Hi,i am elie and i am a beginer in photography an i hope to have more experience..![]()
Hello Elie and welcome to CiC.
Gaining more experience is something you can achieve by going out and shooting lots and lots of photographs and then analysing and assessing them to decide what works about them and what doesn't. And this is where CiC can come in. As well as helping you develop technical knowledge and skills, people on here can help you develop the 'artistic eye' so that you can make more informed judgements as to what makes and good image and what doesn't.
So, ask lots of questions. Post up images and ask people to comment on them. These are good ways of learning as you build up your experience.
And, by the way, where are you? You've maybe seen that most of us put our location into our profile so that it shows up alongside all our posts.You can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Great to have you here. I hope you enjoy it.
Hi, I'm John from Ohio, USA. Newly retired (a second time), and have chosen photography for a hobby. I know nothing. This site looks like the right place to learn. I'm open to cc.
I certainly hope that is what you find, John. It's what CiC aims to be about.
I'm very glad to be able to welcome you to CiC and hope that you find it helps you develop knowledge and skills and contributes to fueling your enthusiasm for photography. Once the bug bites, it's hard to shake it off.
So, please do ask questions. Lots of people on here will be very willing to do whatever they can to help you achieve your photographic ambitions.
I am sbzarur from Brazil.
Hope to learn a lot from this forum.
See you.
Hello! I am Marianne from Evansville, Indiana, not new to photography, but newly interested in becoming a better photographerWould love to take better photos of my two main interests, our grand-daughters and my flower gardens! Hope to learn a lot from this site!
Hello Sbzarur.
I hope you are able to learn here on CiC. That is certainly the aim of the forum and its accompanying tutorials.
What sort of subjects are you shooting at the moment? And what camera equipment do you have?
I hope we will be able to answer any questions you have.
Marianne - Hello and welcome.
I'm delighted to hear you want to move up the ladder into becoming a photographer rather than just someone who takes some photos. The learning curve is a wonderful journey of discovery and when you get to being able to produce images that you never thought you could, then you feel it is all worthwhile.
And people here on CiC will certainly be willing and able to give you all the support you want to achieve that.
So, as well as taking taking lots of photos and critically appraising them yourself, please do post them up on here and ask for comment. And, of course, ask whatever photography-related questions you have. There's no such thing as a dumb question on CiC?
Hi, my name is Judith, and I am from Eilat, Israel on the Red Sea. I have always enjoyed photography and now that I am retired, I have time to really learn and improve my skills. I just recently upgraded my camera body to the Nikon 7000 and purchased today my first ultra wide angle lens - Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8. I have studied the excellent tutorial on uwa lenses and tomorrow, I will begin learning how put theory into practice. I am very pleased to have found this wonderful community of photographers while searching for tutorial material.
Judith - What a highly discerning person you are! Yes, I have it as well (and I love it - a wonderful lens).
Hello and a very warm welcome to CiC. I hope you've seen enough of the forum to realise that this is very much a part of the same learning community as the tutorials. There is an extensive body of knowledge and experience exists amongst members on here that they are willing to share in order to help others develop their skills.
So, please do feel able to ask questions and, of course post up copies of your images for comment. It also allows you to cast a critical eye on your own work and ask yourself what are its strengths and weaknesses.
So, I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.
Hello I'm Carol, just joined your forum
I have always enjoyed photography but never understood any of the technical side. I am now doing a course with The Open University T189 to hopefully improving both my understanding of photography and improve my ability to take better pictures
I am currently learning how to use photoshop 8, but my experience is limited at the moment, organised pictures, resized images and played with cropping but that's about it.
I look forward to reading your tutorials and receiving some feedback from you (when I'm brave enough to post a picture
Carol - The best way of getting over the nervousness associated with posting your first image is to dive right in and do it. And once you find out that CiC is a place where folk don't criticise for the sake of it, but do make constructive comments to support and help colleagues learn and develop skills, then it gets a lot easier and makes a lot more sense.
Since you speak about the Open University, I'm guessing you're in the UK. But, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Anyway, it's great to have you on here. As I've said in this thread previously, there is no such thing as a dumb question on CiC. So please ask whatever photography-related questions come in to your head.
When you say 'Photoshop 8, I'm thinking you probably mean Adobe Elements 8 (or am I wrong in that). Again, you'll get all the help and advice you want on post-processing. Just ask.
Thank you for the welcome,
I will edit my profile and yes Adobe Elements 8.
Nice to be with you all!
I'm retired and so more easily able indulge my passion of 40 years these days, using a D700. Thanks for the tutorials - like so many others, I've been obliged to cross the gulf from film to digital and your guidance has been invaluable.
Happy shooting!
Chris, I'm very glad CiC has been of help to you and hope it will continue to be so for a long time to come.
A very warm welcome to you. I hope you will very quickly see that this tends to be both an informal and informative forum, with the focus very much on learning. So, questions, discussion points and images for comment are always welcomed.
As you've done, we tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello CiC Community,
I am an amateur photographer who is always eager to learn and improve. I have had my Canon Rebel XSi (450D) for 3.5 years (shot with a Sony H1 before that) with the following lenses: Canon 50 mm/1.4, Canon 24-105mm/4, Tokina 11-16/2.8. I also use a 1951 Rolleiflex 3.5 MX that belonged to my father.
I live in a beautiful area of the world and am fortunate to occasionally capture it appropriately. I also love to travel and have been to many parts of North America as well as Europe, Australia, Antarctica, and the Arctic.
Selkirk Mountains? They have got to have been named by a Scotsman!
Welcome, Ellen. And thank you for joining CiC.
You're the second person that's joined today that has the Tokina 11-16 f2.8. Me too, and there are some others on here.
A 1951 Rollei - Now we have got to see some images from that.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy being part of CiC. And remember - please do ask questions, join in discussions and, of course, post up your images.
Hi all,
A newbie here. Bought my d7000 kit about a month ago. previously been hijacking my friend's d90
Apologies in advance if i upset anyone with my newbie questions.![]()