from memory; Detroit, Niagara, Washington, Philapelphia and NYC before flying back, but that was in the late seventies (I feel old now). Apologies to stateside members if I mis-splet any names or even got them in the wrong order

    All the best,

  13. #4313
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by jeades View Post
    Hello Folks,

    I'm a senior citizen and a newlywed, so my photography has taken a back seat for a while;but i do have a history in photography going back almost 50 years. My first little camera was a 35mm Pentax Spotmatic and I progressed through several 35mm Nikons and many lenses along the way. Discovering Ansel Adams led me to 2 1/4 and into developing my own film and printing myself. Seeking even more control over the process, I ventured into 4x5 sheet film and an old Calumet camera. All of the printing was done be me in every stage of the learning processes for each different type of capture. About 1965 when computers came on the scene for the home user, I migrated in that direction for many years. After my wife died a friend introduced me to digital cameras. I've gone through several of them and currently have a Nikon D300 . Freedom from the darkroom and chemicals and now into the lightroom and inkjet printers has opened photography again to me. All I learned in the early days aided me immensely in this new realm of photography and when the honeymoon slows down I plan to renew my endeavors in photography. Black and white is still my preference for prints.

    Your friend in Photography,

    Johnny aka Grandpa
    Hi Johnny,

    OK, I can't compalin I feel old with you (see previous reply to Kristina), you probably have a few years on me and seem to be doing well.

    I too did a hobby 'apprenticeship' in film, but mainly at 35mm, although I think a 6x6 Mamiya did creep in somewhere for a short while As you say; it helps, the composition and analysing image parts still stand, even if what you do in repsonse is different

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  14. #4314
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaimes View Post
    Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

    Hi my name is Jaime. I am a 12-year-old liveing in MI. I joined on the 19th. I got interested in photography a year ago.
    it is my new goal and I hope this site will help me thanks.
    -Jaimes 12 years-
    Hi Jaime,

    Glad to see you got the hang of image posting, youth obviously helps

    I think you're well up to speed now on the forum, so it only remains for me to say; Welcome to the CiC foums from ...

  15. #4315
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by allenlennon View Post
    Hi all, im Allen, and very interestede in photography. Recently i have purchesed a cannon 1000d and loving it. And have taken over 100 photos. Although its my first dslr, i still have a pentax and minolta slr, and its a bit of a challenge going to digital, but with the af setting is remarkable, but i still like manual sides better cause you work harder to get it right(although im learning). I would upload a pic of my kangaroo or a peacock but my computer has malfunctioned so using my parents.
    Hi Allen,

    A quick "Hi" from me and I hope you get the computer fixed soon.
    You name rings a bell, so perhaps we have met in the forums, but I'll say it anyway;

    Welcome to the CiC foums from ...

  16. #4316

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Good day to all
    As of today I have joined your Forum..I am 62, retired and love Photography in the outdoors. Mountians are my favorite, and city scapes coming in second My first love has been Black and White , but I am trying out HDR with adjustments been done in lightroom

  17. #4317
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello friends
    My name is Josep M, I'm from a town near Barcelona, Vilanova i la Geltrú.
    I'm a photographer dedicated to product, industrial, landscape and panoramic, immersive also.
    You can see my site

  18. #4318
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Im a new hire private investigator and i own my first digital camera the canon sx30IS Gettin my butt chewed because when in the woods for cover photographing a house two hundred feet out in a clear developement, when i zoom in , the lens focuses on the leaves and brush that are close to the camera and makes the house do i fix this, i gotta get the boss off my butt..i dont have much

  19. #4319
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome Dave! Are you the moderator here? I noticed you welcomed many others too, so...
    I'm not used to participating in forums and I do get confused at times. Is there a way I can be notified via email when my post has been replied? Oh.. something really important: I'd love to share some of my pics here too but since I sell many on stocksites I wonder if I should. What do you say?
    Thanks again.

  20. #4320
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi, my name is Fadwa (the gypsy) - A woman with a restless soul & gypsy's spirit! I love creativity, I'm a published author, jewelry designer, artist, translator and amateur photographer. People are always telling me I should focus on one thing, but I feel they are all one thing and they fuel each other (and me).

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