Hello. I'm Christopher from the Philippines. I'm kinda new to photography so I'm going to need all the knowledge that you guys can give me![]()
Hello. I'm Christopher from the Philippines. I'm kinda new to photography so I'm going to need all the knowledge that you guys can give me![]()
That's what CiC is all about, Uday. I am sure you'll enjoy being part of the forum and hope that you will join in the discussions and tap into the knowledge and experience that is available here and which people are very willing to share.
Where in India are you and do you have any preferences in terms of your photography; e.g. people, landscapes, cityscapes, etc?
Christopher (that would do fine under your real name in your profile) - great to have you here. Thanks for signing up.
I hope you do find that between the tutorials and the help that will be available here on the forum, that CiC does contribute to you quickly developing your photographic knowledge and skills.
It's nice to have another person from the Philippines on CiC.
I'm a Spaniard living in Ireland, I've been taking photos for a long long time, but I've never paid much attention to technique or equipment. I've recently purchased a GX1 (with 14-42 kit zoom lens, 28-84 on 35 mm equiv) as I am a firm believer in carrying a camera with you as often as you can.
Since I want to 'unlearn' some of the habits I learnt from compact cameras with zoom lenses, I'm now waiting on my first prime, a 50mm equiv, and see what I can do.
When left unsupervised I am often found crouched by the nearest flower patch. No idea why, I keep taking photos of flowers, here is a recent one:
Crocus by Alfonso Armenta, on Flickr
Alfonso - That is a very nice image with which to introduce yourself on CiC. Only bit I'm not so sure about is that pathway running across the frame.
Anyway, hello and welcome and thank you form deciding to join CiC. I hope that being part of the forum can help you 'unlearn' the bad habits and start to develop the skills and knowledge that will be part of taking your photography to the next level.
Last edited by Donald; 23rd April 2012 at 11:35 AM.
Diane here.
I registered the other day. I have a little Sony cybershot point & shoot 7.2 mg pixels. At my current stage of photo taking the Sony does well but doesn't have the telephoto lens capability and a recent buy of a Panasonic Lumix FZ100. The more I take pictures , the moreI am
about the settings. There are so many(lumix)settings! Where to start even? So far I mainly use the automatic point & shoot & a bit of Macro. I'd like to take night shots of the sky but still don't understand the lingo. & what would be the settings to start at. Is a tripod necessary all the time for night sky shots? Flash? It has night auto settings but any pictures are fuzzy so far. Don't know if it is my inexperience or the camera. We have some great northern lights & I'd like to capture some. Beginning to think I'd rather have enjoyed a Nikon of some sort with the lens available & lack of understanding to really make a good decision about them on my budget.
I also have some additional lens filters but need to use the adapter to use them. I think maybe waiting before I play with them & get to know the camera better.
Also the movie making has mutiple settings. Which setting may be a good starter for a beginner if there is one? I'm thinking of using the jpeg settings at first but like the idea of RAW files too. I know RAW files take up more space.
I tried loading a picture but doesn't seem to work for me esp. since I am still on dialup. Was it the dialup or lack of understanding.
I have a varied 'portfolio', dare I even use that word. of pictures & a few nature movies,e.g. family of rabbits playing in the early morning around the trees in the yard.
Sometimes a lucky event like that comes very unexpectantly, once. I finally posted a photo here. Since I reduced the size I don't think the vibrant cloud colours are as visible as the original.
still learning,
Last edited by Diane; 23rd April 2012 at 03:59 PM.
My name is Miguel, I am from Argentina and I have my residence for many years in the Dominican Republic. I am learning how to take better pictures and I think this is the best place to learn.
Please be patient with my English . I am also learning your language.
I am going to copy your post above (#901) into the Digital Cameras & Equipment section of the site. This section is just for saying hello and a lot of members won't see your questions if they remain here.
I will rename the thread - New Member: Looking for guidance on learning to use her camera
I'm Barbara, and I'm brand new and excited to learn. I've lurked a bit and love what I see. Thanks to all the mods who spend time here, and to all the artists who share their work and knowledge.
I'm busily studying the ins and outs of DSLRs and enjoying the learning curve! I love the idea that no matter how much you learn, there's always more. Always the next pinnacle to reach.
Hi, I'm Phil and I'm new to this site. I hope to learn and possible contribute some knowledge to the forums. Thanks a lot!
Hi all,
I'm a published ex-pro who mainly did press work for local and regional newspapers plus some agency work back in the day. A radical change of circumstances about 15 years ago forced me to put my cameras away (F4s's were my workhorses but I often used an F2AS for street-cred) and even though I've had a DSLR (a Nikon D200) for about 5 years now, i've only just got around to trying to learn how to use it. I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to stop thinking in terms of film and embrace the new - old habits die hard and I find myself sub-conciously shooting in blocks of 30 - 36 frames with the camera (more often than not) set to manual, and if it wasn't for the fact that over the years my eyesight has gone down hill I'd probably still be using my AIS lenses too.
Hey everyone,
My name is Fatima and I'm from ME (Bahrain to be specific). It has been 2-3 years since I started using DSLR cameras. Now I'm interested in anything that has to do with cameras and photography.
I've read your tutorials (over and over) several times and I still go through them whenever I feel like it.
I am thrilled to have joined your community and I hope that I fit in among you..
my flickr
My name is Francis
I am new to this forum but not to photography I have been shooting around 30 years never been published. I entered one local photo comp. never tried again work and family always seem to take more time than we expect. Now being sorta semi retired stay at home dad ( for 9 years now) and the kids getting older and needing less from me I am focusing on some old projects i have been wanting to do for several years now......been trying to enter the mini comp here but the uploader keeps timing out??? will keep trying. My Facebook page is
Hello everyone,
My name is George and originally from New York but now living in Louisville KY , USA for the past eleven years. I'm a former RIT graduate of Biomedical Photographic Communications major. I've been involved in photography and Darkroom printing for over 30 years and now specializing in Macro Photography. I recently bought a new camera and lens - the Pentax K-5 and 100mm macro WR lens and was lucky I got the lens for about 250 dollars less as Pentax raised their prices on their lens this month so there would not be unfair competition between the big and small stores. Now looking into getting a wide angle lens. My Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1427822189 which shows some of my work but also have a website that I'm redoing. My latest photo I shot is here ....
Last edited by dudleyg; 24th April 2012 at 03:54 PM.
What a fantastic rush of new folks signing up and introducing themselves on here, all since I signed off last night here in dear old Scotland. Maybe there's a message there for me! Mmm.
Anyway, welcome to you all.
That's what CiC is about Barbara. So please do get right in there. There is no such thing as a dumb question on CiC.
And that is also what CiC is about - Contributing whatever and whenever we can to help others learn and develop skills.
Mike, I certainly hope that knowledge and experience about how to make images will be shared on here and that, in return, you get whatever assistance you ask for in coming to terms with pixels instead of good old film.
Fatima - I hope that you will certainly feel that this is the right place for you to be. Everyone is welcome here, so long as their interest is in learning and in developing photographic knowledge and skills. Thank you for deciding to 'sign-up' on the forum.
Francis - sorry about that problem you're having getting pics up into eh Mini Comps. If it persists, let us know. I haven't heard of that being a problem before. Good to have you along.
Hello George. Thanks for joining CiC. That's an impressive CV you've got there and I hope, like I said above, that your knowledge and experience will be shared with others seeking to learn. I hope, too, that you enjoy being part of the forum and join in the discussions/debates that take place.
Hi, I'm Soph, from Melbourne in Australia. I have been photographing for the past few years - love the 'magic' of it and want to work on finding and creating more of it. Am not particularly techie by nature, but am slowly improving my shooting and editing, so look forward to the sort of learning that this community seems to be producing and valuing. I have a Nikon D90 and found this website by googling a question about using my (new) wide angle lens (10-24mm - very exciting!).
Thank you Donald.
I am at present putting together a number of basic digital photography tutorials such as "How to download images into your computer" and "Memory Cards".
I have not had much time to follow any of the discussions but I hope that will change shortly.
Hi everyone! My name is Marc from Pittsburgh, PA, USA. I have taken digital photography as my primary hobby. I hope to develop my skills and enjoy my new hobby to its fullest extent. I look forward to learning and sharing information with members of the forum