Hi Dave.
Thanks for the wizard bit. lol
Hi Dave.
Thanks for the wizard bit. lol
Thanks not needed mate
It's just the truth![]()
I am originally from West Cornwall but now live in Nottingham (I know, I know!). Have worked as a musician and teacher in my time but now am much happier taking photographs and trying to improve my work.
I use a Canon 5D Mk2 and a Canon 20D and have a number of Canon lenses, Lee filters. The lens I'm enjoying at the moment is the Canon TS-E 45mm which is a sharp piece of glass and very inspiring to use.
I like long exposures and using Intentional Camera Movement, as well as landscape photography - constantly trying to work on interpretation rather than representation. Look forward to meeting some of you on here!
Hi.I'm Suzanne from Lac Mégantic,Québec,Canada.Found this place to be very interesting for learning more on photography with all these acurate tutorials and gorgeous photos!
Hello. I am from the Netherlands. Computer programmer and love taking photographs , macro , portret etc. But unfortunally have a lot to learn. Hope to learn a lot here. Henk
Pete - Well I hope you feel you've found the right place to be, because I think that's a sentiment that would be echoed by the vast majority on here.
And, as you've maybe seen, CiC is very much about us all helping each other. So, hopefully that 'wizardry' will be made available to others through your advice and guidance.
Welcome on board.
Last edited by Donald; 27th July 2011 at 09:48 PM.
I'm glad you're enjoying CiC, Suzanne.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
I hope you quickly feel able to join in discussions, asks lots of questions and, of course, post up some of your images.
A very warm welcome. I hope you very quickly feel that CiC is a resource that can help your learning. As well as the tutorials, this forum is a constant source of immense knowledge and experience from many people who are very willing to share that.
So, please do feel able to ask any photography-related questions that you may have.
Hello Everybody, My name is Tarran and I am an amateur wildlife photographer from Trindad. Trinidad and Tobago is a twin island state in the West Indies just seven miles shy of Venezuela at the nearest point. I usually photograph birds ... we have 472 species of which two are endemic. I hope you will find the time to visit us one day and bask in our sand, sea and sun.
Tarran (trinibirdman)
Great to have you join up. I think you are the only current active member from Trinidad and Tobago.
Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
I look forward to seeing some of your wildlife images posted up here on CiC.
Hello, I am Harold. I take pictures of trains and wildlife; mostly birds because there usually are some around.
Hi, all. My name is Skip. I live in a little farming area called Buffalo Township in the Central part of Pennsylvania. I'm into mostly nature, wildlife, bird, and insect photography. I also like shooting sunrises and sunsets.
I mainly with a Canon Rebel XT, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Tamron 70-300mm Macro Zoom and a 500mm f/8 telephoto lenses.
Gday peoples with cameras. Been lurking for yonks but finally signed up. Have a Pentax K20d and about 20 lenses. Spend a lot of time motorcycling around and always take the camera. Got the time now as I"m retired. I recommend it
I"m at Dawesville near Mandurah in Western Australia and look forward to participating with yous.Happy snapping Dave
Hope everyone is doing OK in this hot July; here in Edmonton, Alberta, it's been raining just about all of the month. Very humid for a prairie province!
I've loved photography since I was a kid of about 12, when I received my first camera, a Brownie Hawkeye. Still have it! After taking advertising design at the Ontario College of Art, I worked with a studio photographer for a while; then was a photographer for a daily in a small city (Peterborough, Ontario) and did some freelance work. However, the need to make a living and my realizaton I'd never be all that good led to a career as a risk manager.
Known for always having a camera at hand, I now carry my "bridge" superzoom 24/7. Love having one camera able to stand in for the two 35mm bodies and five lenses that I used to carry. And the digital darkroom -- well, it's heaven after working in physical darkrooms with smelly chemicals.
Recently I was honoured by being made the leader of a photo club started at a 55+ seniors' centre, and this site's tutorials are extremely valuable to me in helping some of those who are newer to photography, or digital cameras. Perhaps the group will also bring you more members!
This is a favourite photo of mine, taken a few years ago in Waterton National Park (southwestern Alberta). We had arrived there wanting to spend several days taking fall colour photos; imagine our ecstatic reaction when we awoke to find a light snowfall had added greatly to the photo possibilities!
A lesson to all who read this: if you're shooting digital, make sure you have saved all your images to the computer and at least one other backup means (separate hard drive and/or CDs) before you clear your memory card. I lost many of my photos from this trek because I concentrated more on saving my husband's photos than my own, and cleared my own card too soon. Always double and triple check!
Hello from Chiang Mai...
Hi folks,
I'm Marty, originally from the UK but now retired in Thailand. I've been a keen photographer for 40 something years and I love the wonderful scenes on offer here in the land of smiles. I try my best to document 'real life' here as it happens from day to day.
I have a Flickr stream at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marty-johnston
I have turned a passion into a profession and started Streetlight Photography in 2004. My eye for photography began in the 70's using a super 8 movie camera borrowed from my grandfather. Over the years I have expanded my photographic ability from SLR to DSLR. I am a creator of that "Moment in Time". If it can be shot, I can create an image. I have been published numerous times over the years.