Hello ,
Im Ariel working here in Saudi Arabia , Its nice to have this kind of websites that can help for those who really interested in photography . Hopefully by exploring and reading most of the topics here , I can enhance my ability to take photos in a professional way .
Good luck and more power cambridgecolour.
Hello, I'm Doug from Massachusetts. I'm a passionate amateur waiting on a D800 to arrive. I'm looking for a forum that is serious about photography, especially art and street photography. I've used Nikon for over 20 years and went digital in 2007. I'm experienced in both wet and digital darkrooms and use CS4 for processing. Nice to meet you.
Doug Anderson
Hi I'm from the Berkshires. Though I've been taking photos for years I need more technical help in the printing and sizing area.
Just joined a couple of days ago. My name is Rob. I live here in Southern California. My style is eclectic. . . maybe because I'm still learning. Much of my work are consolidated in my website www.justanobserver.com. I also periodically blog at www.juzno.com.
Thanks for letting me join. Cheers![]()
G'Day Everybody
As a new member I would like to introduce myself. My name is Andrew Smith and come from Adelaide in South Australia. I have recently retired from work and would like to become more involved in photography. I am relatively new to this hobby. My main interests is nature photography. As part of this my Wife and I have taken up Bushwalking. We are hoping to get fit as well as it's a good oppertunetly to see good nature shots. I hope that with joining this site I can get to know people with simular interests so we can share help and advise
Hello All! My name is Nadine, and I live in West Gardiner, Maine. My husband and I have built a post-and-beam home together, from the ground up, and we love our home. I've joined cambridgeincolour.com for some help with my scanning/archiving project. I have never done this before, so I might need a bit of help. I'm going to be scanning some old family 35 mm slides and archiving them. I want to make them of a certain file size and resolution so they can be uploaded to a website, and also be available to family members who may wish to make prints from the images on my as-yet-to-be-created website. Thanks so much!
Hi my name is Lianne, I am from Brisbane Australia, I am new to photography, but very interested in it.
My aim is to take amazing pic's, to take it up as a part time job and just enjoy the ride.
hello, i am deepali from India. I am doing photography since one year . While searching for tips I came across your site and I found it wonderful. wish to learn and growup as a good photographer
Last edited by drdmkadam; 16th April 2012 at 03:00 PM. Reason: wanted to post an image
Hi all, this is Ajay from varanasi India. By profession I'm a journalist but I'm interested in all forms of art especially photography and graphic design. I love to spend my time 'photoshopping', internet surfing and learning new things.
I own a very humble Canon 1000D. I learnt about the art and science of Photography from several books, magazines and website but since i landed on CiC i havn't found anything better for a learner - at least for me.
I like the personal feel of the website...thank you all at CiC...
Greetings All,
I have been an amateur - semi professional photographer for 35+ years. I have shot weddings and events, but my favorite subjects have no people in them, landscapes and garden photography. Having discovered Photoshop several years ago, and assisting at my wife's picture framing shop, I now have another career in photo-restoration. I do love bringing back a 100 year old photo to almost new condition, or an old faded polaroid that is "our only picture of Aunt Nellie". I use a Canon T1i in my outings, and I have discovered a wonderful enhancement product in Nik software. I live in Staten Island,NY, and I hope to pick your collective brains.
Hi, I'm Roz and have been a professional photographers for too many years to mention!
My favourite photography is gig photography, which is where I started when I worked for a Record company and Artiste's Management team. I have since been a wedding photographer and run two camera clubs. More recently I started a small group of Professional photographers and we have great fun going out and about on projects that match each other's skills.
I teach them Photoshop (CS5) but am always seeking new skills in that program to pass on to them.
I hope I can learn much from this site and if Ihave any help I can offer I will happily do so, as exchange of knowledge is the secret to all learning.
Hello everyone, my name is Michael. I live in Canada. I am a amateur photographer, with an artistic vision, trying to please my inner child.
I have just been taking photographs for the past 3 years. Still learning, on every outing and probably will continue for years to come.
Apologies to everyone back to post #835 for not being on here before now to offer you a very warm welcome to CIC. I am a a 4 day congress in the city of Belfast to do with my work (something has got to pay for photography!) which has been so intense that I haven't had time to log on to CiC. But, just managed to grab a bit of time to catch up.
So - Ariel, Doug, 'Clear', Rob, Andrew, Nadine, Lianne, Deepali, Ajay, Charloie, Roz, Michael - Thank you for joining CiC. For those of you who see yourselves nearer the beginning of the learning curve, I certainly hope you find this site a valuable resource in helping develop your knowledge and skills. For those of you, like Roz, who've been at for a while and who have even made a living from it, I do hope you will feel able to share your knowledge and experience to help others learn.
ps - I'll be back home in Scotland tomorrow, so will be bale to get back into normal routines. Now, it must be time to go down to the bar!
my name is Raissa, i am currently an art student in Bandung, Indonesia. i am exploring photography, and really want to expand my skills and experience. i always interested in story that told inside a picture, and i really want to be a pro in picturing the story of human culture.
Hi everyone, I'm Mei and i am very new to digital photography, i hope you guys will help me nurture my passion as i journey photography's world.
Hello Raissa & Mei,
Great to have you both with us - hope we can help you with your photography in this little part of our journey through life together.
If you get a chance, it would be great if you could pop your first names into the Real Name part of your profile -- that way we'll know what to call you.
PS: We also help people with spelling and punctuation here(Lesson 1: It's "I" not "i"
Hello, my name is Jan, living in Bavaria. I follow this very informative forum already for some time passively. The challenge is a nice idea. I'll try to participate. I started my photographical hobby in 1959 with a Leica IIf. My favorite now is a Sigma DP1s. But my Leica is a companion (updated to a IIIf) still.
Last edited by jankapp; 18th April 2012 at 10:16 AM. Reason: update
Hi everyone. Thought my first post should belong in here, so i shall begin with introducing myself.
Im Scott and currently live just outside Southend-on-Sea in Essex. Ive been into photography now for nearly 2 years now and look forward to my spare time when i can get out and shoot away. Im mainly into landscape and seascape photography, but also enjoy street photography and soon want to learn studio photography. Although Essex is probably the least attractive county for landscape/seascape photography, its a start and really envy the people living in the rugged coastal areas like Dorset and Cornwall to name only a couple!
Im currently an active forum poster in Talk Photography but wanted to join another forum as to gain more knowledge from the members here.
I look forward to the future discussions with some of you and also receiving any critique and feedback on any photo's i post