Hello. and welcome to CiC.
I'm not sure what DEVC140 is (sounds like a programme or course), but whatever it is, I'm glad that it directed your towards this forum. I hope you enjoy it and that it does help you.
If you are wanting to learn and benefit from the experience of other photographers, you may find it mroe useful to post images into the main 'Nature & Architecture' or 'People & Pets' sections of the forum and ask fro comment and criticism. This is a much better way of learning that posting into competitions, although you are very welcome to also take part in those.
And, by the way, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello, just found your site while searching for information on equipment for macro photography. I am pleasently surprise by all the well documented tutorials. I look forward to learn more about your site and the photographs.
Hello everyone,
Xavier here, a student in Ithaca NY. I just acquired a Canon T2i, and I am hoping to get to know it well with your help! I used to have a Nikon F2 a few years back but unfortunately I haven't practiced since it broke 3/4 years ago. This is my first DSLR, I carefully read the tutorials here, which were fantastic, and I can't wait to navigate the forum to learn more.
Name is Geordie real name is Colin.
Brand new photographer only taken 50 shots with my new canon 1000
I feel slightly nervous amongst you guys.
I'm glad that you've found the tutorials useful. I hope you find the forum useful as well. One of the best ways, of course, of getting the most out of it is to come in with posts askign questions, giving your point of view, asking for comment on your pictures, etc. I think you'll find everyone friendly and constructive.
And .......as you will have seen, most of us use our real name on here. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
The one thing to remember is that every single person on here was once at the stage you are now at with their learning and development. The nice thing about this forum is that everyone remembers that as well. I can't remember any time on this forum when soemone has tried to come over all superior and ridiculed anyone else because of their lack of knowledge. If it did, they'd soon be off the forum. We just don't work that way on here.
So, please do get right into it. One of the best ways to find out things is to ask questions. So, please don't hold back. If you ask the question, then there will always be someone who comes along and offers an answer.
By the way, where are you? You can, if you wish go to Edit Profile and enter your location (down near the bottom of the Edit Profile dialogue) so that it appears alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello everyone, my name is Rudy. Originally from the Philippines and now living and working in Western Australia. Photography is my passion. It's my first time here and I am excited to know you. Hopefully, I am doing this right. If not, I do appreciate any assistance from you.
Ron Kennett is a retired professional aerospace executive, aged 76. He has been an amateur photographer for ever. In recent years he translated to digital photography through Leica cameras - Digilux 3, C-Lux 2, D-Lux 4 and X1. The new Fujifilm X-10 has just joined the stable to replace the D-Lux 4.
Hello everyone,
I am Lisa from London. I always loved pictures and photography...so I recently decided to get some more experience and hope to be able one day to become a good and professional photographer. I have recently bought a Nikon D7000 and there is so much I still have to learn about it. What I find most magical in photography is the shallow depths of field...I am completely amazed by that and I absolutely love it. I do photography as a hobby and hope that one day I can do it professionally for a livingam looking forward to lean a lot from this forum
Hello Ron and a very warm welcome to you.
As I hope you've seen, CiC is very much a learning forum. So, as well as, hopefully, you learning, I hope that 76 years worth of experience will be made available to others so that they might benefit and learn.
That's a nice line-up of Leica's that you list there.
I look forward to seeing some of your work on the forum.
And that, Lisa, is a hugely important starting point. Photography can be taken has a highly technical and intellectual subject. But I always think that unless you 'feel' the emotion and passion then you're not going to get that into your images.
You can learn all the technical stuff. But you can't learn passion.
There are lots of people with lots of knowledge and experience on here. And the really good thing about CiC is the culture of sharing and helping that exists. People don't hold onto their knowledge and make you feel stupid. They go out of their way to help others develop their skills.
So, please don't be shy about asking questions, even if you think they might be dumb questions. They're not!
It is my first time on a forum, I do have a lot of questions about photo techniques and equipment. I have a Sony dSLRa500, a macro lens 100mm and I am looking to find the best tripod and head for macrophoto.
Louise - In that case, I'm very glad that you've chosen to join CiC. I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.
Good. That's what CiC exists for. It is a learning resource. Alongside this forum are all the tutorials you can access from the menu bar above. This forum is about people asking questions. And just remember - if you think of a question, then it's an important question. Please don't ever stop to think whether or not you should ask something for fear that it isn't a 'clever' question. Just ask it.
And as first try out of that, why don't you take your question about tripod and head and start off a new thread in the Digital Cameras and Equipment section asking people for their opinions.
Hi All,
I'm Thilak, living in Japan. This is first time for me to use a Digital SLR, and it is Nikon D7000. I bought a Nikon Prime 50mm 1.8G, coz iam interested in taking portraits and candid shorts in closeup.
I'm interested in taking natural shorts, with lots of color and natural lighting. Like the picture taken in shopping streets, business peoples in marketing, street performers and people relaxing in parks.
CIC would be the best place where I can post my beginner captures and would appreciate you experts critics and comments, so that i can learn.
Iam interested in taking creative shorts with very unique angles and lighting.
I also bought a nikon speedlight sb-700.
Last edited by CosmicLatte; 10th December 2011 at 05:15 AM. Reason: Removed pic
I am Jagruti, student from India. Just started learning photography and using Nikon p90. Looking forward to learn more from this community.
Hello Thilak, and welcome to CiC. And congratulations on having the D7000.
I hope that this forum will be an aid to you learning and developing photographic skills. If you have any questions, please do ask. And please do join in the discussions.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.