Thanks Don...
Thanks Don...
Hello! Photography is my passion. I've always been a shutterbug, but only got serious about photography a couple of years ago. I've been studying it a lot this year via online classes/webinars/videos/articles. Not sure whether I want to go into business. My subjects are usually people and I prefer shooting candids and lifestyle.
I'm married and we have three kids ages 11, 8, and 5; we live in Fredericksburg, VA.
I just learned of this forum when someone in one of my groups posted a link to the histogram tutorial. Good to see it's pretty active.
Here's a recent photo I made. My photo gallery is HERE. I'd love constructive criticism. Thanks!
Good Evening to All
I have been reading CIC since January figured it was time to say hello. My name is Barry and my wife and I reside just outside Windsor On. Canada during the summer. I have been interested in Photography for 5 or 6 years using a point and shoot, finally purchased a Pentax K-7 in late 2010 so it really is a newer hobby to me.
I am looking forward to any help or criticism that will make my newest hobby better and therefore more rewarding.
Last edited by nosheets; 15th August 2012 at 02:27 PM.
Hi everyone, I am Hooman from Milton, Canada. I am not new in old style SLRs but am certainly new in digital cameras, and since the tutorials on this site have helped me a lot to understand digital censors and so on, i am feeling much comfortable in digital photography now. I have been lately focusing on bellow converters for my 5D2 and trying to see if they are really can convert a DSLR to a view camera. I am familiar with the concept and I know in product photography using bellows is just the perfect scenario but i have to find out if it works with FX censors. Thank you for accepting me.
Hello, I am Sherif Sharkawy (hence my user name SSharkawy) 24 y.o from Alexandria, Egypt. I came across your forum while looking for information on star shooting, and for my delight I found some really helpful information in the first thread I opened. So I decided to join, it seems like a neat place you guys have here. I've been doing photography for a couple of years now, not much professionally yet, but I am serious about it and trying to make it a side career along my main thing in Computer Science and Software Development.
I am constantly learning new things since I have interest in all sorts of photography, even the extreme highly technical types, and this is where I think this place might be the most helpful along with receiving constructive critique.
I intend to keep learning and not wishing for a point where there is no more to learn, because that's mainly the fun part and the way to experimentation and better results.
My current gear is: Canon 500D/T1i , Canon EF-S 18-55mm II IS 3.5/5.6, Canon EF 50mm 1.8, Fotodiox macro extension tubes.
hi everyone, I'm from St.Catharines/Ontario,Canada. Just beginner in digital photography. My English is a second language so I do not have a very extended vocabulary . I do not have a webpage yet. Kind regards .
Hi Everyone, My name is Brian and I'm a new member who is very keen to learn as much as I can. I was born in South Africa and emigrated to Australia 17 years ago. I've been interested in photography for many years, starting with my Kodak box brownie, then moving on to a Canon AE1 film 35mm SLR camera (remember that), and I now own a Canon EOS 60D SLR camera with a few lenses. I'm still learning how to capitalise on the DSLR. Hope to have a mutually beneficial relationship with CiC.
Regards, Brian
Wonderful. A rush of folks joining up whilst I've been offline. Great to see.
Michele, Barry, Hooman, Sherif, wszebor, Brian ............. A very warm welcome. Great to have you all here.
CiC is very much a learning resource and a place where people do share knowledge and experience in order to support others in their learning and development. So, whether you think of yourself as more knowledgeable and able to help others, or someone who will prefer to soak up knowledge, then I do hope you enjoy being involved.
So please do post up questions, join discussions and, of course two main comment & criticism sections (Nature & Architecture and People and Pets). Unlike some other forums, we only have these two sections. We believe that keeps things much simpler and more straightforward.
And finally, for those of you didn't put your proper name and/or location into your profile, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi everyone. My name is John or EmptyWallet to my family. This is due to my photography hobby. Anyway I've been snapping for twenty years but only enthusiastically from about late 2002 when I bought my 1st digital camera a Minolta F100. Progressed to a Fuji A5500 then a Nikon D 70 then my current D 90.
So to cut a long story short, I hail from Lisburn in Northern Ireland. I enjoy Marco, portrait and wedding photography ( I have 5 weddings under my belt now, all as wedding presents for friends and family. )
I hope to learn from more knowledgeable people than myself and share what I think I know with people who have less experience than myself.
With that level of experience you will have plenty of people looking for guidance. Pretty regularly we get posts up along the lines of, "I've been asked to shoot a friend's wedding. What advice would you give me?" So, I hope you'll pitch in when you see them.
Good to have you here, John.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi all.
My name is Colin. I'm a Canadian but i've lived in Changsha, Hunan, China for the past 10 years.
I'm very new to photography but enthusiastic about learning. I am currently learning the basics and experimenting with my camera to get comfortable. I recently purchased a Sony NEX 5N with the 18-55mm kit lens. Although I'm interested in all forms of photography, I am most interested in street photos. Although China has many scenic locations, I live in basically a concrete jungle of 7,000,000 people. It's a vibrant and economically growing city though.
I plan to learn with what I've got then add lenses in the future. I use Aperture on the Mac and probably do too much with it now as I'm learning.
I have a lot to learn and I'm very pleased to join this community.
Yep, I think everybody's been there, Colin, so don't get concerned about that. As you learn and develop so you will refine your workflows.
Great to have you here. Thanks for joining.
I do hope that, for you, CiC lives up to its billing as a learning resource and that you do find being part of the forum does contribute to an increase in knowledge and skills.
Please do jump in to discussions, ask questions and, of course, post up some of those street shots.
Hi, I am Francesca, from Italy. I am fond of macro photographs, but a total beginner in the field!!!! Hopefully, I shall find help here.
Hello Francesca and welcome to CiC.
I hope that you will find the help you seek now that you are a member of the forum. People on here are always very willing to share their knowledge and experience and there are members who produce very high quality macro images. If you just type 'macro' into the search window near the top of the page, you will see a list of threads all about the subject.
Hello, My PhotoPhriends! I am excited to dive into this Forum and learn a few things, in addition to, contributing a few as well. I am a Southern Gal born and raised northeast of Atlanta. Our seasons are beautiful, our lakes are clean, our mountains are grassy and there is so much opportunity here for incredible pictures. That is, if you have the knowledge and talent to shoot them correctly; and, that's why I here! Excited! and looking forward to becoming quite skilled at my craft.
Canon EOS T2i
G'day to everyone. I am Bob, from Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. I am in the senior age bracket of life, and I have taken a strong & keen interest in achieving a higher level of amateur ability in being able to take nice photographs in any field. To learn, is to ask. To ask is to seek the information you require, and with that, you can head towards your objective. And that is, to be a better, basic, no frills, reasonably good photographer where your family and mates appreciate your final output in your photos! This website looks so exciting...... thank you to the hosting masters......Bob.
I am Ric,I have been an avid photographer for 20+ years and have decided that I want to take pictures professionally. I hope that what I learn from other members will help me become a better photographer.![]()
Gerita - That is indeed where I hope and think that CiC will be a useful resource. It is very much about trying to help people learn.
So I hope you enjoy being involved and thank you for signing up.
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
That very much sums up the CiC philosophy.
Welcome, Bob. Great to have you here.
I'm glad that you like what you've seen so far and i hopoe that being part of the forum just makes the experience even better.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. So that people know what that is, did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.