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Thread: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  1. #4661
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by tring to learn View Post
    My name is Tim. I am 64 years old, retired, enjoy photograph, woodworking, RVing, and the grandkids.
    Tim - Hello and welcome. If you've been looking in on the forum, you'll have seen that this is very much a place for people sharing ideas as well as images and for helping colleagues learn and develop. I hope you enjoy being part of it.

  2. #4662
    New Member Zinaida's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hey there!

    I'm a 28 years old girl from Finland who loves photography. It's my weapon of choise to relaxing. Since a few years till these days I've only had a compact digital camera (Canon Digital Ixus 860IS) but recently I got a great chance to buy a Canon EOS 300D from a friend of mine. Now I'm learning to use the latter one. I'm very much keen to nature and detail photography. I've found this website very helpful and I've been admiring the gallery here. The funniest part is that I recognize some of the places in those photos of Cambridge from a few years ago when I visited Cambridge. Truly a photographer's paradise, in my opinion! One of my dreams is to visit the UK once more for photographing your beautiful landscapes. Thanks for making it easier to learn!

  3. #4663
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Zinaida View Post
    Hey there!

    I'm a 28 years old girl from Finland who loves photography. It's my weapon of choise to relaxing. Since a few years till these days I've only had a compact digital camera (Canon Digital Ixus 860IS) but recently I got a great chance to buy a Canon EOS 300D from a friend of mine. Now I'm learning to use the latter one. I'm very much keen to nature and detail photography. I've found this website very helpful and I've been admiring the gallery here. The funniest part is that I recognize some of the places in those photos of Cambridge from a few years ago when I visited Cambridge. Truly a photographer's paradise, in my opinion! One of my dreams is to visit the UK once more for photographing your beautiful landscapes. Thanks for making it easier to learn!
    Zinaida - Hello and welcome to CiC.

    I am very glad that you have found the site interesting and helpful. I am sure you will have seen that CiC is very mush focused on helping people learn. There are many members on the forum who are very willing to share their extensive knowledge and experience. So, if you have any questions you wish to ask, please do just post them onto the forum.

    And congratulations on acquiring your 300D.

  4. #4664
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Zinaida View Post
    Hey there!

    I'm a 28 years old girl from Finland who loves photography. It's my weapon of choise to relaxing. Since a few years till these days I've only had a compact digital camera (Canon Digital Ixus 860IS) but recently I got a great chance to buy a Canon EOS 300D from a friend of mine. Now I'm learning to use the latter one. I'm very much keen to nature and detail photography. I've found this website very helpful and I've been admiring the gallery here. The funniest part is that I recognize some of the places in those photos of Cambridge from a few years ago when I visited Cambridge. Truly a photographer's paradise, in my opinion! One of my dreams is to visit the UK once more for photographing your beautiful landscapes. Thanks for making it easier to learn!
    Zinaida - Hello and welcome to CiC.

    I am very glad that you have found the site interesting and helpful. I am sure you will have seen that CiC is very mush focused on helping people learn. There are many members on the forum who are very willing to share their extensive knowledge and experience. So, if you have any questions you wish to ask, please do just post them onto the forum.

    And congratulations on acquiring your 300D.

  5. #4665
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Kim. I'm new to photography and will start my photography course in September. I'm looking to buy a Canon 600D but unsure whether to buy just body only and get my own lenses or a package that comes with a standard lens. Can someone please give me some advice? Thanks a lot !

  6. #4666
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by leekimwah View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Kim. I'm new to photography and will start my photography course in September. I'm looking to buy a Canon 600D but unsure whether to buy just body only and get my own lenses or a package that comes with a standard lens. Can someone please give me some advice? Thanks a lot !
    Kim First of all - Hello and welcome. Then ......

    I'm going to copy your post across into a new thread on in the Cameras & Equipment section of the forum. It's an excellent questions and more people will see it there, because not everyone looks in this thread regularly.

    And also .......You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. Otherwise nobody will know that you're Kim. You can also put in your location (your town or city, or even just your country). The folks no where you are.

    Hope you enjoy being part of CiC. And remember, this is a forum very much about people trying to help other people. So, if you have any questions, please just ask them.

  7. #4667
    New Member Zinaida's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Zinaida - Hello and welcome to CiC.

    I am very glad that you have found the site interesting and helpful. I am sure you will have seen that CiC is very mush focused on helping people learn. There are many members on the forum who are very willing to share their extensive knowledge and experience. So, if you have any questions you wish to ask, please do just post them onto the forum.

    And congratulations on acquiring your 300D.
    Thanks! We'll see how well I can learn to use my new cam. At least I'm very excited about it! Ok, I'll get into it then and probably will find something to ask every now and then. Great great

  8. #4668
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi folks. Just joined to see what it is all about. Live in Surrey, in British Columbia, and I'm (lucky) retired. Been doing photography on and off for about 50 years, including wet darkroom (in the old days). Once owned a Rollei SL66. Like landscapes, HDR and macro. Am currently using two Canon DSLRs aided by seven lenses from Canon, Sigma and Tamron. Am here to learn and admire other photos.

  9. #4669
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterP View Post
    Hi folks. Just joined to see what it is all about.

    Hello and your very welcome. I hope you find out that CiC is a forum that you enjoy and want to stay involved with.

    I do think it's different than so many others in terms of being very much biased towards supporting and encouraging others in their development and acquisition of photographic knowledge (in which I hope you will contribute, given your experience) and, particularly, in being a friendly online environment, not governed by lots of rules and regulations and in which people hopefully have fun whilst learning.

    So, please do join in discussions and, of course, post up your work.

  10. #4670

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    Hello everyone,
    It's been very interesting and informative to read your posts. My phototography interests are mainly in landscapes and buildings. I do like the technical aspects too, but with limitations. The artistic side of photography is what I like best.
    I look forward to swapping ideas and tips with you.
    Cheers, and good wishes,

  11. #4671
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: roderick

    Quote Originally Posted by roderick View Post
    I look forward to swapping ideas and tips with you.
    Cheers, and good wishes,
    Hello Rod and welcome to CiC.

    Where are you? You can edit your profile and insert your location. It will then appear in the sidebar under your username.

    I hope you continue to enjoy the forum and now that you're signed up, that you take part in the discussions and post up your images.

  12. #4672
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi all members of CiC, I'm Sam from South India. I found your tutorials very useful. I'm an engineer by profession and engaged in a bit of amateur photography, just for fun.

  13. #4673
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by samzac View Post
    Hi all members of CiC, I'm Sam from South India. I found your tutorials very useful. I'm an engineer by profession and engaged in a bit of amateur photography, just for fun.
    Sam - A very warm welcome to CIC. I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.

    As you may have seen already, CiC is very much about helping and supporting each other to increase our knowledge and develop our skills. So, whether it something you wish to learn and ask about it, or whether it is something you can help others with, I hope you will feel able to join in discussions.

    You have kindly told us your name and your location. But so that this information appears alongside all your posts in the future, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name' and your location under 'Location'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.

  14. #4674

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello...I am George from Arizona, USA. I am a retired engr. I have always been interested in photography but never had time for it. I replaced my old Vivitar 220/sl with an Olympus e520 2 years ago and I'm trying to decide between d5100 and t2i and really good lenses. I have not decided on any specific genre. I will shoot anything that is interesting to me. I was drawn to this site because of the Cambridge theme. I have traveled to England twice and Cambridge is one of my favorite destinations. I hope to learn from all of you since I am an amateur.

  15. #4675
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by ga6742 View Post
    Hello...I am George from Arizona, USA. I am a retired engr.
    George - You're the second engineer in less than an hour that's signed up to CiC. But you're no less welcome for that. Great to have you on board.

    The Cambridge theme comes from the fact that the originator of the site, Sean McHugh (McQ) studied in Cambridge. He's now back home just left a bit from you on the map, in California.

    I hope that you find this forum the sort of place that you want to be involved with. You always find plenty of people able and willing to give advice, answer questions or just have a good discussion and debate about matters photographic.

  16. #4676
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Hello and welcome to CiC. Excuse me asking, but is Versus your actual name. You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can do the same with your location.

    Done and Done. BTW, where would I post a photo that I would like feedback on ?

  17. #4677
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Versus View Post
    Done and Done. BTW, where would I post a photo that I would like feedback on ?
    Clinton - Good now that we've got a name to which we can address messages.

    You'll see that there are two sections of the site in which you can post images for C & C (Comment & Criticism) - 'Nature & Architecture' and 'People and Pets'. Just start up a thread in one of those two section and place your image in that post.

    We don't stand too much on ceremony at CiC. You choose which section seems to best fit your image. If it's the wrong one, well ... no-one is going to care. People will still see it, and that's the important thing.

  18. #4678
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hey there folks, My name is Greg. I am very green to photography. Actually just purchased my first digital SLR (Nikon D3000/55-200mm lens). Looking forward to see where this takes me. I will post a photo soon.

  19. #4679
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by dentmeister View Post
    Hey there folks, My name is Greg. I am very green to photography. Actually just purchased my first digital SLR (Nikon D3000/55-200mm lens). Looking forward to see where this takes me. I will post a photo soon.
    Hello Greg and welcome to CiC. If you want to learn (and it looks like you do) then I think you have found the perfect forum. CiC is very much about helping and supporting people to develop knowledge and skills.

    There is no such thing as a dumb question on here. And there is always someone who not only knows the answer, but is willing to take the time to make sure you get the answer and understanding you need in order to advance your learning.

    You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can do the same for your location in the world.
    Last edited by Donald; 15th August 2011 at 11:00 AM.

  20. #4680

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi im kenn and i'm just a newbie, got my first DSLR camera in 09' just got time to play with it and understand the unit more, btw im using canon 500d it's not much but it'll be a good start... hope to learn from everyone thanks =)

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