Hi, I'm kendor living in Bedfordshir, UK, I have only recently become interested in Photography an at the moment take photos fof most things.
Hi, I'm kendor living in Bedfordshir, UK, I have only recently become interested in Photography an at the moment take photos fof most things.
Kendor - Hello. Welcome to CiC.
Taking photos of everything and anything is a good thing to be doing at this stage of your development in photography. It is all about learning and one of the most valuable ways of learning is to build experience out in the field. One of the things you can start doing right away is to test yourself before you press the shutter. Tell yourself what this image is going to look like once it's been processed back on the computer. What are the strong bits going to be? What's the main subject and how is it going to look on the computer screen compared to all the other bits in the picture? Are you sure there are no bits that you don't want, like lamp-posts coming out of people's heads or bits of tree sticking in at the side that you never noticed.
Doing all that teaches you to really look at start seeing the world in a different way.
And, then, of course, you can access all the help and support you want on here ... by just asking. Post up your images, say what you think about them and ask other people to comment. CiC is very much about helping people to learn. So, join right in. Good to have you here.
By the way, Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi everyone,
I'm ilcylao and I have a keen interest in photography. I'm very happy I found this place and I'm looking forward to a rewarding experience.
Hello all. Name is Tomas, i live in Ireland . Iv just bought a dslr a week and a half ago but have loved photography for over a year now and im looking foward to making a lifetime hobbie from it and maybe become great at it one day. This website just thought me alot in the months up to getting a dslr and i though id start my networking here where there seems to be a vast area of knowledge floating about. Im looking foward to learning and sharing and meeting some interesting people.![]()
Last edited by Eyesontoast; 4th October 2011 at 05:09 AM. Reason: typing error
Tomas - You are most welcome. Thanks for joining CiC.
This is certainly the place to be to develop your knowledge and skills. CiC is a learning community and as well as the tutorials you find on the site, this forum is focused on helping people learn. All you have to do is ask whatever questiosn you have, join in discussions and, of course, post up some of your work for comment.
So, I look forward to you being around for a long time to come.
Morning All
Im Martin from London. Been into photography about 3 years now and specialise in abandoned and derelict buildings, from old asylums to old industrial space.
Looking to learn some new tips and tricks from the more experienced people here.
I currently use a battered old Canon 450D with either a Sigma 10-20, EF-S 10-22, and the kit lens of EF-S 18-55
Looking to upgrade to a 5D mk II and a 17-40 within the next few months.
I have a Flickr account here http://www.flickr.com/photos/d-kay2009/
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th October 2011 at 07:38 PM. Reason: mended hyperlink
hi folks,
i am pema, lived in new york city but currently living in kathmandu, nepal. i have a great interest in photography but still finding the way to capture images that truly inspire me - very hard so i hope with everyones help i will succeed.
thanks and i love the tutorials
Hello fellow photographers. This is far and away one of the best photography learning and sharing sites out there, it's awesome! I live in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA. I am closing in on 50, married with three kids, and a professional geologist working for MWH, an environmental and engineering consulting firm. Photography is a hobby of mine, has been since I was in high school. I started as the high school yearbook photographer, mostly black and white, as we developed in a dark room fitted for B&W development. My first camera was a Pentax K1000. I went through a hiatus using only point and shoots for a many years, and about a year ago purchased a Leica V-Lux 2. Man I love photography. I only wish had more time to devote to it. Cheers to all of you. Toby
Martin First thing - That URL link isn't working. Do you want to check it?
Second thing - Hello and welcome. Great to have you here. And I love your chosen subject material. Can't wait to see some of your work.
Hopefully you've seen enough of CiC to know that's it's very much about learning and about people helping others to develop knowledge and skills. To that extent, it's very much a sharing resource.
So, please do join in.
Pema - Hello and welcome. I am sure you are the only currently active member based in Nepal. So a special warm welcome to you.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and find that it provides the help and support your require to help you in your development as a photographer.
To help everyone, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Closing in on 50, huh? A mere youth!
Welcome Toby. Great to have you here.
You started in photography in exactly the same way that I did ........ all those years ago. The thanks I owe to that teacher who recognised what would fire my interests, is immense.
Thanks for the comments about CiC. It is very much about people sharing knowledge and experience to help others. The really nice thing about and what keeps me here, is that there are no egos to massage. This is about sharing.
Last edited by Donald; 4th October 2011 at 06:02 PM.
Hello everyone, I'm Tristan, from Cape Town, South Africa. Since graduating at the end of 2010 I have taken my photography more seriously and since May have been traveling around the world and broadening my photographic and personal horizons. Finding my feet you may say. I can't say that I have a particular style of photography but rather dabble in anything that captures my emotion be it a landscape or a pattern or somebody's interesting face. I've been looking for an interesting forum to share my work and CiC seems to be the open community that I've been searching for. I look forward to sharing what I have and more importantly learning from those who have more experience than I do.![]()
My name is Mike ive just joined and looking forward to discussing all things photographic and hopefully learning a thing or two along the way. My one time hobby is turning into a passion now and i get out most weekendsand often take the camera into work with me . . i have recently upgraded my trusty Canon 400 ( D wich sadly died ?) i now have a nice shiny EOS 600 D and i replaced the kit lens with a Tamron 17/50 mm lens wich is great !! i recently did a weekend course in Yorkshire and im now taking better shots but always want to learn more i never realised how much went into simply "taking a photograph" i like Urban sports portraits and landscapes . . gonna upgrade (again ) to a Canon 7 D next year . .
Last edited by mike the bike; 4th October 2011 at 07:59 PM. Reason: inclusion of kit spec .
Oh dear, he's been bitten by the bug!
Hello Mike - Welcome to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being part of the learning community that is CiC. If you have any questions, then please do ask them. And, of course, post up your images, either for comment and criticism or in the competition threads.
Hello all,
I'm Mike, I live in Washington state. I work as a commercial fisherman. I've been interested in photography for a while, but only recently stepped up to a dslr (D5000), to try to capture the scenery, and wildlife passing by while I'm working. In the off season I have lots of spare time to learn more about photography and branch out of my comfort zone. Most of my pics are on shutterfly, but i am getting the hang of flickr as well.
I have visited this site before and am quite impressed by the breadth, and scope of tutorials available.
Last edited by Myk; 4th October 2011 at 11:45 PM. Reason: signature