Hi Jamie and welcome to the CiC forums from me.
I think you might need to be a little more specific in your request for tips
Ideally, post a picture and ask what you could have done better, but mention anything you already know about. It also helps us to help you if we know what settings were used, so providing that information is a great idae.
Just start a thread, in the appropriate forum;
Nature & Architecture
People & Pets
All the best,
I am Syed Ali, an academic from the UAE. I was reading the recent tutorial on "Making the most of natural light" and wondering if someone is aware of software that can emulate a change in lighting condition/direction for a given photograph to give a feeling of how the photo would appear?
Hello everybody!
My name is Fernando. I live in Minas Gerais – Brazil. I have been introduced to digital photography some five years ago. Reading a lot on that trying to improve my skills. My first camera was a Sony DSC H9, which is still shooting with me. Two years ago I bought a Nikon D90.
I am retired but still working.
Photography has been a pleasant hobby. I will post some of my last experiences and hope to have feedback from all of you. It would be great!
A warm welcome to CiC. I am very pleased you decided to join and hope you will be come a regular contributor to the forum.
I have moved your question into the 'Image Post-Processing and Printing' section of the firum, as it is then likely to be seen by more people who might provide an answewr, than would see it in this introductory posting.
And, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Fernando - Hello and welcome. It is wonderful to have another member from Brazil.
As I hope you have seen, CiC is a website made up of the tutorials and this forum, all designed to assist people to develop their photographic knowledge and skills, and to exchange views and opinions. I look forward to you being part of the discussions that take place.
Hello! I'm new here and fairly new to photography (aside from pictures of the kids and special occasions.) I'm learning to see the world in a different way.
Thanks to all of you who are sharing your work and encouraging me to try new things!
Hi! I am Kathleen K Parker from New Orleans, LA, USA and I have been a recipient of the newsletter for awhile. Decided to join up!
I really like this site, know I will learn from it, and am happy to be here!I do have a website. Let's see if I can place it here. http://www.kathleenkparkerphotography.com
I'm Harvey from West Chester, PA. I'm a clinical psychologist and photography is my hobby which I picked up again after 20+ years. I look forward to learning and contributing.
Michelle - Kathleen - Harvey
A collective very big welcome to each of you. I hope you enjoy being part of CIC.
Harvey - you said it all. It's about learning and contributing.
Kathleen - your website link is there. Thank you for posting it.
Michelle - As your learning develops you'll will start to see the world as a photographer ....... and it is wonderful. You learn to look much more keenly and see things that previously went un-noticed.
Hi, My name is Laurie, and I just started photography in January of this year. I have so much to learn, but I enjoy it a ton and bring my camera with me everywhere I go. After years of just using a point and shoot, I inherited a Canon Rebel XT EOS in July and I am still learning how to use it. I'm also a freelance journalist and have been selling my photos as an add on to the stories I write for my local newspapers and for the food column I write. I'm looking forward to being part of this wonderful community.
Hi everyone, My name is Candy and I live, in California, USA, I have had ny DSLR T2i (Canon) for 2 years, and have just started to produce great photographs, I want to photograph Blur in waterfalls, and have neutral density filters on ord, to allow me to do this, I know a little about this subject, is there a tutorial to help me on my way?
Hi to all from Montreal,
I am an amateur photographer that really got into digital photography three years ago.
Learning as much as possible from others is my goal and that is why I am here.
Learning curve has been steep and I find myself buying lenses, filters, software,
tripods, lighting and cameras regularly.
I find the time to go outside and take a "couple of shots" here in our beautiful city of Montreal, Old Montreal, Lachine Canal, Botanical Gardens and Mont Royal. There's always a festival to take photos of as well.
Look forward to the constructive and friendly approaches taken to sharing and learning on this site.
Candy - hello and welcome.
I hope you'll post up some of your images on CiC, either in the competition threads or for C & C.
As to your request - have you looked through the list of tutorials here on CiC? Most subjects are covered. If what you want to know about is not in a tutorial (or even if it is and you just want to know more), then start up a thread put a new message into a section of the site (e.g Nature & Architecture) and ask questions. The more specific you can be with your questions the better. Then people can direct their responses to the subject that you are asking about.
Howdy to all my name is Robert, I'am 47 years old, I live in Willunga, South Australia in between the ocean, at the foot of the mount lofty ranges, at the end of the Barossa valley.I was raise in the western suburbs of Sydney, I did enjoy spearfishing but due to asthma and several coughing fits that come with it , I now roam the dry lands looking for photos
Hello Everyone!
My name is Anatoliy, I currently reside in the state of California, but I am going back to Oregon soon. I have always been interested in photography. I enjoy taking pictures of landscape, birds, airshow, sports etc. My current tools of choice are a Canon 1D Mark IV and a Canon 5D Mark II.
I'm looking forward to being part of this wonderful community and learning on this site.
Thank You,
Hi everyone my name is casey "dubco" and I am currently living near the sandy beaches of the florida west coast. Photo journalist has been my hobby and I possess an unending desire to capture as many moments as my memory card can handle. Having the chance to travel often has given me the opportunity to see and experience many different cultures and ways of life. All deserving their own visual placement within my picture albums. I love to learn through others and enjoy viewing life through the lens of a photographer.
[QUOTE=lycan;147576]Howdy to all my name is Robert, I'am 47 years old, I live in Willunga, South Australia in between the ocean, at the foot of the mount lofty ranges, at the end of the Barossa valley.[/QUOTE]
Aah, the wine (anyway, that's another forum altogether)
Hello Robert and welcome to CiC. I hope you enjoy it.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.