Hi Andi,
I'd second Colin's recommendation of Scott Kelby's books, they are the sort where once you have read them, if you're not sure how to do something, you can pick it up a again and find the answer in seconds.
I had one from the lending library on Elements 5, since then I have been given (as presents) two other's (on my version; 6), but they are no-where near as useful as I found Scott's.
What sort of things get in your viewfinder most regularly?
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
To be honest, I wonder how Scott manages to do it - he's THE most successful writer across all technical disciplines - is "commander in chief" for so many organisations - and STILL has time to attend workshops.
I'm surprised he hasn't written a book on effective time management yet!
Hi everyone,
My name is Velo but you can call me taz, it's my usual nick. I'm coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina (to be sharp - from Herzegovina) and I'm new in HDR photography.
I have been surfing around the net and I found your forum very interesting. My first question is what can I do with 5MP compact camera? What are the minimum requirements for good HDR photo?
That's all for now. Sorry for my bad english.
Hi taz,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.
Your English absolutely fine!
As Colin requests, if you let us know the manufacturer and the model number, we can look it up and see what it is capable of. There are many other things that will affect the ability to get decent HDR.
Best regards,
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I am Fred Estioko from the Philippines. I have taken photography as a hobby for quite sometime. I had a chance to use one of only 2 model of Mamiya SLRs. For a long time I worked with a Pentax ME Super with a SMC Pentax-M 50mm f1.4 and SMC Pentax-M 135mm f3.5. I upgraded to a Pentax MZ-M and a battery pack using a couple of AA batteries with a wide angle zoom SMC Pentax-A 35-80mm f4-5.6 and a telephoto zoom SMC Pentac-A 80-200mm f4.7-5.6. I was able to use my older lenses with my new body.
I shifted to D-SLRs about 4 years ago and started with a Pentax *ist DS with the 18-55 kit lens. I also bought auto focus lenses: a SMC Pentax-FA 20-35mm f4, a SMC Pentax-FA 28-105mm f4-5.6 and a SMC Pentax 80-320mm f4.5-5.6 There was more contentment with the D-SLR than with film cameras even as most of my photos were done on Ektachrome 64.
A year ago I have invested in a Pentax K10D using my old Pentax lenses. Just recently I finally decided to continue being a Pentax photographer and expanded my lenses to include a SMC Pentax-DA Fish Eye 10-17mm f3.5-4.5, a SMC Pentax-D FA 100mm f2.8 Macro, a SMC Pentax-DA* 16-50mm f2.8 and a SMC Pentax-DA* 50-135mm f2.8.
I am now sharing my *ist DS camera with my daughter who is starting to enjoy the art mostly with her friends and classmates in high school.
I need to ask my eldest son on some rudiments on Photoshop as he has working experience being a Fine Arts graduate with years of experience in an advertising agency.
I am happy to be a part of this group both to learn more and share my experiences. Thanks.
Thanks for the welcome,
I have Olympus C-500, 5MP, 3x optical zoom, 4 years old :-)
Please check the image...
Hi taz,
Is it this one?
It is shown as a "Stylus 500", but is about the right age (2005), zoom (3x) and megapixels(5), I suspect it is; sometimes the model numbers are different in different continents.
I am going to copy this post and my reply about HDR to that forum, for better response from others.
It's this one...
taking pix for over 50 years, now a web designer and layabout
imaging tools leicas, rolleiflex, pentax, various other non suitabe digitasl stuff, now a sony a200
trained in the art of synical sarcasm, by experts!
will join in when I have lost my timidness!
ps he who dares take pix!
Hi there, I'm Timothy and I'm form India and I'm a hyper neophyte when it come to photography and am glad I came across this site today. Looking forward to learn a lot through this.
Hi Pablo,
Welcome to the CiC forums.
I hope the timidness does wear off soon.
What sort of things do you dare to take pix of with say, the A200?
I can do cynical too, just ask them at work,but you may have a few years on me.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 29th September 2009 at 05:35 PM.
Hi Timothy,
This is an excellent place to learn, so don't hesitate to ask questions, or post pics for critique.
The more you join in, the more you get out
What sort of camera are you using?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Fred,
It certainly looks like you took the Pentax plunge with all those lenses!
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums and we look forward to the next post from you.
Hello Everyone...
Amateur photographer looking to take it up to the next level.
I have a Rebel XSi with 50mm 1.8, 28-105mm 3.5-4.5, 10-22mm 3.5-4.5, Tamron 75-300mm and 18-55mm kit lens.
I look forward to conversing with all of you.
Hi Ramblinman,
Welcome to the CiC forums, do post any questions or photos you have.
You've a good spread of lenses there, able to tackle almost anything - so since that's no clue, what sort of subjects take your fancy?
Best regards,
Hello everyone and a warm welcome from Norfolk (UK). I found this site by accident and was stunned by the quality of the images displayed in the gallery. Living less than hour from Cambridge I recognised some of the locations but had never seen them in the way that they had been capture -absolutely superb.
I enjoy taking landscape images and am currently working to improve my portraiture work.
I am a member of Caston Camera Club -set in the heart of Breckland - we're a friendly bunch of people with a passion for photography.
I am currently considering upgrading my Canon 400D and am tempted by the 7D which I'm keen to give the "once over" when it becomes available.
I'm looking forward to reading the threads within this forum and taking part in the discussions.