Welcome to CiC, it is good to have such an experienced photographer join.
I look forward to seeing more of your work and hope you can find the time to help and advise the less experienced members.
It's great to have you with us.
Welcome to CiC, it is good to have such an experienced photographer join.
I look forward to seeing more of your work and hope you can find the time to help and advise the less experienced members.
It's great to have you with us.
Hi all, I'm an oldy professional photographer in Mexico, I actually do some architectural photography ( & and fashion catalogs 3 times a year for a local customer ( Business is no more near what it used to be, so I am getting involved into adapting cameras to use in iridology as a new activity and the results do raise much interest.
I'll have to take the time to review most of this place, at first sight it looks quite nice.
Last edited by fotolub; 2nd August 2012 at 12:17 AM.
Hi Francisco,
welcome to CiC. You are correct this is a very nice site and we look forward to seeing your work. I too like architectural photography so will be interested in your posts.
kind regards
Hi My Name is steve and i live and work in london (work in the city). I am a Keen Photographer and constantly learning.
Happy to have joined this site and look forward to many informative discussions. Looking forward to improve my skills.
Great to have you here. I understand there's some sort of sports event on in your home town at the moment!
I hope you will join in the discussions. Everyone's view on here is welcomed and respected. It's not one of those forums where you get berated if you don't seem to know enough. That's why, I think, it's such a good learning resource. People can come in and ask there questions knowing they are not going to be told they should already know the answer.
So, I hope you will use your knowledge and experience to help others learn, as well as gaining new knowledge yourself.
By the way, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
hi name zola age 50 something just bought nikon 5100 no photos yet getting used to it first
need to know the best set up to get the best from my 5100 if anyone has a nikon5100 it would be a great help
from kent love going to the south coast like black and white photos
Welcome to CiC, this is a great place to learn and I sure one of our members will be able to help you with your Nikon. I would suggest you post one of your pictures and let us know what you are happy with and what your not, then we can start to help you. Also don't forget this site has some great tutorials, well worth a read.
As I always say "you only get out of a forum what you put in" so get posting my friend and enjoy the experience.
I look forward to seeing your work.![]()
Hi - I'm Gordon, born in Scotland, moved to New Zealand at age 2, been here ever since. I'm a fitter at Kiwirail Woburn Workshop in Hutt Valley. Just getting back into (very amateur) photography after purchasing a Canon EOS 600D. I'm really just a point-and-shoot guy albeit with a strong interest in experimenting with and learning absolutely everything photographic!
Last edited by Gordy; 4th August 2012 at 08:49 PM.
Hi Gordon,
a very warm welcome to CiC from me.
This site has good tutorials and the members are more than willing to help and advise you on how to improve your pictures.
I look forward to see your work and talking to you further over the coming weeks.
Hi, I am Julie from Tasmania, just stumbled across this forum and so far i really like what i see.
I am a hobby photographer, i have a Canon 40D with various lenses and my latest purchase which i'm loving is the Fuji X100.
Hoping i can help contribute to the forum , and thanks to all for the behind the scenes work ...![]()
Hey Rivka - my name is James - new member, and looking through the posts I noticed you are from Chico - that's where I am from also - small world. I would imagine you have a lot more opportunities for photography than we do here (unless of course you like rice and almondsAnyhow, hope you enjoy the site
Hey everyone - My name is James, and I just joined so thought I would introduce myself. I stumbled across this site by accident, but glad I did. I am currently shooting a Nikon d300 - just moved up from a d200 so still getting used to the differences. I shoot a variety of subjects, but mostly nature photography. Would love to get into shooting people, but don't have the budget or the skills, so at least for now I guess I will stick to things that don't require a model release![]()
Hi Everyone,
My name is Don, have used and recommended this site for years as an educational reference but never thought about the forums. But, they look engaging so I'm in for a spin. Hail from the Greater Chicago area, have my roots in Pittsburgh PA though. Enjoy most genre's and seem to go through phases. Been shooting about 5 years, and love it. At a cross roads in my development where I really need to focus on continual improvement. Have become a little complacent along those lines.
James - Hello and welcome. I'm glad you stumbled across CiC too.
There area lot of people on here who are very willing to share knowledge and experience in order to help others develop their skills and abilities. So, as well as you learning, I hope you will share your knowledge with folks. CiC is that sort of forum.
By the way, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi all, My name is Dave, keep amature photograper from North Nottinghamshire, been taking "snaps" for over 45 years and have a good wife who allows me to indulge my hobby, only down side is she wants me to have a camera she can use occasionaly so just upgraded my Nikon D40X I bought in 2007 for a Nikon D3200 with a Tamaron 18 to 270 lens, covers all my requirements and its easy for here as well. Found this site today and am very impressed, look forward to becoming a contributing member.
Dave - A very warm welcome.
Glad you found CiC and that you like what you've read so far. I hope what you'll find is a friendly bunch of people who share a passion for helping colleagues learn and develop and who appreciate the constructive comments of others.
I hope you enjoy being involved.
Brenda here, joining y'all from New England! I am a serious hobbyist (of 25 or so years) turned semi-pro photographer by demand. I started shooting sessions for my daughters and their friends, and then their friends, and so on, which turned into where I am today.. booked solid June-September primarily shooting Senior Portraits! Always yearning for more information.. My goal this year is perfect skies!!