Been at photography since 1947...retired biologist and beekeeper.
John McDonald
Been at photography since 1947...retired biologist and beekeeper.
John McDonald
Last edited by Colin Southern; 31st May 2009 at 09:15 AM.
Hello Everybody!
My name is Joel Mays, I am a photographer from San Diego. I've been working with photography on and off for six years and recently took it up as a part time job! During college I worked as a freelance photographer. I always preferred natural lighting, however recently I've been working more and more with artificial lighting which has opened up a whole new world/set of problems!
Feel free to visit my temporary page (my website is being redesigned). All critiques are greatly appreciated! It only helps.
- Joel Mays
Hello Everyone,
My name is Edward Lee and I'm crazy about photography. I was surfing the net looking for a clue on how a lot of the photographs I see on various forums are processed. I have the equipment to take a good photo but there is a lot missing from my work that I am on a mission to find. Photos I see have that magazine ready look, with crisp colors and smooth finish. I'm pretty sure I have the right software to accomplish this task but lack the knowledge of what combination to complete the task. This is how I ended up searching the net again! I hope to learn a lot on this forum, so feel free to share any techniques that are not a secret ingredient.
Hi Joel,
Thanks for popping over here to post the intro, I look forward to seeing your proper website when 'the builders' move out
Anyway, it's well overdue time for me to welcome you to the forums,
Hi Ed,
Good reason to be here, in fact I think we're all here for that!
It will help us to help you, if we knew;
- roughly what kit you shoot with
- what you are editing with
- what you like to photograph
- what you want to publish
Also, why not post a couple of example pics into the appropriate foorums and we'll see what we can do in the way of suggestions to improve.
So, I'll round off with the traditional; welcome to the CiC forums from ...
I'm new, my name is Karl.
Hi Karl,
Welcome to the CiC forums, I think you probably win the (non-existent) prize for the shortest introduction
... and from the "North West"; US, UK, Germany?
Aside from standing pictures on their feet, I wonder what else you get up to with a camera?
I can't even see what camera you use from the EXIF data
Anyway, good to have you join us, (no really, it is) welcome from ...
Hello All. I found this forum goggling for depth-of-field information. My name is Salvatore, and I live in a suburb about 20 miles outside of Philadelphia, PA, USA. I am a professional musician, (keyboards, bass, drums, vocals) although I work others jobs to support my family as needed! Musically I love and play nearly all styles, but I especially love Jazz.
I aspire to become a professional photographer, and to generate all of my income via music and photography. Although I have started to market my photography services, and have landed some paying jobs, I do not consider my self a pro... semi-pro - perhaps. That said, I have much to learn. I am constantly practicing and experimenting and reading.
I own two retired racing greyhound dogs, Emma and Missy, that I adopted though local rescue groups.
I am still developing my interesting for photography, and I currently photograph anything and every (nearly) as I learn my craft. I like the feel of this forum, and particularly the international flavor it seems to have.
~ dog
Hi Guys, I am Butch Robertson, an attorney in Worcester, a large town in the wine making area of the Western Cape in South Africa. I am at the wrong end of the 50's and passionate about wildlife, and have been to the national parks in Botswana many many times, as well as those in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. I do my "own" thing in that I drive myself and set up camp from where I "suss out" whats happening in the area.
I am also passionate about Mozambique, especially the coastline which is still rich in sea life. I have a share in a cottage at a small beach called Tofo near Inhambane where I love to chill out. Unfortunately it is about 1500miles (2500km) from where I live, so visits are limited to 1 maybe 2 a year! I love photographing birds in flight, especially large raptors, the big five and landscapes. I have 2 Canon 40d's , the one with a Canon f4 500L IS and the other with a Canon f4 17-40L. I use a tripod for my landscapes and a specially made "shoulder pod" for my wildlife. My avatar is a painting a friend did of me after a walk in the Kruger Park a couple of years ago, depicting my shoulder pod and "shooting" birds. I recently came across HDR, and came across this site whilst search the web for info on HDR.
I have been loitering around for a while now, absorbing all the great information here. So I figured I should probably stop and introduce myself before I start flooding this site with millions of questions I have.
I got my first camera when I was 13 (point-and-shoot film camera, I think it was a Olympus). I went digital about 5 years ago with a Canon IXUS V2. The IXUS was a pretty good camera and I probably took what seems like a million shots. But the 2MP sensor and the slowest Autofocus on the planet made me look for something else. About a year ago I bought myself my first SLR, a Canon 400D.
I never had any kind of photo-education and most of my pictures are of the sort “I wonder what happens if I do this…”. After making some good progress in the beginning, I now feel like stuck now. After reading a lot of articles online and various photo-magazines I see that there is still sooo much to learn and I must admit I am a little overwhelmed. When you have 200 new things to learn, where do you start? I tend to try to learn it all at once (and turn into a nervous, drooling wreck)
Another person caught "loitering with intent" eh?
Yeah yeah - that's what they all say... before I start flooding this site with millions of questions I have.- then we get all excited about new questions to answer, and we never hear from them again!
Seriously (for a moment) - please don't hesitate to jump in with any and all questions - that's what were here for; literally to the point where if people don't ask questions then we really don't have much else to talk about - so don't feel embarrassed - WE NEED QUESTIONS! (plus more often than not it also helps others who are too shy to ask). So asking questions helps everyone. The help desk is now OPEN!
You'll be able to do a lot with that. What len(s) have you got for it?About a year ago I bought myself my first SLR, a Canon 400D.
The best way to learn.I never had any kind of photo-education and most of my pictures are of the sort “I wonder what happens if I do this…”.
Good thing you found us then. Unlike many of the magazines (which are usually 90% full of rubbish and ads), we can give you almost real-time feedback with issues, questions, and techniques. There's always things to learn, but hopefully after a while you'll still be confused, but on a high-level and about more important things! (just kidding!)After making some good progress in the beginning, I now feel like stuck now. After reading a lot of articles online and various photo-magazines I see that there is still sooo much to learn and I must admit I am a little overwhelmed.
Information overload is pretty common when your starting out. Photography is all about decisions, and it's a ruthless tutor in that the finished result is the sum-total of the decisions you make (good or bad ones); the better decisions we can help you make, the better the final results will be -- and it probably won't take as long as you might think if your keen - there's some very talented and knowledgeable people here who like nothing better than to try to help someone (probably as a substitute for our own failed and miserable lives, but that's another story!).When you have 200 new things to learn, where do you start? I tend to try to learn it all at once (and turn into a nervous, drooling wreck)
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us!
Oh well, thought I had best take the plunge so to speak, I had come across the tutorials but did not realise there was a forum until I got mixed up with interpolation (long story).
My name is Clive and have only been into photography a couple of years now, well about 4-5,since I got a dog and started walking him down the river here, so naturally found wildlife my subject of choice, taking a very steep learning curve as never had a dslr until a couple of years ago and the pictures are probably not that brilliant but I am enjoying the journey, currently using a Canon 400D and a Canon 50dD enough from me and please be gentle.
Best regards, Clive.
Last edited by Colin Southern; 12th June 2009 at 11:09 PM.
Hello Clive,
Welcome to Cic's forum.
It has great additional value for the tutorials.
If you have spend time with interpolation i want to ask you to visit this topic.
You might be helpfull because i can not manage interpolation-problems here.
We are gentle to you, like we are gentle to everybody.
Even rape-scenes on this forum are much more gentle (and disappointing) than elsewhere![]()
Last edited by d3debian; 10th June 2009 at 02:41 PM.
Hi Butch,
I work a similar way, but on a far less grand scale and with less exotic wildlife here in southern England!
Can't wait to see some pics, do post some, or provide a link if you have a gallery anywhere.
It only remains for me to add the customary, welcome to CiC from ...
Hi Kirk,
That's easy; one thing at a time, conquer it and move on.
As Colin says, it won't take too long if you're keen and put into practice the suggestions everyone here comes up with.
Why not make a start with one question, or post a pic that's not quite right and we'll see how we get on.
Colin is absolutely right about us needing questions, we have a voracious apetite.
So, welcome to CiC from ...
Hi Clive,
Great to have you join us - along with the other 3 in the last 24 hours
As d3debian says, we are gentle (and constructive), so don't hold back posting a photo, or asking a question.
I have one for you; where in the world are you?
I ask because Colin (the other admin/moderator) likes to stick pins in his atlas!
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Last edited by Colin Southern; 20th June 2009 at 04:14 AM. Reason: We certainly do, but "welcome" as well ;)