Hi Guys,
Name's Dave. Was on the sites mailing list, got one about the monthly competitions, just thought I'd give it a shot! no pun intended! ha!
Hello Dave, from just across the Irish Sea. Glad you've decided to sign up.
I haven't been in Dublin for a few years (my mum was from out the other side of Ashbourne in County Meath and I still have family there).
Hope you enjoy being on here and feel able to join in the discussions and post up images.
Hi everybody!
My name is Diana, i'm from Brazil. Please, need some types to shoot products, i'm building a studio at home. I' ve doubt about which lights to use.
Excuse my english because i don't speak very well.
Hi Diana,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I think this question will be better asked in the General Photography Discussion or Digital Cameras & Equipment forums. It would help, when you post there, to know what "products" we are talking about and whether this is for business of hobby, because suitability and budget will affect the answers.
All the best,
Hi everyone, My name is Keith, i'm from Feltham, West London. interested in learning and improving my photography, Sometimes i think i'm the worst photographer in the world but am trying to improve, been looking for a site that isn't just about gear talk but for one that can help me improve and learn. from what i've browsed through so far its looking very promising.
I have a Nikon D80 with the 35mm F2.8, 50mm F1.8 and the 18-135 standard zoom. been looking at a few second hand macro lenses but not sure which one yet.
There's a long list of us have claimed that title .... many times!
You've found it ... I think.been looking for a site that isn't just about gear talk but for one that can help me improve and learn.
There is talk about gear, but I hope you see that's it not an opportunity for folk to say that their's is bigger, longer, faster than anyone else's, but is always in the context of quality image making.
But what you will find here is the opportunity to ask lots of questions, no matter how simple you think thay are, and get responses from people who are very willing and able to share their knowledge and experience.
So, a very warm welcome, Keith. I hope you enjoy it.
i am shankar 61 years old, from mumbai(india) working in shipping as chief engineer. i have purchased canon rebel-xs almost two years back. but started learning photography recently. i am very much keen in taking diff. types of photos and simultaneously learning the technicality of photography. i am happy to have in this forum and looking forward to see your beautiful photography.
good luck.
Last edited by Donald; 2nd August 2011 at 09:46 PM.
i am rahul.i am doing my high school in coimbatore.......i am really passionate about photography and am trying to improve my photographic skills
Hello everyone I'm a retired man soon to be 63 and now have the time to take up a love of mine Photography. Some say I have a talent, I say I'm just giving it my best shot. I am looking forward to learn the finer points of photography from all of you. Now for a bit of information about me I live near the City of Pittsburgh PA in the U.S.A. so I have a treasure trove to work with. I love scenery buildings esp: Churches I will try and find the hidden beauty in all that I photograph because I believe everything old or new has it's finer points of intrest.
Thank you very much for joining CiC and a warm welcome. Although there are quite a number of members from India, I think I am correct in saying that you are the first member from so far south in the country.
I hope you find that CiC is a forum that will help you develop your knowledge and skills.
Sounds good to me.
Hello and welcome.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can do the same with your location.
I think (hope) you will find CiC to be a very friendly community in which people are very glad to share experience and knowledge and where people are encouraged to ask questions to seek answers to things that they wish to know.
My name is ajith jayasinghe.i am from sri lanka,i am studying photography.recently
i complete my basic. Most of the photography that i captured for my practical,
i am getting ready to continue for the advance level of photography, photography is a subject base on skill &creativity according to my knowledge. I prefer to see the real world through my lens, put effect to write the message using light around the nature. I like to create messages through photography
We have already exchanged messages in other parts of the forum, but please do let me welcome you as a member of CIC.
I hope you enjoy being involved on this forum and that you will continue to post your images and to take part in the discussions that take place.
Hi. My name is Garry.
I'm a keen amateur, but don't think I take very good pics, so I'm here to try and learn and get critique for any pics I upload.
I prefer taking landscapes, but like trying portraits - I would like to try and do some half-decent macro stuff too.
I owe a 2nd hand Canon 300D (thank God for eBay!!!) but it didn't come with any software to get the pics to the PC except by removing the sim card and putting that into the PC. I've got a couple of lenses (35-50 & 100-200) and a tripod, so I do try most things - even if only once!
Anyway - hope to hear from you all soon. Off to scour the forums!
Hi everyone! Im Val from the tropical paradise of Cebu, Philippines. Been an outdoor shutterbug for years capturing landscapes. So happy to be a member indeed =)
Daghang salamat.
Garry - I hope you quickly feel that you've landed in the right place.
As well as the tutorials, what you'll find, I think, is that lots of people are very willing to offer advice and guidance and to share their knowledge and experience. All you have to do is ask the questions.